Wow. And Boston will still accept her, eh?

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Wow. She's an asshole of the first order.
We have example after example of black racists spewing their vitriol publicly and they don't get fired by bastions of liberalism like Boston University. Let a white person even hint at that kind of speech though and there'll be dozens of protesters outside their home demanding their head on a stick.
We have example after example of black racists spewing their vitriol publicly and they don't get fired by bastions of liberalism like Boston University. Let a white person even hint at that kind of speech though and there'll be dozens of protesters outside their home demanding their head on a stick.
Google 'Jerry Hough', Duke sociology professor.
You know, I just read the exchange again, and the entire FOX article. Not enough of the conversation is provided, but from what I see, the proported rape victim was the first one to bring up race. She went out of her way to write "WHITE", when you would think that rape should be an issue completely separate from race to begin with.

There was probably some baiting going on there. That being said, the professor obviously went overboard with the "#whitegirltears' junk, that is indeed racist and has no place in adult discourse.

As I said, racism is racism is racism, no matter who says it. Guess that makes me somewhat sane.

And now, Gracie you can feel free to let Two Thumbs know what you think of him calling black people the N word, since you are so umbraged about this one case of racisim, amirite?

Or do you support calling people the N word?

Just want to clear that up.

Otherwise, your thread is likely to become infested with racists who are just looking for an opportunity to puke up more of their bile.
This is the same bitch we had a thread about last week for things she was saying about white males.
You would have thought she would have learned her lesson.
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