WOW, shades of 2016 - Bernie-ism = Trump-ism

Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
Big difference:

Trump 2016: Make America Great Again.

Commie Bernie 2020: Make America Venezuela.
I'm not talking about issues, obviously.

I can only make this so easy.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
I tend to think millions of Americans are fed up with their government protecting, enriching, and bailing out the extreme wealthy, while they are given peanuts and harassed by an ever growing police state thanks to nonstop wars abroad.

This could be why O and Don were elected, and why Bernie may win this time.

The problem is that they lied.

Obama had many from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street in his administration.

So did Clinton.

So did reagan, bush the first and the bush boy.

trump has even more in his administration than presidents before him.

That's the problem. Big business is in government. They are the ones making the decisions and influencing economic policy.

Big business needs too work with government. Big business and government should not be merged.

The problem is the rich and business have been allowed to buy our government and become a part of our government.

Conflicts of interest have been ignored.

The government doesn't work for all of the people in America. Government works for the rich and big business.
Agreed. I think had Bernie not been cheated in 2016 and went on to win the nomination, he beats Donnie. He likely carries the rust belts states the crazy bitch lost.

Bernie wasn't cheated. He didn't get as many votes. He's getting LESS votes this time, which tells me that a lot of the support of him was less support for "Socialism" and more a dislike for Mrs. Clinton.

But since the center is fractured 4 ways, he might have enough momentum to carry him over.

Notice how the MSM, leading Dems, and billionaires are all lining up to stop Bernie. At the same time, the right thinks Don will beat Bernie easily. I tend to think this is all an indication the elites have no understanding of the attitudes of the MC, WC, and the poor.

Um. Yeah.

Here's the thing. I kind of agree about where Bernie is coming from. I see how the Middle Class and working class are struggling despite the "Good" times.

But I don't think for a minute that a guy whose whole executive experience is running a town with 42,000 people in it 30 years ago is ready to run the country, much less reform it.

Not that I "love" Bloomberg. I just think he has the skill sets to get the job done.
...and they are actively working to cheat him again. The accusations that the Russians are helping Bernie, is proof of this.

Actually Bernie admitted it.

He was interviewed and he admitted that the government told him russia is helping him to get the nomination about a month ago.

I'm not a Bernie supporter but if he gets the nomination I will vote for him. He makes sense on some things but there's no way in the world that our congress is going to pass any of his policy into law. So we will have what we've had since Obama.

Government by executive order.
Analysis: Sanders' path has echoes of Trump's 2016 campaign

"A burn-it-down candidate is topping a splintered field of more moderate contenders and setting the party’s establishment wing on edge. It’s how Donald Trump began his unlikely march to the Republican nomination in 2016. And four years later, it’s how Sen. Bernie Sanders has cemented himself as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination."
Analysis: Sanders' path has echoes of Trump's 2016 campaign

"A burn-it-down candidate is topping a splintered field of more moderate contenders and setting the party’s establishment wing on edge. It’s how Donald Trump began his unlikely march to the Republican nomination in 2016. And four years later, it’s how Sen. Bernie Sanders has cemented himself as the front-runner for the Democratic nomination."

This is the result of decades of government for the rich and big business.

People will take only so much. We've been fleeced by the rich big time since the reagan years.

When people have had enough they are willing to do just about anything to change things. When moderates and the center keep pandering and giving into the rich and big business those moderates and centrists are ignored.

So people choose what they see will change things. Things don't change so people lose faith in our government.

When that happens people get even more frustrated and believe that maybe burning everything down is the answer.

That's where we are now.

The center needs to understand that giving into the extremes isn't the answer.
Agreed. I think had Bernie not been cheated in 2016 and went on to win the nomination, he beats Donnie. He likely carries the rust belts states the crazy bitch lost.

Bernie wasn't cheated. He didn't get as many votes. He's getting LESS votes this time, which tells me that a lot of the support of him was less support for "Socialism" and more a dislike for Mrs. Clinton.

But since the center is fractured 4 ways, he might have enough momentum to carry him over.

Notice how the MSM, leading Dems, and billionaires are all lining up to stop Bernie. At the same time, the right thinks Don will beat Bernie easily. I tend to think this is all an indication the elites have no understanding of the attitudes of the MC, WC, and the poor.

Um. Yeah.

Here's the thing. I kind of agree about where Bernie is coming from. I see how the Middle Class and working class are struggling despite the "Good" times.

But I don't think for a minute that a guy whose whole executive experience is running a town with 42,000 people in it 30 years ago is ready to run the country, much less reform it.

Not that I "love" Bloomberg. I just think he has the skill sets to get the job done.
...and they are actively working to cheat him again. The accusations that the Russians are helping Bernie, is proof of this.

Actually Bernie admitted it.

He was interviewed and he admitted that the government told him russia is helping him to get the nomination about a month ago.

I'm not a Bernie supporter but if he gets the nomination I will vote for him. He makes sense on some things but there's no way in the world that our congress is going to pass any of his policy into law. So we will have what we've had since Obama.

Government by executive order.
What they will try to tie Bernie to the Russians. Just as they did Trump. Yeah it’s all dumb and dangerous. Donnie is much more confrontational with Russia than his predecessors, as a result.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
I tend to think millions of Americans are fed up with their government protecting, enriching, and bailing out the extreme wealthy, while they are given peanuts and harassed by an ever growing police state thanks to nonstop wars abroad.

This could be why O and Don were elected, and why Bernie may win this time.

The problem is that they lied.

Obama had many from Goldman Sachs and Wall Street in his administration.

So did Clinton.

So did reagan, bush the first and the bush boy.

trump has even more in his administration than presidents before him.

