Wow, like to live in NOKO?


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019

A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.

But even taking the story at face value it's got nothing to do with "communism" which is an economic system. It has everything to do with Authoritarianism.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.
Isn't that the style of the Trumpets?
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.
Isn't that the style of the Trumpets?

RFA is a government propaganda department.
As is VOA, RFE, Radio Martí, etc.

At the other end of the state where I live is the largest most powerful shortwave transmission facility in the world. I can hear them jamming Cuban radio stations, off the side of their radiation pattern.

Yanno we sometimes see the rabid right wetting their pants about "government-funded broadcasting" --- and that's exactly what these are, yet they want to defund NPR instead.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.
Isn't that the style of the Trumpets?

RFA is a government propaganda department.
As is VOA, RFE, Radio Martí, etc.

At the other end of the state where I live is the largest most powerful shortwave transmission facility in the world. I can hear them jamming Cuban radio stations, off the side of their radiation pattern.

Yanno we sometimes see the rabid right wetting their pants about "government-funded broadcasting" --- and that's exactly what these are, yet they want to defund NPR instead.
Trump has been appointing his buds to VOA to change the format to his ideas of conservativism...
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.
Isn't that the style of the Trumpets?

RFA is a government propaganda department.
As is VOA, RFE, Radio Martí, etc.

At the other end of the state where I live is the largest most powerful shortwave transmission facility in the world. I can hear them jamming Cuban radio stations, off the side of their radiation pattern.

Yanno we sometimes see the rabid right wetting their pants about "government-funded broadcasting" --- and that's exactly what these are, yet they want to defund NPR instead.
Trump has been appointing his buds to VOA to change the format to his ideas of conservativism...
He has no ideas of conservatism. The dude has no core principles. You grant too much credit.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.
Isn't that the style of the Trumpets?

RFA is a government propaganda department.
As is VOA, RFE, Radio Martí, etc.

At the other end of the state where I live is the largest most powerful shortwave transmission facility in the world. I can hear them jamming Cuban radio stations, off the side of their radiation pattern.

Yanno we sometimes see the rabid right wetting their pants about "government-funded broadcasting" --- and that's exactly what these are, yet they want to defund NPR instead.
Trump has been appointing his buds to VOA to change the format to his ideas of conservativism...

He must think VOA is busier than it is. There's almost nothing going on out there. Almost entirely to Cuba. The facilities in Europe and Asia (mentioned here) are more busier. But that's great, I'm sure Rump keeps personnel busy trying to explain in Spanish how the Bronx is a very wonderful place in Germany.

Actually I hear the CIA spy stations wall-to-wall here too. Not sure if that's coming from Greenville or from Langley.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm

Kinda suspicious about any story where the reporting entity is only described as "a source". That ain't journalism.

That's deliberate weasel-wording.

But even taking the story at face value it's got nothing to do with "communism" which is an economic system. It has everything to do with Authoritarianism.
Odd, then, how you believe any "source" that reinforces your irrational hatred of Trump.
Sure are a lot of leftists on this thread desperate to deflect attention from North Korea.

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