Wow, like to live in NOKO?

Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Dunno Dave, you're the one pointing guns.
Yes, we've been through this before, you're afraid of a small painting of firearms.

Yes we have, and as I told you before it's got zippo to do with anybody's "fear". You pulled that out of your ass --- which has gotta be an iffy thing to do considering your uh, condition.

No Dave it's still the same thing it's always been --- a mockery of what you value.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel better about your fear. Have you ever considered, oh, I dunno, growing the hell up, boy?

See what I mean? You've melted down into defensive posture. :crybaby:

Not my problem though.
Goodness, you sure do see a lot of things that aren't there.

But then, self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Right now I'm seeing a Fallacy of Composition. And it's definitely there and quantifiable.

Thanks for quantifying, doodles. Makes it easy.
Of course. You see what you want to see. It's easy.

Well gee whiz Wally you laid it right in front of me. Can't not-notice it.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.
Maybe Biden will send them pallets of cash in exchange for a "promise" they'll stop working on their nuclear program.
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Dunno Dave, you're the one pointing guns.
Yes, we've been through this before, you're afraid of a small painting of firearms.

Yes we have, and as I told you before it's got zippo to do with anybody's "fear". You pulled that out of your ass --- which has gotta be an iffy thing to do considering your uh, condition.

No Dave it's still the same thing it's always been --- a mockery of what you value.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel better about your fear. Have you ever considered, oh, I dunno, growing the hell up, boy?

See what I mean? You've melted down into defensive posture. :crybaby:

Not my problem though.
Goodness, you sure do see a lot of things that aren't there.

But then, self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Right now I'm seeing a Fallacy of Composition. And it's definitely there and quantifiable.

Thanks for quantifying, doodles. Makes it easy.
Of course. You see what you want to see. It's easy.

Well gee whiz Wally you laid it right in front of me. Can't not-notice it.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

Want me to document it for you?

Here ya go. Roll tape.

self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Go ahead, try to defend that. Make my day.

I know what you're thinking. "Did I use up all my fallacies or do I have any left?" Well in all the confusion I kinda lost count myself.

So here's the question you gotta ask yourself Dave. "Do I feel lucky?"

Well? Do ya? Punk?
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Say hello to America's future because that's the inevitable end of the path this nation has set itself upon.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.
Maybe Biden will send them pallets of cash in exchange for a "promise" they'll stop working on their nuclear program.
I seen it done. Don't approve, but certainly not the first time in the history of foreign policy.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.

Gutless to not start a nuclear war?

Wow. Interesting logic.
Sure are a lot of leftists on this thread desperate to deflect attention from North Korea.
Why should we pay any attention to North Korea now that their nuclear threat no longer exist?
On Twitter, Trump declares that the North Korea nuclear threat is over | PBS NewsHour
Say hello to life in America's future because that is the inevitable end too the path this idiotic nation has just set itself upon. You had a chance at redemption but you've just pissed it away.
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Dunno Dave, you're the one pointing guns.
Yes, we've been through this before, you're afraid of a small painting of firearms.

Yes we have, and as I told you before it's got zippo to do with anybody's "fear". You pulled that out of your ass --- which has gotta be an iffy thing to do considering your uh, condition.

No Dave it's still the same thing it's always been --- a mockery of what you value.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel better about your fear. Have you ever considered, oh, I dunno, growing the hell up, boy?

See what I mean? You've melted down into defensive posture. :crybaby:

Not my problem though.
Goodness, you sure do see a lot of things that aren't there.

But then, self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Right now I'm seeing a Fallacy of Composition. And it's definitely there and quantifiable.

Thanks for quantifying, doodles. Makes it easy.
Of course. You see what you want to see. It's easy.

Well gee whiz Wally you laid it right in front of me. Can't not-notice it.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

Want me to document it for you?

Here ya go. Roll tape.

self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Go ahead, try to defend that. Make my day.

I know what you're thinking. "Did I use up all my fallacies or do I have any left?" Well in all the confusion I kinda lost count myself.

So here's the question you gotta ask yourself Dave. "Do I feel lucky?"

Well? Do ya? Punk?
Awww, it's cute when leftists feel they're intimidating.

I don't have to defend the statement; it's self-evident. Leftism insists many things that aren't real are absolutely true. "Gun control works", "Communism has never been tried", "Taxing the wealthy will pay for everything", "Free speech only means things I agree with", "Black people can't succeed without the help of white liberals".

All horseshit. All beliefs of leftists.

Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Note that your refusal to acknowledge it does not in any way alter the reality. (Hint: That's part of the leftist self-delusion.)
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Say hello to America's future because that's the inevitable end of the path this nation has set itself upon.
A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.
Maybe Biden will send them pallets of cash in exchange for a "promise" they'll stop working on their nuclear program.
I seen it done. Don't approve, but certainly not the first time in the history of foreign policy.
Doesn't work, does it? All it does is finance what the bad guys want to do.
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Seems what they want doesn't it. Left wants communism, socialism,,,, oh excuse me "democratic socialism" That's got to be better huh?
Name me one program that the left want that is communistic.
oh I dont know maybe
gun control

I could go on but with you whats the use,,,
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Seems what they want doesn't it. Left wants communism, socialism,,,, oh excuse me "democratic socialism" That's got to be better huh?
Name me one program that the left want that is communistic.
oh I dont know maybe
gun control

I could go on but with you whats the use,,,
To illustrate further, the left wants absolute government control over all those things.

A North Korean fishing boat captain was executed in public for listening to a banned foreign radio station, it is claimed.

The US government-funded Radio Free Asia claims the mariner was put to death after admitting he had listened to its broadcasts for more than 15 years.

