WTC building 7

John F. Lehman, Jr., PhD – 9/11 Commissioner. Former Secretary of the Navy 1981 - 1987. Former staff member to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council. Member, Project for the New American Century (PNAC).
  • Article Washington Post 8/2/06: "Some staff members and commissioners of the Sept. 11 panel concluded that the Pentagon's initial story of how it reacted to the 2001 terrorist attacks may have been part of a deliberate effort to mislead the commission and the public rather than a reflection of the fog of events on that day, according to sources involved in the debate. ... "My view of that was that whether it was willful or just the fog of stupid bureaucracy, I don't know," Lehman said. "But in the order of magnitude of things, going after bureaucrats because they misled the commission didn't seem to make sense to me."
Thomas H. Kean, Chairman, 9/11 Commission – Former Governor of New Jersey 1982 - 1990. Also served for 10 years in the New Jersey Assembly. Currently President of Drew University.
  • Stonewalled by the CIA by Thomas Kean and Lee HamiltonNew York Times article 1/2/08: "More than five years ago, Congress and President Bush created the 9/11 commission. The goal was to provide the American people with the fullest possible account of the “facts and circumstances relating to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001” — and to offer recommendations to prevent future attacks. Soon after its creation, the president’s chief of staff directed all executive branch agencies to cooperate with the commission. The commission’s mandate was sweeping and it explicitly included the intelligence agencies. But the recent revelations that the C.I.A. destroyed videotaped interrogations of Qaeda operatives leads us to conclude that the agency failed to respond to our lawful requests for information about the 9/11 plot. Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation. There could have been absolutely no doubt in the mind of anyone at the C.I.A. — or the White House — of the commission’s interest in any and all information related to Qaeda detainees involved in the 9/11 plot. Yet no one in the administration ever told the commission of the existence of videotapes of detainee interrogations. ... As a legal matter, it is not up to us to examine the C.I.A.’s failure to disclose the existence of these tapes. That is for others. What we do know is that government officials decided not to inform a lawfully constituted body, created by Congress and the president, to investigate one the greatest tragedies to confront this country. We call that obstruction."
Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Homepage

...Yet, in just under four years, the 9/11 “truth movement” has ground to a halt. Apart from the fundamental incoherence of their theories, the downfall of the 9/11 denier juggernaut was good old-fashioned skepticism at its finest, the kind that conjures visions of James Randi challenging psychics and faith healers on their home turfs and winning. Skeptics are better at their jobs than they think, and its important to give credit where credit is due.
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Interesting insight, hollie------I have noticed that the real fringes of society-----those whose "unusual" lifestyles have already impacted negatively upon them----
as in Identified drunks and druggies------are the most likely to get into
CONSPIRACY think------whether it is "the system is oppressing me"----or even
"da jooooos is doing it"
you people are sad...
Indeed they are.they think money can buy them happiness willing to take all these big bucks the government is paying them to troll these boards but in the end,when they have their last breaths while alive,they will discover that money CANNOT buy you happiness when they suffer a slow painful death.

I dont believe in god and the devil or heaven and hell or any of that like my parents taught me,the world is too fucked up for there to be a god,however I DO believe in karma and they are bringing the worst kind of karma down on themselves by participating in this coverup willing to take money to post lies for the government and they will suffer very badly for it in the end.Not only in this lifetime,but the next as well.

Matter of fact,you notice that many of the paid shills that used to troll in this section everyday for all hours of the day like dawgshit/sayit always does here such as gomer pyle ollie,candyass,liarability,rat in the ass,ect,ect are not here anymore trolling?

I wouldnt be surprised if its because they are already finding out what I am talking about and are starting to experience that kind of suffering already and have learned its not worth it.

some people dont start to experience the effects of the bad karma they brought on themselves till the very end,others start feeling it much sooner,it all depends on the individual.Everybody is different.

