WTC building 7

So Eots,DID you notice how that troll carla went and whined to the mods about your thread being in the CDZ section because she was frustrated she could not refute the facts and wanted it out of there because of that?:biggrin:

as i said,Im sure you have noticed around here,trolls like her whine to the mods all the time over stuff like that since they hate the truth being

it was sooooo obvious she went and whined to the mods and through a tantrme about it the fact it had been there for over a week before SHE came on and whined about it. soon as she whined about it,it gets moved.she so obviously whined to the mods like the coward she is.:lmao:
outrageous really.. they clearly can not debate the subject as NIST is too absurd to defend ,so they want out of clean debate so they can be shit flinging monkeys.. to think some of them get paid for this idiocy
So Eots,DID you notice how that troll carla went and whined to the mods about your thread being in the CDZ section because she was frustrated she could not refute the facts and wanted it out of there because of that?:biggrin:

as i said,Im sure you have noticed around here,trolls like her whine to the mods all the time over stuff like that since they hate the truth being

it was sooooo obvious she went and whined to the mods and through a tantrme about it the fact it had been there for over a week before SHE came on and whined about it. soon as she whined about it,it gets moved.she so obviously whined to the mods like the coward she is.:lmao:
outrageous really.. they clearly can not debate the subject as NIST is too absurd to defend ,so they want out of clean debate so they can be shit flinging monkeys.. to think some of them get paid for this idiocy

yeah the trolls that are just in denial that are just brainwashed sheep afraid of the facts like carla,go and whine to the mods throwing temper tantrems about it like she did on it being in that section so they can have their wish that it goes to the conspiracy section where the paid shills troll here everyday such as dawgshit,hollie,rosie and others to try and derail the thread.:biggrin:
if no planes hit wtc7 there would be no jet fuel there is no indication that jet fuel from either impact made any contact with wtc7. it didn't even start to burn till wtc I collapsed. no jet fuel burns that long you're talking out your ass guess you forget what towers you are talking about
Got a link to any of this insane rambling ?...

How about a YouTube dedicated to Ideots?
if no planes hit wtc7 there would be no jet fuel there is no indication that jet fuel from either impact made any contact with wtc7. it didn't even start to burn till wtc I collapsed. no jet fuel burns that long you're talking out your ass guess you forget what towers you are talking about
Got a link to any of this insane rambling ?...

How about a YouTube dedicated to Ideots?

Your my Wile E. Coyote....beep beep
The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies

The 9/11 Commission now tells us that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents and is almost entirely untrue. The details of this massive cover-up are carefully outlined in a book by John Farmer, who was the Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission.

Farmer, Dean of Rutger Universities' School of Law and former Attorney General of New Jersey, was responsible for drafting the original flawed 9/11 report.
The 9 11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies - Salem-News.Com
"How long have we watered the Tree of Deceit with the blood of patriots?"

Looks like the typical, supermarket tabloid need service you troll for your conspiracy theories.
Major news story published in ever major newspaper..its not in dispute by you again just talking drivel

Really? I just GOOGLED the headline and the only "news" outlet with the story is something called "" Do you have any more BS you'd like to post?
From the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, a mesmerizing real-time portrayal of September 11th, 2001, why we weren’t told the truth, and why our nation is still at risk

