Would you volunteer for the armed forces if your home was Baltimore?

President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Military service would likely do all the fatherless young men and woman in Baltimore allot of good.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Yes I would volunteer. In fact I regret didnt volunteer years ago. Im thinking of serving so can get free medical benefits like several members of my family get because they served. I have family members who have fully utilized VA hospitals all paid for by gov. If they didnt have the VA they couldnt get medical treatment because they are low income and broke and without a fulltime job that pays benefits.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Democrats create shithole plantations and when you call them out on it they call you racist. It's all they have left as they can't defend those shitholes.
/—-/ A friend lived in San Fran back in the 70s and raved about it. She went back last June and was in tears when she saw the shythole it had become.

I 1st went there on vacation in 96 and loved it, went back last summer and now have no desire to ever go back. That whole "Bay area" is a mess.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

So you are a sheep and can't tell the truth about your home town?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Just goes to show that you, like many on the left, can not break free of your tunnel vision.
For many our armed forces are the only escape they have from a life of poverty. And you would take that escape away from them based solely on your "feelings" about Trump.

That makes you an incredibly shallow individual.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
I was raised in Baltimore.

I didn't enlist to serve a President.

I enlisted to serve my country.

Carter was President when I raised my right hand.

Should I have taken that into consideration?

If Carter had called your home a shithole where no person would want to live, I certainly would not have blamed you for telling him to go to hell.
It was a shithole.

It is still a shithole.

I surely didn't want to live there.

The first chance I got I signed up, just to get out. With no intention of returning.

Unfortunately my father didn't want to leave so I returned to care for him.

I'm out as soon as I retire.

Many of us who reside on the outskirts of the shithole still curse it.

It's easier to watch it burn from a distance.

Maybe you live in one of Kushner's slums:

Tenants allege Trump's son-in-law is a Baltimore "slumlord," and that's not even the worst of it
/—-/ I wonder how you would deal with those tenants. Go buy an apartment building in Baltimore and let’s see how you manage it.

I am not interested in makin a living by exploiting the poor.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

So you are a sheep and can't tell the truth about your home town?


Since you have no idea what my home town is, I suspect that you are talking through your ass.
Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.

Just goes to show that you, like many on the left, can not break free of your tunnel vision.
For many our armed forces are the only escape they have from a life of poverty. And you would take that escape away from them based solely on your "feelings" about Trump.

That makes you an incredibly shallow individual.

You seem to have stretched my statement that I would never fight for a country that disrespects me, to "taking away" the right for someone else to do so.
You seem to have stretched my statement that I would never fight for a country that disrespects me,

You seem to be back peddling like a fish. NOWHERE in your op did you make that statement.

Your continued emotional outburst is noted however.

Only a buffoon makes major life choices based on their feelings about a solitary politician.
You seem to have stretched my statement that I would never fight for a country that disrespects me,

You seem to be back peddling like a fish. NOWHERE in your op did you make that statement.

Your continued emotional outburst is noted however.

Only a buffoon makes major life choices based on their feelings about a solitary politician.

Take a Midol Grandpa. I never took away anyone's right to volunteer, as the above poster suggested. I merely said that I wouldn't if I were from Baltimore.
You seem to have stretched my statement that I would never fight for a country that disrespects me,

You seem to be back peddling like a fish. NOWHERE in your op did you make that statement.

Your continued emotional outburst is noted however.

Only a buffoon makes major life choices based on their feelings about a solitary politician.

Take a Midol Grandpa. I never took away anyone's right to volunteer, as the above poster suggested. I merely said that I wouldn't if I were from Baltimore.
And he doubles down on stupid. That is NOT what you said.

I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
Depending on the current standards for the military, I doubt many in Baltimore would qualify for anything but cannon fodder which is no lonhger fashionable. This make your question moot.
President Trump on Saturday lashed out at Rep. Elijah Cummings and described Baltimore -- part of which the congressman represents -- as a "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" in which "no human being would want to live."

So, would you volunteer to fight for Commander in Chief, "Bonespurs" Trump, if your home was Baltimore?

Speaking for myself, I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop, and set up somewhere else, like Oklahoma.
/——/ One does not join the military to serve a particular president. You do it to serve your country. And I’d serve even if Obozo the Clown was president. And having suffered with bone spurs they are painful and debilitating. I had a walking sales territory in Manhattan and it nearly cost me my job.

Prostitution or drugs?
/—-/ Have you ever stepped on a thumb tack with your heel, while barefoot? Imagine that pain in both feet with every step you took for a year.

Well, now, Cell, I have feet neuropathy, and have had it since 1999, with every single day of my life in severe pain in my feet, for which I have to take at least 1200 MG of gabapentin every day, so I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy to spare.
/—-/ I don’t want your sympathy. Now explain why the military would reject a recruit with bone spurs?
Bone spurs didn't prevent Cowardly Lyin' Trump from marching around in his toy soldier uniform at college.

/—-/ Have you ever stepped on a thumb tack with your heel, while barefoot? Imagine that pain in both feet with every step you took for a year.
If you had that pain for a year in one foot, would you forget which foot it was?
You seem to have stretched my statement that I would never fight for a country that disrespects me,

You seem to be back peddling like a fish. NOWHERE in your op did you make that statement.

Your continued emotional outburst is noted however.

Only a buffoon makes major life choices based on their feelings about a solitary politician.

Take a Midol Grandpa. I never took away anyone's right to volunteer, as the above poster suggested. I merely said that I wouldn't if I were from Baltimore.
And he doubles down on stupid. That is NOT what you said.

I would suggest that all of the armed forces recruiting offices in the city might as well close up shop

Maybe a valium would work better for you....

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