Wow.... listening now to Pelosi.... I had no idea this bill will save every person on earth!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
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Free Broadband for "some" people... gee wonder who that is??
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Better water for children.... the chiiiildrennnn
More stuff for women...
More stuff for rural America
Free Broadband for "some" people... gee wonder who that is??
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View attachment 560782
The only people this bill will save aren't Americans.
This reminds me of in old Italian neighborhoods, the Dons would give away free bread and candy to kids so the community would forget the fact they are criminals and murderers.

It's the old Roman con game "Bread and Circuses"
Better water for children.... the chiiiildrennnn
More stuff for women...
More stuff for rural America
Free Broadband for "some" people... gee wonder who that is??
More stuff for schools

It's got it all!!!!!!
Get yours TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 560782
Oh look, another conservative that wants dirty air, water, feces and to burn alive on earth because of carbon dioxide in the next 12 years, yada, yada, yada.

Yes, I know we were told a year ago it would be 12 years.

So what? What are you look'in at anyway?

This is you in 12 years because of global warming

Just don't say you were not warned.
Better water for children.... the chiiiildrennnn
More stuff for women...
More stuff for rural America
Free Broadband for "some" people... gee wonder who that is??
More stuff for schools

It's got it all!!!!!!
Get yours TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View attachment 560782
Bidumb said the same thing ...he's a forked tongue typical jackass politician
Interesting how that $1.7 trillion jumped to over $4 trillion....

And aren't you snowflakes tired of Pelosi'sbullshit, bending you over and wearing out your ass with attempting to ram a massive spending bill without letting you know what is in it and without letting you know how much it costs?

Would you buy a car from a guy who insists you signt the contract before telling you what the car comes with and how much it costs?

If you say YES you're a damn liar.
easyt65 Um we are talking American government here. Add AT LEAST a zero to the end. 2 Trillion is going to end up being 20 trillion. Nothing stops government expansion and spending once they have their green light.
We don't know the exact number because Pelosi is trying to ram it through before the CBO scores it....

The Money Laundering network feeding at the trough again .....hmmmm.

How's her son doing with all that money from Burisma..........oops.....RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

Enjoy the show from the money launderers.

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