Aged in his 40s, the man had reportedly been picking up the foreign airwaves while out at sea and listening to news broadcasts and radio programming.

A source told RFA that the boat captain, known as Choi, had been executed by firing squad in front of 100 other fisheries workers.

Seems a bit extreme to me but then it's NOKO, it's communism which so many Americans want to embrace. I'm a ham radio operator, General class and like tuning shortwave too. I hear all kinds of stuff. That's worthy of execution? Hmmmm
Extreme ain't the half of it. The pres and Lil Kim exchanged love letters. Til Jan 20, we still got a Pres that admires the little shit.

Yet you lefties claim Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NOKO.

Which way do you want it?
Glad you are just asking me, instead of inferring I ever thought gutless trump would start a nuclear war. The threat from them is recognized and must be handled and managed, not just ignored and claimed to not exist. A repeated lie to pacify the masses was his answer to Covid-19. Look where that brought us.

Gutless to not start a nuclear war?

Wow. Interesting logic.
Being gutless is only one of the reasons. Just referring to him talking a big game as if swinging a big stick, as when he warned that he had an aircraft carrier group heading there, but it turned out it was in a different ocean, going a different direction. Lies and love letters are no solution.
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Dunno Dave, you're the one pointing guns.
Yes, we've been through this before, you're afraid of a small painting of firearms.

Yes we have, and as I told you before it's got zippo to do with anybody's "fear". You pulled that out of your ass --- which has gotta be an iffy thing to do considering your uh, condition.

No Dave it's still the same thing it's always been --- a mockery of what you value.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel better about your fear. Have you ever considered, oh, I dunno, growing the hell up, boy?

See what I mean? You've melted down into defensive posture. :crybaby:

Not my problem though.
Goodness, you sure do see a lot of things that aren't there.

But then, self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Right now I'm seeing a Fallacy of Composition. And it's definitely there and quantifiable.

Thanks for quantifying, doodles. Makes it easy.
Of course. You see what you want to see. It's easy.

Well gee whiz Wally you laid it right in front of me. Can't not-notice it.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

Want me to document it for you?

Here ya go. Roll tape.

self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Go ahead, try to defend that. Make my day.

I know what you're thinking. "Did I use up all my fallacies or do I have any left?" Well in all the confusion I kinda lost count myself.

So here's the question you gotta ask yourself Dave. "Do I feel lucky?"

Well? Do ya? Punk?
Awww, it's cute when leftists feel they're intimidating.

I don't have to defend the statement; it's self-evident.

BLAM! I shoulda known Daveward Gunnerhands never runs out of fallacy bullets. Indeed he has not let us down, pivoting to the "Everybody Knows" fallacy, so his quiver is seemingly never empty.

Good show. Beautifully not done anything about.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. Watch him double-down on the same Sweeping Generalization Fallacy ... here:

Leftism insists many things that aren't real are absolutely true. "Gun control works", "Communism has never been tried", "Taxing the wealthy will pay for everything", "Free speech only means things I agree with", "Black people can't succeed without the help of white liberals".

All horseshit. All beliefs of leftists.

And all Srawmen. It's a fallacy trifecta. :clap2:

Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Note that your refusal to acknowledge it does not in any way alter the reality. (Hint: That's part of the leftist self-delusion.)

Perish the thought, I'm actually keeping score here.
Thoughtcrime must be punished harshly.

Right, leftists?

Dunno Dave, you're the one pointing guns.
Yes, we've been through this before, you're afraid of a small painting of firearms.

Yes we have, and as I told you before it's got zippo to do with anybody's "fear". You pulled that out of your ass --- which has gotta be an iffy thing to do considering your uh, condition.

No Dave it's still the same thing it's always been --- a mockery of what you value.
I'm sure that fiction makes you feel better about your fear. Have you ever considered, oh, I dunno, growing the hell up, boy?

See what I mean? You've melted down into defensive posture. :crybaby:

Not my problem though.
Goodness, you sure do see a lot of things that aren't there.

But then, self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Right now I'm seeing a Fallacy of Composition. And it's definitely there and quantifiable.

Thanks for quantifying, doodles. Makes it easy.
Of course. You see what you want to see. It's easy.

Well gee whiz Wally you laid it right in front of me. Can't not-notice it.
The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

Want me to document it for you?

Here ya go. Roll tape.

self-delusion is a hallmark of leftism.

Go ahead, try to defend that. Make my day.

I know what you're thinking. "Did I use up all my fallacies or do I have any left?" Well in all the confusion I kinda lost count myself.

So here's the question you gotta ask yourself Dave. "Do I feel lucky?"

Well? Do ya? Punk?
Awww, it's cute when leftists feel they're intimidating.

I don't have to defend the statement; it's self-evident.

BLAM! I shoulda known Daveward Gunnerhands never runs out of fallacy bullets. Indeed he has not let us down, pivoting to the "Everybody Knows" fallacy, so his quiver is seemingly never empty.

Good show. Beautifully not done anything about.

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay. Watch him double-down on the same Sweeping Generalization Fallacy ... here:

Leftism insists many things that aren't real are absolutely true. "Gun control works", "Communism has never been tried", "Taxing the wealthy will pay for everything", "Free speech only means things I agree with", "Black people can't succeed without the help of white liberals".

All horseshit. All beliefs of leftists.

And all Srawmen. It's a fallacy trifecta. :clap2:

Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Note that your refusal to acknowledge it does not in any way alter the reality. (Hint: That's part of the leftist self-delusion.)

Perish the thought, I'm actually keeping score here.
I know this will come as a shock to you, but I have no obligation to validate your fever dreams. Take some Tylenol.

Those leftist fantasies I used to illustrate leftist delusion are not strawmen simply because you say so. You should perhaps run along now, kid.

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