
Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015


TRUMP: IS THAT A WIG? Hell Yes That Pig Has A Wig On!

trump-hell-hole (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

The liberals of the days of our founding would be appalled by the fake liberals of today.

Another true fact.

Modern American "liberalism" is a mindless orthodoxy of stale shallow socialist claptrap thinking which often requires the denial of the very premises of our Republic.

Modern American liberalism is a form of mental illness coupled with pathetic ignorance.
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Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

The liberals of the days of our founding would be appalled by the fake liberals of today.

Another true fact.

Modern American "liberalism" is a mindless orthodoxy of stale shallow socialist claptrap thinking which often requires the denial ofthe very premises of our Republic.

Modern American liberalism is a form of mental illness coupled with pathetic ignorance.
Liberal then is liberal now, only we are far smarter. We also live today, as they did, not 230 fucking years ago...
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.
Says the welfare queen.
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

Yo, you pussies never fought for one minute? You are too scared of gins!!! You can leave FOOL!!!

trump-hell-hole (1) (1) (1) (1).jpg
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

Yo, you pussies never fought for one minute? You are too scared of gins!!! You can leave FOOL!!!

View attachment 54536
Dumbass, I own guns, and they used them, to kill the British. See ya, idiot...
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

The liberals of the days of our founding would be appalled by the fake liberals of today.

Another true fact.

Modern American "liberalism" is a mindless orthodoxy of stale shallow socialist claptrap thinking which often requires the denial of the very premises of our Republic.

Modern American liberalism is a form of mental illness coupled with pathetic ignorance.
Liberal then is liberal now, only we are far smarter. We also live today, as they did, not 230 fucking years ago...

Wrong. The liberal of THEN cherished individual freedom, liberty and rights. THEREFORE the "liberals" of the Founding wisely chose to place firm limits on the authority and powers of government.

THAT is what the conservatives of this modern day seek to preserve
. But you so-called "liberals' of TODAY are not aligned with such thinking. You morons actually believe that the nanny state government is the best solution to most societal problems. And to solve such problems, YOU chuckle-heads keep throwing MORE and more power at the furnace of government. When that means you trample individual rights and conservatives sound their objection, you idiots condemn your opposition for being "selfish." Even your rhetoric is phony.

As I noted before, you are completely mixed up. You are incapable of grasping the glaringly obvious. You morons deny reality.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.

The liberals of the days of our founding would be appalled by the fake liberals of today.

Another true fact.

Modern American "liberalism" is a mindless orthodoxy of stale shallow socialist claptrap thinking which often requires the denial of the very premises of our Republic.

Modern American liberalism is a form of mental illness coupled with pathetic ignorance.
Liberal then is liberal now, only we are far smarter. We also live today, as they did, not 230 fucking years ago...

Wrong. The liberal of THEN cherished individual freedom, liberty and rights. THEREFORE the "liberals" of the Founding wisely chose to place firm limits on the authority and powers of government.

THAT is what the conservatives of this modern day seek to preserve
. But you so-called "liberals' of TODAY are not aligned with such thinking. You morons actually believe that the nanny state government is the best solution to most societal problems. And to solve such problems, YOU chuckle-heads keep throwing MORE and more power at the furnace of government. When that means you trample individual rights and conservatives sound their objection, you idiots condemn your opposition for being "selfish." Even your rhetoric is phony.

As I noted before, you are completely mixed up. You are incapable of grasping the glaringly obvious. You morons deny reality.
Liberals of today want what liberals of 230 years ago wanted, a government that works for them. You idiots would say we can't have an FAA because they didn't have one in 1789, when they had no fucking airplanes...
How about if you leave instead? There are plenty of socialist countries that share your philosophy, what are you waiting for?
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
I'm a liberal. My people founded this country for liberals so get the fuck out, you are neither needed nor wanted.
Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

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