Your people? Somehow I doubt if George Washington would agree with that bullshit. :lol:
GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
What is a Democratic Republic? | RedState

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

We remain as we started a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

YOUR abject pathetic bass-ackward "thinking" evidently cannot be remedied.

Normally, ignorance can be "cured" by education. But your stupidity is impervious to the stuff.

(By the way, "Zionism" has precisely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, you hopeless, stanky, rancid, rat-twat, abject imbecile.)

And this is MY country, you rat fuck. I'm staying and I will do my level best to correct the shitty horrors your kind inflicts on this Republic.

If you don't like that, you can feel free to get the fuck out. Nobody will miss you.
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GW would agree far more with me than you. You he would describe as little more than a selfish child.

George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
What is a Democratic Republic? | RedState

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

We remain as we started a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

YOUR abject pathetic bass-ackward "thinking" evidently cannot be remedied.

Normally, ignorance can be "cured" by education. But your stupidity is impervious to the stuff.

(By the way, "Zionism" has precisely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, you hopeless, stanky, rancid, rat-twat, abject imbecile.)
Move to Israel, little Zionist:

"If you want the most technical term, our country is a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic. Our form of government, the constitution limits the power of government. We elect representatives, so it's not a pure democracy. But we do elect them by majority rule so it is democratic. And the form of, the infrastructure, the total form of government, is republican, it is a republic."
Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

You aren't wanted here...
George Washington would slap you silly, dutchboi.

You are incapable of grasping what he risked his life to achieve and what he fought for and then tried to realize as our First President under a Constitution which enshrined the precepts of a government of limited authority and enumerated powers.

You truly cannot grasp why it is crucial to place limits on the authority of government and to enumerate the powers it has. You are incapable of appreciating the connection between those techniques and the freedom and liberty of the INDIVIDUAL it seeks to help achieve and preserve.
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
What is a Democratic Republic? | RedState

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

We remain as we started a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

YOUR abject pathetic bass-ackward "thinking" evidently cannot be remedied.

Normally, ignorance can be "cured" by education. But your stupidity is impervious to the stuff.

(By the way, "Zionism" has precisely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, you hopeless, stanky, rancid, rat-twat, abject imbecile.)
Move to Israel, little Zionist:

"If you want the most technical term, our country is a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic. Our form of government, the constitution limits the power of government. We elect representatives, so it's not a pure democracy. But we do elect them by majority rule so it is democratic. And the form of, the infrastructure, the total form of government, is republican, it is a republic."
Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

You aren't wanted here...

Go suck Shrillary's balls. First of all, I am an American.

Secondly, I don't take stage directions from a commie puke such as you.

Third, I enjoy the fact that alerting others to your bullshit gives you such a massive butthurt. :thup:

I'm staying.

You can feel free to get the fuck out. Maybe you can get Putin to accept your idiot ass?
Rights and Responsibilities, dumbshit. There's a reason why we are a Democratic Republic and not a Democracy. Care to know why? Pitchforks plow the fields and make babies, they should never be allowed to govern, and they weren't allow to. The Founders were liberals but not, like you, stupid.

Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
What is a Democratic Republic? | RedState

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

We remain as we started a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

YOUR abject pathetic bass-ackward "thinking" evidently cannot be remedied.

Normally, ignorance can be "cured" by education. But your stupidity is impervious to the stuff.

(By the way, "Zionism" has precisely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, you hopeless, stanky, rancid, rat-twat, abject imbecile.)
Move to Israel, little Zionist:

"If you want the most technical term, our country is a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic. Our form of government, the constitution limits the power of government. We elect representatives, so it's not a pure democracy. But we do elect them by majority rule so it is democratic. And the form of, the infrastructure, the total form of government, is republican, it is a republic."
Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

You aren't wanted here...

Go suck Shrillary's balls. First of all, I am an American.

Secondly, I don't take stage directions from a commie puke such as you.

Third, I enjoy the fact that alerting others to your bullshit gives you such a massive butthurt. :thup:

I'm staying.

