Wow! Gonna Be Hard To Spin This One

You hate white people we get it. And the police didn't track anyone down. An old lady with a poodle found him.
QW -

I would address any points you raise, but as per usual, you seem to have nothing to say beyond witless abuse and self-aggrandisement about a knowledge of history you otherwise never seem to reveal.

Rather than spending every comment telling us how smart you are - why not occasionally address the topic and show us?

Palestinians do not have a long history.

Not really, no - the word only came to common usage with Herotodus in around 430 BC, and appeared on maps marked as a region for 600 years from the time of Christ. Genetic tests confirm that populations in cities like Jericho are linked to early Canaanite settlers. Far from being created by Yasser Arafat, as you claim, there were Palestinian demonstrations dating back to the 1860's and Palestinian nationalist newspapers from around WWI.

If you actually took the time to learn history,

And yet I have been to the Caucasus, and you have not. I've read books on Chechen history, and you have not.
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QW -

I would address any points you raise, but as per usual, you seem to have nothing to say beyond witless abuse and self-aggrandisement about a knowledge of history you otherwise never seem to reveal.

Ow, so painful.

I never claimed to have a knowledge of history, did I? My gripe is with your constant attempt to claim you understand history when you leave out so much stuff that is actual history.

Rather than spending every comment telling us how smart you are - why not occasionally address the topic and show us?

The topic is a racist rant, why should I treat it as worthy of intelligent discourse?

Palestinians do not have a long history.
Not really, no - the word only came to common usage with Herotodus in around 430 BC, and appeared on maps marked as a region for 600 years from the time of Christ. Genetic tests confirm that populations in cities like Jericho are linked to early Canaanite settlers. Far from being created by Yasser Arafat, as you claim, there were Palestinian demonstrations dating back to the 1860's and Palestinian nationalist newspapers from around WWI.

There you go again.

The term Palestine was used during that period in reference to an area that is now Israel, Gaza, and the west bank. The fact that I know that, and that you actually claim to have studied history, yet fail to mention that in your defense of the modern Palestinians, tells me that you are part of the group that is trying to rewrite history.

I am not ignoring the possibility that you are actually a pretentious asshole who likes to pretend he is smart, just giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Given the fact that computer modeling of our MRCA puts him in the Middle east between 2000 and 400 years ago, the fact that genetic testing ties current occupants of that area to ancient occupants of that area only matters if you ignore the larger body of evidence available to the rest of the universe.

If you actually took the time to learn history,
And yet I have been to the Caucasus, and you have not. I've read books on Chechen history, and you have not.

I have been to Australia, and have read books about Mars, that does not make me an expert on Australia, or Mars, does it?
Tiny Dancer -

I totally agree that the Chechyans can be their own worst enemy. I don't think they won many friends over with Beslan or some of their attacks on hospitals etc.

But much like with the Palestinians and the Kurds, the history is long and complex, and people growing up in the 1970's or 1980's might not have heard much about events that took place in the 1860's.

History did not start in 1980.

For the record, Palestinians do not have a long history. I will agree it is complex, but that is mostly because of the various attempts to hide the fact that they were created out of whole cloth by Yasser Arafat. Building a lie and trying to run it backward in history is a very complex problem when there are people around that insist that truth matters more than politics.
Yasser Arafat was himself Egyptian. But he saw a way to his personal wealth by making a little countty and getting paid by the UN.
Tiny Dancer -

I totally agree that the Chechyans can be their own worst enemy. I don't think they won many friends over with Beslan or some of their attacks on hospitals etc.

But much like with the Palestinians and the Kurds, the history is long and complex, and people growing up in the 1970's or 1980's might not have heard much about events that took place in the 1860's.

History did not start in 1980.

For the record, Palestinians do not have a long history. I will agree it is complex, but that is mostly because of the various attempts to hide the fact that they were created out of whole cloth by Yasser Arafat. Building a lie and trying to run it backward in history is a very complex problem when there are people around that insist that truth matters more than politics.
Yasser Arafat was himself Egyptian. But he saw a way to his personal wealth by making a little countty and getting paid by the UN.

Arafat was born in Cairo to Palestinian parents.
QW -

The term Palestine was used during that period in reference to an area that is now Israel, Gaza, and the west bank. The fact that I know that, and that you actually claim to have studied history, yet fail to mention that in your defense of the modern Palestinians, tells me that you are part of the group that is trying to rewrite history.

I think we can assume that everyone on this board has some idea what area of land the term 'Palestine' has referred to since antiquity.

The fact that Palestinians can claim two millenia of permanant habitation in towns like Jericho in no way undermines Jewish claims, because they can correctly claim the same. What it establishes is that both people have lived in the region for as long as anyone lived in the area, and thus both have a strong historical claim to land. However, it is not always the same land. There is no historical Jewish claim to much of the West Bank (Ramallah, Nablus) or Gaza, and no historical Palestinian claim to the modern Israeli cities of (west) Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Qiryat Shemonah etc, etc.

I have been to Australia, and have read books about Mars, that does not make me an expert on Australia, or Mars, does it?

It means that you may have informed opinions about Australia and Mars where other people have not.

Personally, I don't believe any of us can have any real knowledge of a country without having spent some real time there, and I post accordingly.
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I think we can assume that everyone on this board has some idea what area of land the term 'Palestine' has referred to since antiquity.

I think that assuming is stupid.

