Trump slams Cummings: "a brutal bully, most dangerous district in the US, dangerous & filthy place!"

Again, for those of you who still don't get it. Congress people don't have anything to do with the day to day operations of a city. That is the responsibility of the mayor and the city council. Granted, the congress person might get federal grants for their district for various projects, but the final say in how the money is spent is up to the mayor and city council.
And what had he done to encourage the mayor and council to do something about the problems. What legislation has he pushed for to help his constituents vin Baltimore?
Again, for those of you who still don't get it. Congress people don't have anything to do with the day to day operations of a city. That is the responsibility of the mayor and the city council. Granted, the congress person might get federal grants for their district for various projects, but the final say in how the money is spent is up to the mayor and city council.
And what had he done to encourage the mayor and council to do something about the problems. What legislation has he pushed for to help his constituents vin Baltimore?

And what has Trump done about Washington DC, with a school system rated the worst in the nation, and slums everywhere?
Before Trump, this nation respected and defended all Americans, as a single nation. Not since the Civil War have Americans been encouraged to disrespect and marginalize American citizens, based on where they live. Trump has also attacked Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Puerto Rico and San Francisco. He attacks congresspersons of different gender, race, and religion than his base. He routinely disrespects women, all democrats, Latinos, blacks and virtually his entire original cabinet, which has now turned over 100%. He attacks republicans who do not support him, and even dead war hero's. He has no friends, and admires Kim of N. Korea, a dictator who has made a total fool of him by breaking every agreement Trump has claimed to have made with him. He is the very model of a hatemonger. He makes George Wallace appear to have been a moderate, in comparison.

You know this really started with Obama and Clinton. The great divide began with Obama pushing the "white people and cops are racists" idea. Then it was followed by Clinton disparaging the "deplorables". It's continued by the Democrats today by calling conservatives racists and bigots.

And if telling the truth about how bad these places are is racist I guess we can't really be honest. When we disagrees with Obama's policies we were called racists.

You see it's typical of the left to not be able to handle the free exchange of ideas and deal with facts. When they have no intellectual argument they revert to personal assassination.

I whole heartedly agree that Trump attacks people. There is no doubt. BUT he attacks them for their IDEAS and not for their race or their sex. He attacks them when they attack him. He punches back. And you don't like it.

But don't pretend that it began with Trump. It's been going on from the left long before Trump.arrived.
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Every one of those shitheads in the Democrat Black Congressional Caucus are stupid corrupt assholes elected by the scum of this country. I bet the whole Caucus doesn't have 250 IQ points between all of them. They are all dumber than a door knob.

I am glad to see Trump expose one of the most obnoxious ones.
Again, for those of you who still don't get it. Congress people don't have anything to do with the day to day operations of a city. That is the responsibility of the mayor and the city council. Granted, the congress person might get federal grants for their district for various projects, but the final say in how the money is spent is up to the mayor and city council.
And what had he done to encourage the mayor and council to do something about the problems. What legislation has he pushed for to help his constituents vin Baltimore?

And what has Trump done about Washington DC, with a school system rated the worst in the nation, and slums everywhere?

Do you know about the voucher system that was actually helping the minorities in Washington? Guess what happened. It got removed by the Democrats. And Trump has done more for the African American community than the Democrats ever have. Cummings and done nothing, zip, zero, nada. Meanwhile Trump has put more African Americans to work and has raised their standard of living. He has pointed out the failed policies of the left in those cities. My guess is his bring attention to the failures will actually cause someone to do something.

Congress is in charge of the purse strings, not Trump. And Cummings has done nothing for the people he represents. While Trump has done much.
Democrats STEAL.

That is what they do.

That is ALL they do.

They don't feel pity or remorse.

And they will not stop, ever, until every non-white who doesn't vote for the Dems is dead.
your ridiculous hate for Democrats based on nothing but garbage propaganda is noted, brainwashed functional moron.

