WS Journal: Lack Of Fathers Behind Lack Of Black Income Inequality, Not Racism!

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.

Its not racist to be concerned about the fact that 72% of black households dont have a father figure. Why dont you care more about that? It seems like you are only interested in calling people racist, which is really shitty and it does nothing to solve the problems in the black community. Sweeping shit under the rug is no solution.

I agree it's a problem, but it seems there are those who think it's a problem for just one race. What about Hispanics? No problems arise? Whites? It doesn't cause socials issues?
No, let's just be closed-minded. That tunnel-vision is just that, focused on one race and ignoring the problems that cross racial lines.
This thread belongs in Race Relations.
You are about half right. The key problems are:

Successful Black women are less likely to marry outside of their race than successful women of other races.

Internalized racism is a bigger problem in both sexes than among members of other races.

So, external remedies are not the answer.
Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.

Its not racist to be concerned about the fact that 72% of black households dont have a father figure. Why dont you care more about that? It seems like you are only interested in calling people racist, which is really shitty and it does nothing to solve the problems in the black community. Sweeping shit under the rug is no solution.

I agree it's a problem, but it seems there are those who think it's a problem for just one race. What about Hispanics? No problems arise? Whites? It doesn't cause socials issues?
No, let's just be closed-minded. That tunnel-vision is just that, focused on one race and ignoring the problems that cross racial lines.
This thread belongs in Race Relations.

Its never a good thing to not have a father around, but it isnt a massive problem for all races in the US. Do you see massive problems with high school drop out rates, unemployment, incarceration rates, criminal activity, gangs, drive by shootings, racist mob attacks, innability to speak properly, and a general lack of respect for authority figures in the asian community or white community?

Do you think the black community has rampant problems like this because black people are inherently inferior, or do you think it has something to do with no fathers around? Im going with the latter. Instead of worrying about white people, who appear to be doing ok, maybe we ought to concentrate on the community with the most problems. Dont you think that would be the most logical course of action?
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In 2012, there were 24,725,000 single parent families in the US, 6,493,000 were black. So where are the comments on all the other 18,232,000 who weren't black?
Typical stupid LIB comment. What else is new.
If you had two fucking brain cells to rub together you would understand what the phrase 'Based on Population' means when looking at statistics.
Blacks make up about 13% of the US population.
About 75% of Black children are born to single mothers. That is the relevant statistic ass hole!
It's like you claiming 'Whites' commit more violent crimes. Very true. That's b/c there are millions more Whites than Blacks.
Color of Crime
The reason why massive illegitimacy in the "African American" community has a higher profile than illegitimacy in the so-called, "white" community is that the AA community claims victim status, demanding government handouts, and blaming their plight on racism.

White women bearing illegitimate children are still an aberration, and as often as not, are doing so as a matter of choice, believing that they have the resources to raise and nurture a child. Black women having children out of wedlock is simply part of the culture - and black "leaders" refuse to condemn it for fear of being deemed, "judgmental."

But there are times when it is entirely appropriate to be judgmental, and condemning illegitimacy is one of them.
The family structure in the US (and really the world) is collapsing at an exponential rate. It's multiplying in disturbing numbers because we as a society think it's just fine and this is evidenced by simply observing Pop Culture, where it's just another 'news' story to announce some actress slut fucked Johnny Sperminator and they are having a baby. Married? Fuck no, and you have no right say shit about that.

We are spiraling into darkness and there's no stopping it until we start naming names and pointing fingers to assign GUILT were it belongs.
In 2012, there were 24,725,000 single parent families in the US, 6,493,000 were black. So where are the comments on all the other 18,232,000 who weren't black?

HAHAHA. You made those numbers up but even if true they are damning for blacks. Blacks are only 13% of america and yet you say they make up 25% of single parent families.

Here's the link, racist!
Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

You are correct, the black community does have a higher ratio but that does not answer the question, what about the other 18 million plus non blacks? Why are the blacks singled out? One reason and only one reason, racism.
67% to 25% black/white single-parent families is why blacks are singled out. Why wouldn't they be? Obviously this issues needs to be addressed across-the-board and both stats should be unacceptable, but it is a matter of degree like many things in life. There is simply a catastrophic problem in the black community and blacks are suffering because of it.
The family structure in the US (and really the world) is collapsing at an exponential rate. It's multiplying in disturbing numbers because we as a society think it's just fine and this is evidenced by simply observing Pop Culture, where it's just another 'news' story to announce some actress slut fucked Johnny Sperminator and they are having a baby. Married? Fuck no, and you have no right say shit about that.

We are spiraling into darkness and there's no stopping it until we start naming names and pointing fingers to assign GUILT were it belongs.

A family is a bad idea for a man today. The wife divorces him and demands and gets 18 years of child support and spends 90% of that money on herself.

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