The fact that Palestinians can claim two millenia of permanant habitation in towns like Jericho in no way undermines Jewish claims, because they can correctly claim the same. What it establishes is that both people have lived in the region for as long as anyone lived in the area, and thus both have a strong historical claim to land. However, it is not always the same land. There is no historical Jewish claim to much of the West Bank (Ramallah, Nablus) or Gaza, and no historical Palestinian claim to the modern Israeli cities of (west) Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Qiryat Shemonah etc, etc.

You think the fact that people who live someplace can claim residence there proves something? I guess that makes you an idiot.

Since I just pointed out that Palestinian, as used in ancient times, actually applied to what we now call Jews, as well as Arabs who still live there, actually proves that I was right, there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. Yet you, knowing I am right, still insist that a fake ethnic group is real because the term used to be used on a different ethnic group.

It means that you may have informed opinions about Australia and Mars where other people have not.

Actually, it doesn't. If I made that claim I would be pretentious, I prefer to leave that to people like you.

Personally, I don't believe any of us can have any real knowledge of a country without having spent some real time there, and I post accordingly.

Personally, I think you are a drooling idiot, and I post accordingly.
You think the fact that people who live someplace can claim residence there proves something?

Yes, well, I think it is quite obvious that a people having lived in one area for 2,000 years would denote ownership of land to a fairly large extent. This is the basis of most nation states, afterall.

What would you suggest is the basis for statehood on a piece of land if not historical ownership and use of that land?

Since I just pointed out that Palestinian, as used in ancient times, actually applied to what we now call Jews, as well as Arabs who still live there, actually proves that I was right, there is no such thing as a Palestinian people.

Ha! Well, the Romans were familiar with Jews as a concept. The term 'Palestine' described the region, and thus anyone who lived in it. And obviously in large tracts of that land there were effectively no Jews at all, and never had been, and would not be for another few hundred years. Even after the first aliyah there were only a handful of Jews in towns like Hebron, Nablus and Ramallah, hence it is a bit of a reach to suggest the name referred primarily to Jews.

Do you somehow assume that if Jews live in an area, no one else maintains an ethnic identity?

Is there a reason why a people should have based their identity on a nation state, a thousand years before nation states existed?

Do you imagine that if people in what is now Italy had been asked their identity during the Roman era they would have answered "I am Italian"?

As I have mentioned on other threads, there was no conept of Italy prior to around 1850, nor was there a Canada, an Australia or even a Germany, by and large. What one needs to understand is that the concept of a nation state is relatively recent - what is ancient is the genetic and cultural history of the people who live on the land which becomes a nation state.
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Poet is just pissed that the bombing wasn't the act of a tea party, FOX news, subscribing white guy. From poets frame of reference its all about black versus white, just another raciest ideologue.
Poet is just pissed that the bombing wasn't the act of a tea party, FOX news, subscribing white guy. From poets frame of reference its all about black versus white, just another raciest ideologue.

Stupid bitch....don't attempt to speak for me, or know my mindset. I'm not pissed.
Ask yourself, what did we do to incur wrath like this. 9/11 didn't happen because promote Coca Cola and Geico Insurance. We meddle in other folks businesses, we have no business doing. And chickens come home to roost. And black people run little.
And black people run little.
You're not innocent in this. If liberals would stop fighting clean, cheap energy production in the US, oil wouldn't be enriching Mid-east sheiks who turn around and finance terrorism.
And black people run little.
You're not innocent in this. If liberals would stop fighting clean, cheap energy production in the US, oil wouldn't be enriching Mid-east sheiks who turn around and finance terrorism.

WTF? Who shot down the electric car? Congress, Detroit and the oil industry, run by whom?????????????
How dare you include blacks in that scheme. And your bitch ass drives a car, don't you? I don't. I'm not adding to the problem.
Why does the left see everything through the prism of race. Yeah the kid was a white Russian born jihad fundamentalist. So what?
What is there to spin you dumbfuck?

They were foreign Muslim terrorists who hated America!

You really need to get a clue!
WTF? Who shot down the electric car? Congress, Detroit and the oil industry, run by whom?????????????
How dare you include blacks in that scheme. And your bitch ass drives a car, don't you? I don't. I'm not adding to the problem.

So you don't own a car, big whoop. You eat, don't you? How is your food delivered to your local market, bu donkey? Your party kills every clean energy proposal.
WTF? Who shot down the electric car? Congress, Detroit and the oil industry, run by whom?????????????
How dare you include blacks in that scheme. And your bitch ass drives a car, don't you? I don't. I'm not adding to the problem.

So you don't own a car, big whoop. You eat, don't you? How is your food delivered to your local market, bu donkey? Your party kills every clean energy proposal.

I'm not a fucking Republican. You're confused.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

god, you're really, uhm, not very smart......:lol:

I'm not a fucking Republican. You're confused.
No you're a Democrat, the party that fights nuclear power, natural gas projects, fracking, clean coal, oil drilling, wind farms...

You are to blame for rich oil sheiks funding terrorism.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

god, you're really, uhm, not very smart......:lol:


And...God,'re even, um, less so. LOL

Chechen people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chechens belong to the Caucasoid type, exhibiting traits typical of European and Caucasian peoples. The majority of Chechens are dark-haired (medium to dark brown or black), but there are Chechens with blonde or red hair, while eye color ranges from blue to brown and skin tone is typically rather pale and light (though there are some Chechens with olive complexions).

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