Wow! Gonna Be Hard To Spin This One

Does it?

Because that is the opposite of what most media I'm reading seem to be saying.
You should read more and listen less. I also don't listen to Glenn Beck.... me to something credible I can read that says these guys were Islamic extremists.

They say so! They had websites and you tube posts that said so.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev talked of Islamic faith: Moscow paper - Washington Times
If we have Chechen muslim fighters here, we got more to worry about than a couple of extremist brothers.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

"Caucasian" is an inaccurately used term to represent all people of fair or light-skinned complexion. Caucasian was originally used to describe people from a specific geographic region in Eastern Europe regardless of skin tone, specifically people with a certain type of crainology. The term was bastardized by the U.S. to represent people of fair complexion, which was not the original derivation of the word.
Russia has been ethnically cleansing the area for over a century? Even if that absurd statement is true, what does that have to do with the Boston Marathon?

If you think it is absurd - perhaps go and do a little research about the violence that took place during the 1850 & 1860's. I did post material on this earlier, but that thread seemed to get ethnically cleansed itself.

It always baffles me that posters will fly into a debate complaining about "absurd" comments about a part of the world they couldn't locate on a map.

This is well covered in the Nicholas Griffin book, in particular.

What is absurd is using Russian ethnic cleansing to justify bombing the Boston marathon.

Where do you find that in the post?

That's a bigger logical leap then Evel Knievel's jump over snake river canyon.
Russia has been ethnically cleansing the area for over a century? Even if that absurd statement is true, what does that have to do with the Boston Marathon?

If you think it is absurd - perhaps go and do a little research about the violence that took place during the 1850 & 1860's. I did post material on this earlier, but that thread seemed to get ethnically cleansed itself.

It always baffles me that posters will fly into a debate complaining about "absurd" comments about a part of the world they couldn't locate on a map.

This is well covered in the Nicholas Griffin book, in particular.

You posted about it? That settles it, doesn't it, because we all know how well you know history. (You find a Wiki article, pretend you already knew about it, and declare yourself an expert.)

Here is the problem, in order to prove that they have been ethnically cleansing the region for 150 years you have to show that the thing happened for 150 years, not for 30 years over a century ago.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

So one has to be dark skinned to be a muslim?

Can I point out the obvious here?

Tamerlin is actually had a dark complexion compared to my current coloration.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

Did someone claim he was black?

Well, John King of CNN, reported him as being "dark-skinned", erroneously. He should start looking for another that has nothing to do with competent journalism.
The reference to the "Black Man from Chicago" is, of course, President Obama.

First, that is what he was told by the FBI.

Second, Tamerlin is dark skinned for a Caucasian.

Third, you are an idiot.

The last point was gratuitous.
Russia has been ethnically cleansing the area for over a century? Even if that absurd statement is true, what does that have to do with the Boston Marathon?

If you think it is absurd - perhaps go and do a little research about the violence that took place during the 1850 & 1860's. I did post material on this earlier, but that thread seemed to get ethnically cleansed itself.

It always baffles me that posters will fly into a debate complaining about "absurd" comments about a part of the world they couldn't locate on a map.

This is well covered in the Nicholas Griffin book, in particular.

You posted about it? That settles it, doesn't it, because we all know how well you know history. (You find a Wiki article, pretend you already knew about it, and declare yourself an expert.)

Here is the problem, in order to prove that they have been ethnically cleansing the region for 150 years you have to show that the thing happened for 150 years, not for 30 years over a century ago.

He must have not heard about the Caucasian Wars and the subsequent Treaty of Georgievsk; or the Chechen uprising during WWII where Stalin deported the entire Chechen population to what is now known as Kazakhstan as punishment. The most Russia ever did was something known as Russification in the 1950's. They tried and failed to retake Chechnya once, and pulled out it's puppet regime in 2009.. but there is no history of ethnic cleansing.
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

"Caucasian" is an inaccurately used term to represent all people of fair or light-skinned complexion. Caucasian was originally used to describe people from a specific geographic region in Eastern Europe regardless of skin tone, specifically people with a certain type of crainology. The term was bastardized by the U.S. to represent people of fair complexion, which was not the original derivation of the word.

Too bad that is irrelevant to the current situation. ;)
Did someone claim he was black?

Well, John King of CNN, reported him as being "dark-skinned", erroneously. He should start looking for another that has nothing to do with competent journalism.
The reference to the "Black Man from Chicago" is, of course, President Obama.

First, that is what he was told by the FBI.

Second, Tamerlin is dark skinned for a Caucasian.

Third, you are an idiot.

The last point was gratuitous.

One, you can't believe everything you are told. I don't.
Two, there are dark Caucasians, and light Caucasians. From Greeks and Italians, to Northern Africans.
Three, it takes one to know one.
Four, and?
AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !

So one has to be dark skinned to be a muslim?

Can I point out the obvious here?

Tamerlin is actually had a dark complexion compared to my current coloration.

ok but is dark skin so possession of muslims?
What a stupid fuck, boy do you have cum all over your face now.

You like Muslim Extremists boy?

AP: At large bombing suspect is Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19.

Apparently, the sole surviving Boston Marathon Bombing suspect is "Caucasian"... and I mean, "literally".

Posts read at Facebook : "CHECHEN, the CAUCASOIDS, you say. . . not gonna be so easy for the white supremacist, hetero-patriarchal, bible-beating, airwave-hogging, GOVERNMENT-STEALING American "patriots" to find a way to blame THIS ONE on the BLACK MAN from CHICAGO!!! Rant over - may i please borrow your gun to shoot my tv NOW?! "- A.C.D

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Those terrible, terrible caucasians !!

"Naaaah, Islam is the predominant religion in Chechnya. So WE get to return to our previously scheduled hate rhetoric." - L.V.S.

But kudos to law enforcement for tracking the suspects down from grainy photographs, in a relatively short time. Hats off !
Isn't it amazing that the American "authorities" can be so good at instantly identifying and tracking down terrorists ... [it's almost as if they knew who they were ahead of time!]

... and yet be so amazingly bad at protecting the victims before the crime?? · · :eusa_whistle:
Well, John King of CNN, reported him as being "dark-skinned", erroneously. He should start looking for another that has nothing to do with competent journalism.
The reference to the "Black Man from Chicago" is, of course, President Obama.

First, that is what he was told by the FBI.

Second, Tamerlin is dark skinned for a Caucasian.

Third, you are an idiot.

The last point was gratuitous.

One, you can't believe everything you are told. I don't.
Two, there are dark Caucasians, and light Caucasians. From Greeks and Italians, to Northern Africans.
Three, it takes one to know one.
Four, and?

I guess I don't think progressive.

How can it be true that the guy is dark skinned and simultaneously true that King was wrong to report that he was dark skinned?

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