As one of the primary authors of the 9/11 Commission Report, John Farmer is proud of his and his colleagues’ work. Yet he came away from the experience convinced that there was a further story of the September 11th attacks to be told, one he was uniquely qualified to write.
The Ground Truth The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9 11 John Farmer Books
The Lies They Told
When Sept. 11, 2001, dawned, the Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, N.Y., went on full alert — to prepare for a training exercise that envisioned a sneak attack by Russian planes flying over the North Pole to bomb the United States, a prospect that Defense Secretary Robert McNamara had dismissed as outdated in 1966. Later that morning, after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 had hit the World Trade Center and American Airlines Flight 77 the Pentagon, three F-16 fighter jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base to form a combat air patrol
that would be true if wtc7 had been comparable to those fire ..
it's not.
those building were not heavily damage by debris.
they did not have broken supports.
they all had working fire suppression equipment and fire fighters on scene.
it's a false comparison.
why do you intentional deceive when know as well as I do that NIST found debris was not a factor in the collapse and the collapse was due to fire and regardless of damage the building would still of collapsed due to fire alone causing the loss of column 79..who is it you are trying to decive ?
guess you don't understand the difference between damage and debris.
the damage done by it was a major factor in the collapse.
unless the same condition existed in the fires you are attempting to compare to wtc7, any comparison you make is false.
the only factor NIST attributes to damage is initiating the fires and you know this as well as Ido
if no planes hit wtc7 there would be no jet fuel there is no indication that jet fuel from either impact made any contact with wtc7.
it didn't even start to burn till wtc I collapsed.
no jet fuel burns that long
you're talking out your ass
guess you forget what towers you are talking about
Got a link to any of this insane rambling ? need to take some time off,you are starting to unravel
You could just admit that you are talking out your ass.
The Lies They Told
When Sept. 11, 2001, dawned, the Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, N.Y., went on full alert — to prepare for a training exercise that envisioned a sneak attack by Russian planes flying over the North Pole to bomb the United States, a prospect that Defense Secretary Robert McNamara had dismissed as outdated in 1966. Later that morning, after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 had hit the World Trade Center and American Airlines Flight 77 the Pentagon, three F-16 fighter jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base to form a combat air patrol
Why is it listed under political fiction?
If you are a student of 9/11 history, you will want this book. John Farmer, the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission calls into question the honesty of many of the participants engaged in the events surrounding 9/11: NSA advisor Sandy Berger shredding documents; CIA destroying interrogation tapes; General Eberhart, Colonel Marr, General Winfield, and General Arnold all lying about NORAD's timeline; Condi Rice lying about who gave the authority to shoot down a civilian plane; FAA lying about when they gave notice to NORAD and destroying tapes; Richard Clarke lying about the importance of his White House video conference; the "not credible" conclusions of the Department of Transportation Inspector General's report which reviewed the FAA's false accounts and the "frighteningly incompetent" Department of Defense Inspector General's Report on the false statements by the military. It seems almost every person involved in the story of 9/11 lied about the events of that day
If you are a student of 9/11 history, you will want this book. John Farmer, the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission calls into question the honesty of many of the participants engaged in the events surrounding 9/11: NSA advisor Sandy Berger shredding documents; CIA destroying interrogation tapes; General Eberhart, Colonel Marr, General Winfield, and General Arnold all lying about NORAD's timeline; Condi Rice lying about who gave the authority to shoot down a civilian plane; FAA lying about when they gave notice to NORAD and destroying tapes; Richard Clarke lying about the importance of his White House video conference; the "not credible" conclusions of the Department of Transportation Inspector General's report which reviewed the FAA's false accounts and the "frighteningly incompetent" Department of Defense Inspector General's Report on the false statements by the military. It seems almost every person involved in the story of 9/11 lied about the events of that day

The Ground Truth The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9 11 John Farmer Books
Still fiction.
From the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, a mesmerizing real-time portrayal of September 11th, 2001, why we weren’t told the truth, and why our nation is still at risk

As one of the primary authors of the 9/11 Commission Report, John Farmer is proud of his and his colleagues’ work. Yet he came away from the experience convinced that there was a further story of the September 11th attacks to be told, one he was uniquely qualified to write.
The Ground Truth The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9 11 John Farmer Books

Uh-huh. That's the book the article was about. Could you link other sources of what you claimed was a "a major news story in every major newspaper" or were you just lying again? Perhaps you can drag HandJob in on this and he can do some fart jokes.
"The White House Has Played Cover-Up"–Former 9/11 Commission Member Max Cleland Blasts Bush
The White House Has Played Cover-Up Former 9 11 Commission Member Max Cleland Blasts Bush Democracy Now
oh no! not the large font ploy...
seriously who is it you are trying to deceive when you talk about burning jet fuel and building damage as explanations for the collapse when you know this is not what NIST concluded ?
What caused the collapses of WTC 1 and WTC 2?

Based on its comprehensive investigation, NIST concluded that the WTC towers collapsed because: (1) the impact of the planes severed and damaged support columns, dislodged fireproofing insulation coating the steel floor trusses and steel columns, and widely dispersed jet fuel over multiple floors; and (2) the subsequent unusually large number of jet-fuel ignited multi-floor fires (which reached temperatures as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius, or 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) significantly weakened the floors and columns with dislodged fireproofing to the point where floors sagged and pulled inward on the perimeter columns. This led to the inward bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers. Both photographic and video evidence—as well as accounts from the New York City Police Department aviation unit during a half-hour period prior to collapse—support this sequence for each tower.
View attachment 40305
why do you intentional deceive when know as well as I do that NIST found debris was not a factor in the collapse and the collapse was due to fire and regardless of damage the building would still of collapsed due to fire alone causing the loss of column 79..who is it you are trying to decive ?
guess you don't understand the difference between damage and debris.
the damage done by it was a major factor in the collapse.
unless the same condition existed in the fires you are attempting to compare to wtc7, any comparison you make is false.
the only factor NIST attributes to damage is initiating the fires and you know this as well as Ido
if no planes hit wtc7 there would be no jet fuel there is no indication that jet fuel from either impact made any contact with wtc7.
it didn't even start to burn till wtc I collapsed.
no jet fuel burns that long
you're talking out your ass
guess you forget what towers you are talking about
Got a link to any of this insane rambling ? need to take some time off,you are starting to unravel

