Wow! Gonna Be Hard To Spin This One

Chechnya, and to a lesser extent Dagestan, have periodically rebelled against Moscow in a sometimes-violent effort to secure independence
Wow, have they really?

So do you think that has anything to do with the fact that Moscow has been ethnically cleansing them off their own land for 150 years?

Did you support the communist oppression of all peoples they enslaved, or only the Chechans?

I am amazed that people google something, C&P it off a blog, and then claim expertise and demand others do research.

Somehow I think travelling in the region and reading actual books is somehow a little more useful.
Like I said, the separatists have more of a beef with the Russians than the Americans, which puts more emphasis on an Islamic connection.

Somehow, unless you are reading the books put out by Islamic extremists in the area, your reading habits won't do you much good. But you let Me know if there are terror organizations that publish regularly. Simply having traveled in the area gives no credence to being an authority.
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Darkwind -

I don't claim to be an authority, not by any means. You suggested that I do research - I think pointing out that my research has at least included visiting the Caucasus and reading most of the major histories of the conflict is relevant here.

Most book of course cover the development of the conflict in terms of radicalisation - although the area has been quite radical since about 1860!
I'll give you a hint.....Start here:

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, ethnically Chechnyan, born in Kyrgyzstan.

Chechnya: 1.5 million people, tribal, Muslim, in north Caucasus.

Declared independence from the just-dead Soviet Union; after two Chechen wars with Moscow, which refused to allow liberty to Chechens, an enraged people turned to Islamism.

I was born in America that doesn't make me Christian. There is also a strong violent pro Russian minority that is Russian Orthodox.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

Did someone claim he was black?
You should read more and listen less.

But Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the suspects who lives in Maryland, said he was "ashamed" at his nephews' alleged role in the bombings.

Asked what the bombers' motives may have been, he replied: "Being losers, hating everyone around them."

"These are the only reasons I can imagine of. Anything else, anything else to do with religion, with Islam, it's a fraud, it's a fake."

There had never been any apparent sign of "hatred toward the US" or else he would have turned them over to the police himself, he added.

BBC News - Boston marathon bombs suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev captured

That, believe it or not, is not the media, it is the Muslim uncle of the terrorists who doesn't want his religion blamed for their actions.
Also on BBC:

According to a photo slideshow featuring Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old was an amateur boxer who had taken a semester off from the Bunker Hill Community College in Boston to train for a big competition.

In the accompanying captions, he tells the photographer that he is hoping to win enough fights to be selected for the US Olympic team and be a naturalised American. Tamerlan also says that unless Chechnya becomes independent, he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia.

Obviously Islamic extremism is a possibility here, but I'm curious as to why Darkwind says it "seems to be" the reason.

Funny how you missed the part where he said "Allah told me not to smoke" and the how he talked openly about his religion.
Also on BBC:

According to a photo slideshow featuring Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26-year-old was an amateur boxer who had taken a semester off from the Bunker Hill Community College in Boston to train for a big competition.

In the accompanying captions, he tells the photographer that he is hoping to win enough fights to be selected for the US Olympic team and be a naturalised American. Tamerlan also says that unless Chechnya becomes independent, he would rather compete for the United States than for Russia.

Obviously Islamic extremism is a possibility here, but I'm curious as to why Darkwind says it "seems to be" the reason.
Your point? They lived in America and were Americanized. Until very the research.
"I have no American friends, I don't understand them."

You have a different definition of Americanized than most Americans.
Chechnya, and to a lesser extent Dagestan, have periodically rebelled against Moscow in a sometimes-violent effort to secure independence
Wow, have they really?

So do you think that has anything to do with the fact that Moscow has been ethnically cleansing them off their own land for 150 years?

Did you support the communist oppression of all peoples they enslaved, or only the Chechans?

I am amazed that people google something, C&P it off a blog, and then claim expertise and demand others do research.

Somehow I think travelling in the region and reading actual books is somehow a little more useful.

Russia has been ethnically cleansing the area for over a century? Even if that absurd statement is true, what does that have to do with the Boston Marathon?
QW -

I posted the material from the BBC here. Perhaps you can find it?

The uncle's quote is not the media saying they were not Muslim, it is the uncle saying his religion does not support blowing up innocent people.

Strangely enough, I agree with him, his religion doesn't, the ideology of social and political control known as Islam, however, does. It also preaches against the freedoms found in this country, which might explain why two Chechnyans that suddenly decided to act on whatever grievances they have would plant bombs in the US instead of Russia.
Russia has been ethnically cleansing the area for over a century? Even if that absurd statement is true, what does that have to do with the Boston Marathon?

If you think it is absurd - perhaps go and do a little research about the violence that took place during the 1850 & 1860's. I did post material on this earlier, but that thread seemed to get ethnically cleansed itself.

It always baffles me that posters will fly into a debate complaining about "absurd" comments about a part of the world they couldn't locate on a map.

This is well covered in the Nicholas Griffin book, in particular.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

So one has to be dark skinned to be a muslim?
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

So one has to be dark skinned to be a muslim?

those from the left are the most prejudiced folks around

everyone has to fit into neat little boxes

and they always notice those differences

(zimmerman) was white according to his name

until it became so obvious that he is Hispanic

and then they had to go with white Hispanic
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

Did someone claim he was black?

Well, John King of CNN, reported him as being "dark-skinned", erroneously. He should start looking for another that has nothing to do with competent journalism.
The reference to the "Black Man from Chicago" is, of course, President Obama.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Spin what bigot? I don't recall anyone saying one way or the other about hoping or stating they hope it was a person of color.

It does appear to be an Islamic extremist....or kids radicalized by one.

Who knows. Maybe they were acting out the Bill Ayers 12 step program to becoming a well respected Professor of a major University.

I think they may have skipped pages 4 through 95....don't you? Oh, btw. Bil Ayers is a white person too.

Oh, please. As it turns out, the suspects are Islamic....the dead brother having a Christian wife. But you know how you people the quick rush to judgment, you're less likely to believe that the perpetrators to be white (and you can't get any whiter than the Caucasus, actually)...I'm reminded of the Susan Smith incident, where she claimed the abductors of her two small sons was "a dark black man", and caused scores of innocent black men fitting her description to be stopped and interrogated....later to find out, she, herself, had drowned her own children in a nearby lake, because her boyfriend didn't want the burden. Evil. Pure, unadulterated "evil".
Can someone here tell me how many angels fit on the head of a pin?

It seems clear that two left wing heroes and natural enemies of the white trash nutball, oppressed heathen immigrants aspiring to success in America, fell a little bit short of their marks and based on their own remarks did not fit into "America" - or Boston either - as well as they had perhaps hoped.

How big of a step, really, is it from feelings of alienation to putting a few bombs about?

In the circus ahead partisans of every stripe will find something to keep their emotions at the favored fever pitch. Left wing scumballs will deny religion was factor, white trash will deny US invasions of Moslem lands is a factor, while people with sense will simply regret the public relations success the circus represents for anti-Americans.
How big of a step, really, is it from feelings of alienation to putting a few bombs about?

About as big as the step from Mars to Earth, I'd have said.

Every teenager feels alienated from time to time - how many of them go and blow up a marathon?

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