WSJ: "How Trump Happened"

Trump happened because of the cultural rot of America. That cultural rot has spread into almost every faucet of our government. We are now a totally corrupt and morally depraved nation. We did it to ourselves.

Outstanding observation!!

I put Trump in the same category as Caligula. We're headed down the same road.

You two have obviously never been anywhere else, except maybe a weekend in Cancun.
Certainly not Aleppo or Homs. Or Beijing, or even Hong Kong. Do either of you morons think that a character like El Chapo could survive and thrive in the U.S?
The mafia has done fairly well.
Trump happened because of the cultural rot of America. That cultural rot has spread into almost every faucet of our government. We are now a totally corrupt and morally depraved nation. We did it to ourselves.

Outstanding observation!!

I put Trump in the same category as Caligula. We're headed down the same road.

You two have obviously never been anywhere else, except maybe a weekend in Cancun.

Well, I spent a little time in Southeast Asia. Even crossed over into Cambodia once or twice. I've been in a few other countries and in about 40 of the states. But yes, I have been to Cancun.

I've worked in Japan, Peru, Chile, Mexico, Italy and Canada and visited seven countries in Europe. This country is still the most civil and user-friendly on Earth unless you go to Scandinavia.

The GOP candidates have to make it sound like we're teetering on disaster. That's Karl Rove's playbook....make them scared. Don't give them proof, just scare the shit out of them.

The only one who has a real claim to this is Trump who knows how important and at the same time conflicting our relationship with China is.

Where did you get the best tips?
Actually, we all started this a long time ago. I remember when they almost banned the "Outlaw" because of the way Jane Russell's peasant blouse hung so low. I started to watch a movie just the other evening but turned the television off when the first screens to come on the screen showed a nude man and woman having sex with her moaning and twisting. This nation distributes 65% of the world's porn. A man's handshake is worth nothing anymore. We've had incidents of kids in the 5th grade in school being caught in oral sex acts. Almost any business out there today will rip you off. Men knock women up and leave them for the taxpayer to foot the bill for their upbringing. Some of them sire children by more than one woman. Most young teen girls know more about oral sex than their own Moms ever knew. We defend our politicians even though they are proven liars and felons. Our politicians are filled with greed and only serve the bankers, the lobbyists, and special interest groups who support their campaigns and funnel money into their bank accounts. They sell us down the river all the time.

We totally deserve what we have.
Trump happened because of the cultural rot of America. That cultural rot has spread into almost every faucet of our government. We are now a totally corrupt and morally depraved nation. We did it to ourselves.

Outstanding observation!!

I put Trump in the same category as Caligula. We're headed down the same road.

You two have obviously never been anywhere else, except maybe a weekend in Cancun.
Certainly not Aleppo or Homs. Or Beijing, or even Hong Kong. Do either of you morons think that a character like El Chapo could survive and thrive in the U.S?

Another Democrat trying to minimize his opponents because he can't battle them with facts.
Trump happened because of the cultural rot of America. That cultural rot has spread into almost every faucet of our government. We are now a totally corrupt and morally depraved nation. We did it to ourselves.

Outstanding observation!!

I put Trump in the same category as Caligula. We're headed down the same road.

You two have obviously never been anywhere else, except maybe a weekend in Cancun.
Certainly not Aleppo or Homs. Or Beijing, or even Hong Kong. Do either of you morons think that a character like El Chapo could survive and thrive in the U.S?

Another Democrat trying to minimize his opponents because he can't battle them with facts.

Yes, it's like dealing with spoiled little children.
Actually, we all started this a long time ago. I remember when they almost banned the "Outlaw" because of the way Jane Russell's peasant blouse hung so low. I started to watch a movie just the other evening but turned the television off when the first screens to come on the screen showed a nude man and woman having sex with her moaning and twisting. This nation distributes 65% of the world's porn. A man's handshake is worth nothing anymore. We've had incidents of kids in the 5th grade in school being caught in oral sex acts. Almost any business out there today will rip you off. Men knock women up and leave them for the taxpayer to foot the bill for their upbringing. Some of them sire children by more than one woman. Most young teen girls know more about oral sex than their own Moms ever knew. We defend our politicians even though they are proven liars and felons. Our politicians are filled with greed and only serve the bankers, the lobbyists, and special interest groups who support their campaigns and funnel money into their bank accounts. They sell us down the river all the time.

We totally deserve what we have.
I remember that movie. The nuns told us we couldn't see it. Took a few years before I knew what tits are for.
Threads suck when the OP's can't take the time to post a quote or add any personal thoughts......Just a minimalist quip....

I said it was terrific. It's a very complicated graphic compiled by the WSJ and their polling data. And explains how the GOP has been split into three sectors: Socially conservative, establishment and Trump. There, is that better?
Yeah there IS better.....

American citizens are PISSED off that ANY party elites even THINK they run this country.
So...why isn't anybody voting out their congresscritters?
Threads suck when the OP's can't take the time to post a quote or add any personal thoughts......Just a minimalist quip....

I said it was terrific. It's a very complicated graphic compiled by the WSJ and their polling data. And explains how the GOP has been split into three sectors: Socially conservative, establishment and Trump. There, is that better?
Yeah there IS better.....

American citizens are PISSED off that ANY party elites even THINK they run this country.
So...why isn't anybody voting out their congresscritters?
I will ask for the them...How do we do that?
Threads suck when the OP's can't take the time to post a quote or add any personal thoughts......Just a minimalist quip....

I said it was terrific. It's a very complicated graphic compiled by the WSJ and their polling data. And explains how the GOP has been split into three sectors: Socially conservative, establishment and Trump. There, is that better?
Yeah there IS better.....

American citizens are PISSED off that ANY party elites even THINK they run this country.
So...why isn't anybody voting out their congresscritters?

Because every Congressman sucks, except mine, he is really good. :lol: So that is why they are re-elected.

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