Whenever Franco responds this way, you know you hit the center of the yellow bullseye with the arrow....
Every one of those shitheads in the Democrat Black Congressional Caucus are stupid corrupt assholes elected by the scum of this country

The answer to the question

What does America get from "Affirmative Action?"

Additional Truth filled Answers =

1. hate hoaxes
2. a man as "First Lady"
3. cops shot in the back
4. our Federal Debt now over $20 trillion
5. endless card tossings over practically nothing

When will America stand up to the Democrat Party's lifelong obsession with fascist state sponsored DNA discrimination?

A: when GOP rids itself of Zionism
Before Trump, this nation respected and defended all Americans, as a single nation. Not since the Civil War have Americans been encouraged to disrespect and marginalize American citizens, based on where they live. Trump has also attacked Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Puerto Rico and San Francisco. He attacks congresspersons of different gender, race, and religion than his base. He routinely disrespects women, all democrats, Latinos, blacks and virtually his entire original cabinet, which has now turned over 100%. He attacks republicans who do not support him, and even dead war hero's. He has no friends, and admires Kim of N. Korea, a dictator who has made a total fool of him by breaking every agreement Trump has claimed to have made with him. He is the very model of a hatemonger. He makes George Wallace appear to have been a moderate, in comparison.

You know this really started with Obama and Clinton. The great divide began with Obama pushing the "white people and cops are racists" idea. Then it was followed by Clinton disparaging the "deplorables". It's continued by the Democrats today by calling conservatives racists and bigots.

And if telling the truth about how bad these places are is racist I guess we can't really be honest. When we disagrees with Obama's policies we were called racists.

You see it's typical of the left to not be able to handle the free exchange of ideas and deal with facts. When they have no intellectual argument they revert to personal assassination.

I whole heartedly agree that Trump attacks people. There is no doubt. BUT he attacks them for their IDEAS and not for their race or their sex. He attacks them when they attack him. He punches back. And you don't like it.

But don't pretend that it began with Trump. It's been going on from the left long before Trump.arrived.

Oh, Lord, spare me the Obama and Clinton lectures....
Again, for those of you who still don't get it. Congress people don't have anything to do with the day to day operations of a city. That is the responsibility of the mayor and the city council. Granted, the congress person might get federal grants for their district for various projects, but the final say in how the money is spent is up to the mayor and city council.
And what had he done to encourage the mayor and council to do something about the problems. What legislation has he pushed for to help his constituents vin Baltimore?

And what has Trump done about Washington DC, with a school system rated the worst in the nation, and slums everywhere?

Do you know about the voucher system that was actually helping the minorities in Washington? Guess what happened. It got removed by the Democrats. And Trump has done more for the African American community than the Democrats ever have. Cummings and done nothing, zip, zero, nada. Meanwhile Trump has put more African Americans to work and has raised their standard of living. He has pointed out the failed policies of the left in those cities. My guess is his bring attention to the failures will actually cause someone to do something.

Congress is in charge of the purse strings, not Trump. And Cummings has done nothing for the people he represents. While Trump has done much.

So, Trump has done more for African Americans that "any other president" (presumably, including Abraham Lincoln), but blacks don't vote for him. I have asked Trumpettes before why that is. I was told that it was because blacks are not smart enough to know that.:aug08_031:
Democrats STEAL.

That is what they do.

That is ALL they do.

They don't feel pity or remorse.

And they will not stop, ever, until every non-white who doesn't vote for the Dems is dead.
your ridiculous hate for Democrats based on nothing but garbage propaganda is noted, brainwashed functional moron.