Dawgshit,Rosie,Hollie and others havent suffered yet which is why they are still trolling.those others I mentioned probably are already suffering the hell they brought on themselves participating in the coverup realising it too late that the money their handlers paid them to troll for so many years,wasnt worth it.
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So Eots,DID you notice how that troll carla went and whined to the mods about your thread being in the CDZ section because she was frustrated she could not refute the facts and wanted it out of there because of that?:biggrin:

as i said,Im sure you have noticed around here,trolls like her whine to the mods all the time over stuff like that since they hate the truth being

it was sooooo obvious she went and whined to the mods and through a tantrme about it the fact it had been there for over a week before SHE came on and whined about it. soon as she whined about it,it gets moved.she so obviously whined to the mods like the coward she is.:lmao:
outrageous really.. they clearly can not debate the subject as NIST is too absurd to defend ,so they want out of clean debate so they can be shit flinging monkeys.. to think some of them get paid for this idiocy

yeah the trolls that are just in denial that are just brainwashed sheep afraid of the facts like carla,go and whine to the mods throwing temper tantrems about it like she did on it being in that section so they can have their wish that it goes to the conspiracy section where the paid shills troll here everyday such as dawgshit,hollie,rosie and others to try and derail the thread.:biggrin:

agent dawgshit can only post a funny here cause he knows he cant get around that
So Eots,DID you notice how that troll carla went and whined to the mods about your thread being in the CDZ section because she was frustrated she could not refute the facts and wanted it out of there because of that?:biggrin:

as i said,Im sure you have noticed around here,trolls like her whine to the mods all the time over stuff like that since they hate the truth being

it was sooooo obvious she went and whined to the mods and through a tantrme about it the fact it had been there for over a week before SHE came on and whined about it. soon as she whined about it,it gets moved.she so obviously whined to the mods like the coward she is.:lmao:
outrageous really.. they clearly can not debate the subject as NIST is too absurd to defend ,so they want out of clean debate so they can be shit flinging monkeys.. to think some of them get paid for this idiocy

yeah the trolls that are just in denial that are just brainwashed sheep afraid of the facts like carla,go and whine to the mods throwing temper tantrems about it like she did on it being in that section so they can have their wish that it goes to the conspiracy section where the paid shills troll here everyday such as dawgshit,hollie,rosie and others to try and derail the thread.:biggrin:

agent dawgshit can only post a funny here cause he knows he cant get around that
you never post truth or fact there's nothing to get around...
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
You enjoy being the village idiot. I'm happy for you.

Just remember when people point and laugh at you, it's because you're a laughable joke.
you people are sad...
Indeed they are.they think money can buy them happiness willing to take all these big bucks the government is paying them to troll these boards but in the end,when they have their last breaths while alive,they will discover that money CANNOT buy you happiness when they suffer a slow painful death.

I dont believe in god and the devil or heaven and hell or any of that like my parents taught me,the world is too fucked up for there to be a god,however I DO believe in karma and they are bringing the worst kind of karma down on themselves by participating in this coverup willing to take money to post lies for the government and they will suffer very badly for it in the end.Not only in this lifetime,but the next as well.

Matter of fact,you notice that many of the paid shills that used to troll in this section everyday for all hours of the day like dawgshit/sayit always does here such as gomer pyle ollie,candyass,liarability,rat in the ass,ect,ect are not here anymore trolling?

I wouldnt be surprised if its because they are already finding out what I am talking about and are starting to experience that kind of suffering already and have learned its not worth it.

some people dont start to experience the effects of the bad karma they brought on themselves till the very end,others start feeling it much sooner,it all depends on the individual.Everybody is different.

Dawgshit,Rosie,Hollie and others havent suffered yet which is why they are still trolling.those others I mentioned probably are already suffering the hell they brought on themselves participating in the coverup realising it too late that the money their handlers paid them to troll for so many years,wasnt worth it.
It took you six paragraphs to firmly announce you're a paranoid loon.

The added melodrama was a bonus. You have crossed the line from goofy conspiracy theorist to deranged, slack-jawed zealot. Nicely done.
Nothing up my sleeve, presto!

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released its long-awaited report on the collapse of World Trade 7

It did not collapse from explosives or from diesel fuel fires."

so you prove that they lied since they admitted that they never checked for explosives, just assumed they were not used.

that fits the definition of fucktard
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:
Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
You enjoy being the village idiot. I'm happy for you.

Just remember when people point and laugh at you, it's because you're a laughable joke.
Why do these pathetic trolls always show their herd mentality with the everyone will laugh at you line //is this how they make their decisions in life ?

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