dawgshit,hollie and the other shills here always get frustrated when they run out of lies to make up.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
there are no made up lies. There are only refutations to your silly conspiracy theories.
So Eots,DID you notice how that troll carla went and whined to the mods about your thread being in the CDZ section because she was frustrated she could not refute the facts and wanted it out of there because of that?:biggrin:

as i said,Im sure you have noticed around here,trolls like her whine to the mods all the time over stuff like that since they hate the truth being

it was sooooo obvious she went and whined to the mods and through a tantrme about it the fact it had been there for over a week before SHE came on and whined about it. soon as she whined about it,it gets moved.she so obviously whined to the mods like the coward she is.:lmao:
outrageous really.. they clearly can not debate the subject as NIST is too absurd to defend ,so they want out of clean debate so they can be shit flinging monkeys.. to think some of them get paid for this idiocy
There is little to debate. Your goofy conspiracy theories are cut and pasted from tabloid Internet websites that cater to the gullible. Your silly headlines cut and pasted from twoofer sites are a laughable joke.
If you are a student of 9/11 history, you will want this book. John Farmer, the senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission calls into question the honesty of many of the participants engaged in the events surrounding 9/11: NSA advisor Sandy Berger shredding documents; CIA destroying interrogation tapes; General Eberhart, Colonel Marr, General Winfield, and General Arnold all lying about NORAD's timeline; Condi Rice lying about who gave the authority to shoot down a civilian plane; FAA lying about when they gave notice to NORAD and destroying tapes; Richard Clarke lying about the importance of his White House video conference; the "not credible" conclusions of the Department of Transportation Inspector General's report which reviewed the FAA's false accounts and the "frighteningly incompetent" Department of Defense Inspector General's Report on the false statements by the military. It seems almost every person involved in the story of 9/11 lied about the events of that day

The Ground Truth The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9 11 John Farmer Books
A student of 9/11 history would find your twoofer links to be the ravings of a goofy conspiracy theorist.

I see you have retreated from any attempt to give credibility to your laughable Salem-news article. That is just one more failed attempt for you twoofers to promote your goofy conspiracy theories.

How does it feel to be once again, the village idEOT.
The Lies They Told
When Sept. 11, 2001, dawned, the Northeast Air Defense Sector in Rome, N.Y., went on full alert — to prepare for a training exercise that envisioned a sneak attack by Russian planes flying over the North Pole to bomb the United States, a prospect that Defense Secretary Robert McNamara had dismissed as outdated in 1966. Later that morning, after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 had hit the World Trade Center and American Airlines Flight 77 the Pentagon, three F-16 fighter jets were scrambled from Langley Air Force Base to form a combat air patrol
Are you hoping the gargantuan font will make your goofy conspiracy theory less silly?
John J. Farmer, Jr., Senior Counsel, 9/11 Commission – Former Attorney General of the State of New Jersey. Former Chief Counsel to former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman. Former Commissioner of the State Commission of Investigations. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey
  • Washington Post Article 8/2/06 - "Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate. ... "I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described," John Farmer, a former New Jersey attorney general who led the staff inquiry into events on Sept. 11, said in a recent interview. "The tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. ... This is not spin. This is not true." http://www.washingtonpost
Daniel Marcus General Counsel of the 9-11 Commission
No tapes were acknowledged or turned over, nor was the commission provided with any transcript prepared from recordings,” he said. Daniel Marcus, a law professor at American University who served as general counsel for the Sept. 11 commission and was involved in the discussions about interviews with Al Qaeda leaders, said he had heard nothing about any tapes being destroyed. If tapes were destroyed, he said, “it’s a big deal, it’s a very big deal,” because it could amount to obstruction of justice to withhold evidence being sought in criminal or fact-finding investigations."
Peter Rundlet, Counsel for the 9/11 Commission
Was it covered up? It is hard to come to a different conclusion. ... At a minimum, the withholding of information about this meeting is an outrage. Very possibly, someone committed a crime. And worst of all, they failed to stop the plot." http://think

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