That's the problem. Big business is in government. They are the ones making the decisions and influencing economic policy.

Big business needs too work with government. Big business and government should not be merged.

The problem is the rich and business have been allowed to buy our government and become a part of our government.

Conflicts of interest have been ignored.

The government doesn't work for all of the people in America. Government works for the rich and big business.
Of course you’re right but amazingly many Americans on both sides, don’t see the fraud being committed against them.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
Big difference:

Trump 2016: Make America Great Again.

Commie Bernie 2020: Make America Venezuela.
I'm not talking about issues, obviously.

I can only make this so easy.
Most Socialists try to avoid issues.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses

The irony is Bloomberg is cut from similar cloth. He won't win the nomination, but he's way more similar to Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed) to me than Sanders.
Only a radical extremist believer of the horse-shoe theory equates Americanism with socialism... an open border with a border.

Mac has made it into an axiom that whenever two parties oppose each other they MUST BE just the same, because after all, both use weapons to fight each other.

I'm not going to say he's totally right, but it's a damn good theory.
Mac has made it into an axiom that whenever two parties oppose each other they MUST BE just the same, because after all, both use weapons to fight each other.
And here we go again.

Intellectually paralyzed by your ideology, you equate "can be so damn similar" with "must be just the same". You don't see the clear difference between the two, you didn't notice the not one, but TWO qualifiers in what I said.

This is one of the primary reasons I given up trying to have conversations with nutters here.

Replacing "are the same" with "can be so damn similar" changes nothing in my post.
It's only your main point.

That's okay. I know you're doing the best you can. But I don't come here to hold your hand through this.

Here is the fixed post.

Mac has made it into an axiom that whenever two parties oppose each other they are damn similar, because after all, both use weapons to fight each other.

Clearly you are not getting the point. Just because how to win a war is universal does not mean the goals are the same. One party is fighting for America, the other for socialism and 3rd worldism.

Yeah, unfortunately your partisan opinion and reality are two different animals. Wingers never understand this.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this".

And EXACTLY the same thing was said about Trump and the Trumpsters in 2016. I say it all the time: The two ends can be SO DAMN SIMILAR.

Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.

MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
I tend to think millions of Americans are fed up with their government protecting, enriching, and bailing out the extreme wealthy, while they are given peanuts and harassed by an ever growing police state thanks to nonstop wars abroad.

This could be why O and Don were elected, and why Bernie may win this time.

Many, without any tinge of irony are trying to convince us that a class system in America doesn't exist.
Yes, Stormy Mac, you probably STILL don't get what animated Trump or Bernie.

It's that most of us don't have money in Wall Street. Most of us are just struggling to get by day to day getting cut off on the way to work by some douchebag in a Lexus.

I personally think Bernie is a bit overblown. He's gotten less of the Primary vote than he got in 2016 in the three contests so far.

But he stands for something that people can relate to while everyone else is, "don't upset Wall Street".
Bernie stands for “something for nothing”

and that appeals to a lot of people raised in the socialist public schools
The cabal in Congress stands for you know who, but somehow you can’t see it. Even though it’s right in front of you. Maybe a picture will help...
Assuming Bernie gets the nomination - who knows - this could very well be a turning point.

Back in 2016, there were many who liked both Trump and Bernie, and it appears that it was because they both represent what you're talking about.

The anger and frustration are clearly rising across the board.
Agreed. I think had Bernie not been cheated in 2016 and went on to win the nomination, he beats Donnie. He likely carries the rust belts states the crazy bitch lost.

Notice how the MSM, leading Dems, and billionaires are all lining up to stop Bernie. At the same time, the right thinks Don will beat Bernie easily. I tend to think this is all an indication the elites have no understanding of the attitudes of the MC, WC, and the poor.
Yeah. And MSNBC is now using a word regularly to describe the Democratic Party that just cracks me up:

"The Establishment"

Ring a bell? Shades of the 2016 GOP.

It makes me so angry to hear this on 'news' stations all the time. It's never been defined, yet they use it as if everyone knows exactly who they're talking about. That's what is known as propaganda.
Just because Hillary was a better candidate does not mean he was cheated.

Now Hillary did get the debate questions in advance so yes she did cheat.

Way to contradict your point in very the next sentence. Do you feel talking from both sides of your mouth is effective? Hint: It isn't. Bernie was cheated.
holy crap

He made some really good points, Mac.
Since I've read the liberals here, for the most part I think they have points to make. I don't agree with him putting them on ignore because he can't change their minds. The mindless support for every stupid or immoral or inappropriate thing Trump does is far more sickening, but he can't see that.
Still, he made some really good points.
Always love when left wingers proclaim some moral superiority as though the left are highly moral.

We should all just applaud this 11 year old cross dressing transgender boy stripping at gay strip clubs.


Not one conservative Trump voter applauding that, I can assure you.

You pathetic gasbags. Are any of you losers self aware? No, cause if you were, you would not proclaim moral superiority from your pathetic hypocritical moral left wing platitudes.

You're using some stupid fringe story to prove some stupid partisan point about the entirety of a political tribe. Get the fuck out of here, idiot.
Pretty funny watching MSNBC's Joy Reid say, "wow, we really underestimated how angry and frustrated and animated these people are. The party had better pay attention to this"... Bernie is this year's Trump, at least for the Democrats.
MSNBC Melts Down As Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses
The millionaires of the MSM are the last to know.
It's one thing to embrace an America-First, non-political establishment populist and quite another to embrace a lifelong politician who is an admitted socialist.
Bernie's "popularity" is only as deep as the number of socialist losers in America.

The flip side being abysmal ignorance of things 'social' escapes you so phenomenally , the very air is sucked out of this chat room .......


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