Would you volunteer for the armed forces if your home was Baltimore?


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

They can't tell it is a shithole?
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
some might just to get out of Baltimore...
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Prostitution or drugs?
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Hopefully, you too experienced a miraculous non-surgical cure!
The military can get people out of a bad situation or doldrums. The threat of skirmishes and war of course is there. But it is more successful then anything else in doing that for people affected. However, there is a drop off in quality today after a certain level with military volunteers. The military also seems to be less accepting of individuals causing trouble. Perhaps the tech age has something to do with it.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Hopefully, you too experienced a miraculous non-surgical cure!
/—-/ My chiropractor suggested inserts for my shoes that had a slit in it and would prevent pressure on the spurs. I had to tread gingerly for at least a year. Thank you for your concern.

Now having a forced 20 mile march in full gear with bone spurs would be impossible as would bring in a combat situation. Now what was Bill Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s Excuse?
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Hopefully, you too experienced a miraculous non-surgical cure!
/—-/ My chiropractor suggested inserts for my shoes that had a slit in it and would prevent pressure on the spurs. I had to tread gingerly for at least a year. Thank you for your concern.

Now having a forced 20 mile march in full gear with bone spurs would be impossible as would bring in a combat situation. Now what was Bill Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s Excuse?

I don't know about Joe but I am betting that there were no lies involved. You already Know that Clinton had a student deferment
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Prostitution or drugs?
/—-/ Have you ever stepped on a thumb tack with your heel, while barefoot? Imagine that pain in both feet with every step you took for a year.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Hopefully, you too experienced a miraculous non-surgical cure!
/—-/ My chiropractor suggested inserts for my shoes that had a slit in it and would prevent pressure on the spurs. I had to tread gingerly for at least a year. Thank you for your concern.

Now having a forced 20 mile march in full gear with bone spurs would be impossible as would bring in a combat situation. Now what was Bill Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s Excuse?

I don't know about Joe but I am betting that there were no lies involved. You already Know that Clinton had a student deferment
/—-/ Yeah, Bill “I loathe the military “ Clintoon
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Prostitution or drugs?
/—-/ Have you ever stepped on a thumb tack with your heel, while barefoot? Imagine that pain in both feet with every step you took for a year.

Well, now, Cell, I have feet neuropathy, and have had it since 1999, with every single day of my life in severe pain in my feet, for which I have to take at least 1200 MG of gabapentin every day, so I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy to spare.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Prostitution or drugs?
/—-/ Have you ever stepped on a thumb tack with your heel, while barefoot? Imagine that pain in both feet with every step you took for a year.

Well, now, Cell, I have feet neuropathy, and have had it since 1999, with every single day of my life in severe pain in my feet, for which I have to take at least 1200 MG of gabapentin every day, so I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy to spare.
/—-/ I don’t want your sympathy. Now explain why the military would reject a recruit with bone spurs?
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Democrats create shithole plantations and when you call them out on it they call you racist. It's all they have left as they can't defend those shitholes.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Democrats create shithole plantations and when you call them out on it they call you racist. It's all they have left as they can't defend those shitholes.
/—-/ A friend lived in San Fran back in the 70s and raved about it. She went back last June and was in tears when she saw the shythole it had become.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

This isn't about Baltimore. It's about Ivanka. Cummings is Oversight Committee Chairman, and is getting ready to subpoena her. The thought of a black man in position of authority questioning his daughter, is more than he can take.

As it gets closer to indictment time for the dotard crime family, he knows he and little Ivanka are going to get bled for tens of millions in legal fees, trying to keep their candy asses out of prison.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Democrats create shithole plantations and when you call them out on it they call you racist. It's all they have left as they can't defend those shitholes.

And another America hater heard from!
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Democrats create shithole plantations and when you call them out on it they call you racist. It's all they have left as they can't defend those shitholes.
/—-/ A friend lived in San Fran back in the 70s and raved about it. She went back last June and was in tears when she saw the shythole it had become.

I lived there in 2000. The streets are full of Vietnam vets who are now drug addicts. too bad trump does do anything to help homeless vets.

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