You can feel free to get the fuck out. Maybe you can get Putin to accept your idiot ass?
I would think you'd love Putin, your kind of guy little Zionist, and this nation wasn't founded for your kind so get the fuck out. Israel needs you to fight the sand ******* eh?
And although putrid modern American liberals (who ruin the formerly decent name of "liberals") pretend to know what they are speaking about, a shit head like the imbecilic Dutchboi clearly doesn't grasp that this WAS a Constitutional REPUBLIC. It is not now and never was a damn "democracy."

So, again, Dutchboi, feel obligated to go fuck yourself, you ignorant, stupid, rancid syphilis-ridden flea-bitten disease-infested rat twat.

I'm not even Jewish, you anti-Semitic piece of shit.

Still, God Bless Israel and God Bless the United States of America.
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Listen dumb twat. When I want a lecture from you and your brainless ilk, I'll take a quick peek at shit holes like The Daily Kos. (by the way, what a fucking moron name they have over in liberal lala land.)

Don't mouth off your usual stale bullshit about rights and responsibilities. You twats don't much care for them except in hollow name's sake.

We are not a Democratic Republic, either, ya pathetic asshole shit for brains. We are a Constitutional Republic.

Pitch forks aren't used for plowing fields, either, ya dumb-twat.

And contrary to your elitist nonsensical contentions, farmers were perfectly able to govern when we started this Republic for GOOD reason. I'd bet you that farmers of today would still be better at running the government in the halls of Congress and the Executive branch than the shit-head lolberals currently infesting D.C.

The Founders and Framers WERE liberals. You aren't. The conservatives of TODAY are FAR closer in mind and spirit to the view of the liberal Founders and Framers than jack-offs like you. Why? Because conservatives choose to PRESERVE the very things that GOT us here. YOU would reject them and cast them aside. I've even heard the rumblings from you fuck-wit liberals of a new movement to jettison the Constitution. As I say and say correctly; conservatives seek to PRESERVE and conserve those ideals. YOU assholes mostly reject them or pay only the most slovenly lip-service to them.
What is a Democratic Republic? | RedState

Go fuck yourself, and get your Zionist ass out of my country.

We remain as we started a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic.

YOUR abject pathetic bass-ackward "thinking" evidently cannot be remedied.

Normally, ignorance can be "cured" by education. But your stupidity is impervious to the stuff.

(By the way, "Zionism" has precisely nothing to do with the conversation at hand, you hopeless, stanky, rancid, rat-twat, abject imbecile.)
Move to Israel, little Zionist:

"If you want the most technical term, our country is a constitutionally limited representative democratic republic. Our form of government, the constitution limits the power of government. We elect representatives, so it's not a pure democracy. But we do elect them by majority rule so it is democratic. And the form of, the infrastructure, the total form of government, is republican, it is a republic."
Is the USA a democracy or a republic?

You aren't wanted here...

Go suck Shrillary's balls. First of all, I am an American.

Secondly, I don't take stage directions from a commie puke such as you.

Third, I enjoy the fact that alerting others to your bullshit gives you such a massive butthurt. :thup:

I'm staying.

You can feel free to get the fuck out. Maybe you can get Putin to accept your idiot ass?
I would think you'd love Putin, your kind of guy little Zionist, and this nation wasn't founded for your kind so get the fuck out. Israel needs you to fight the sand ******* eh?

Proclaiming from the highest mound of shit you can climb that you are a bigot, an anti-Semite and a simpleton piece of crap is nothing to brag about. So get busy fucking yourself some more. Use a rusty rasp.

Trying to flame me with your massive case of brain death is futile. You lack the capacity to even offer a good one-liner.

You are a complete void; a rancid rat twat, but a void all the same.
Hillary is a shriveled whore.
You are free to leave our liberal nation anytime you like. As a matter of fact, please do...
Not a liberal nation liar.

Ture. Using the relatively modern connotation and denotation of the respective terms "conservative" and "liberal," the present day United States is a majority conservative. We are run as though we are somehow dedicated to the inane and stupid and dangerous "liberal" political philosophy. We aren't. We've just (in the past) tended to put them in office too often and they, in turn, have lined their massive bureaucracy with fellow travelers. It leads simpleton dishonest twats like Dutchboi to the wrong conclusion. Of course, he can't help it. He is quite stupid.

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