Whenever Franco responds this way, you know you hit the center of the yellow bullseye with the arrow....
The bullseye of total b*******.... Poor America. Everything you know is wrong total garbage phony scandals for 30 years now. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty etc etc. Thanks for the flat tax system we have now and resultant crap investment in infrastructure and people and the ruin of the middle class. Great job.
Before Trump, this nation respected and defended all Americans, as a single nation. Not since the Civil War have Americans been encouraged to disrespect and marginalize American citizens, based on where they live. Trump has also attacked Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Puerto Rico and San Francisco. He attacks congresspersons of different gender, race, and religion than his base. He routinely disrespects women, all democrats, Latinos, blacks and virtually his entire original cabinet, which has now turned over 100%. He attacks republicans who do not support him, and even dead war hero's. He has no friends, and admires Kim of N. Korea, a dictator who has made a total fool of him by breaking every agreement Trump has claimed to have made with him. He is the very model of a hatemonger. He makes George Wallace appear to have been a moderate, in comparison.

You know this really started with Obama and Clinton. The great divide began with Obama pushing the "white people and cops are racists" idea. Then it was followed by Clinton disparaging the "deplorables". It's continued by the Democrats today by calling conservatives racists and bigots.

And if telling the truth about how bad these places are is racist I guess we can't really be honest. When we disagrees with Obama's policies we were called racists.

You see it's typical of the left to not be able to handle the free exchange of ideas and deal with facts. When they have no intellectual argument they revert to personal assassination.

I whole heartedly agree that Trump attacks people. There is no doubt. BUT he attacks them for their IDEAS and not for their race or their sex. He attacks them when they attack him. He punches back. And you don't like it.

But don't pretend that it began with Trump. It's been going on from the left long before Trump.arrived.

Oh, Lord, spare me the Obama and Clinton lectures....

Sometimes people just don't want to admit the truth. Sad.
Before Trump, this nation respected and defended all Americans, as a single nation. Not since the Civil War have Americans been encouraged to disrespect and marginalize American citizens, based on where they live. Trump has also attacked Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Puerto Rico and San Francisco. He attacks congresspersons of different gender, race, and religion than his base. He routinely disrespects women, all democrats, Latinos, blacks and virtually his entire original cabinet, which has now turned over 100%. He attacks republicans who do not support him, and even dead war hero's. He has no friends, and admires Kim of N. Korea, a dictator who has made a total fool of him by breaking every agreement Trump has claimed to have made with him. He is the very model of a hatemonger. He makes George Wallace appear to have been a moderate, in comparison.

You know this really started with Obama and Clinton. The great divide began with Obama pushing the "white people and cops are racists" idea. Then it was followed by Clinton disparaging the "deplorables". It's continued by the Democrats today by calling conservatives racists and bigots.

And if telling the truth about how bad these places are is racist I guess we can't really be honest. When we disagrees with Obama's policies we were called racists.

You see it's typical of the left to not be able to handle the free exchange of ideas and deal with facts. When they have no intellectual argument they revert to personal assassination.

I whole heartedly agree that Trump attacks people. There is no doubt. BUT he attacks them for their IDEAS and not for their race or their sex. He attacks them when they attack him. He punches back. And you don't like it.

But don't pretend that it began with Trump. It's been going on from the left long before Trump.arrived.

Oh, Lord, spare me the Obama and Clinton lectures....

Sometimes people just don't want to admit the truth. Sad.

Ok, you win. I will never vote for Obama or Clinton again...
Before Trump, this nation respected and defended all Americans, as a single nation. Not since the Civil War have Americans been encouraged to disrespect and marginalize American citizens, based on where they live. Trump has also attacked Chicago, Atlanta, St. Louis, Puerto Rico and San Francisco. He attacks congresspersons of different gender, race, and religion than his base. He routinely disrespects women, all democrats, Latinos, blacks and virtually his entire original cabinet, which has now turned over 100%. He attacks republicans who do not support him, and even dead war hero's. He has no friends, and admires Kim of N. Korea, a dictator who has made a total fool of him by breaking every agreement Trump has claimed to have made with him. He is the very model of a hatemonger. He makes George Wallace appear to have been a moderate, in comparison.

you are very confused, nothing in your post is accurate. you are obviously one of the chosen ones for the dem/lib propagandists.

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