WTC building 7

Six really stupid 9 11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds

PSYCHOLOGISTS will tell you that even perfectly sane people have the ability to accept wild conspiracy theories. The more powerless or alone we feel, the more likely we are to develop such theories.

It's all linked to self-esteem. If you're the sort of person who feels isolated or disenfranchised, you're much more likely to develop wild theories as a way of making you seem more knowledgeable, more powerful, more special.

Psychologists Say: ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ SANE, Government Dupes CRAZY and Hostile.

Laurie Manwell, Univ of Guelph; anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing beliefs.

Univ of Buffalo Prof Steven Hoffman; anti-conspiracy people prone to using irrational mechanisms (such as the “CT” label) to avoid personal conflict.

Extreme irrationality of those who attack “CT's” exposed by Ginna Husting and Martin Orr of Boise State Univ. In a 2007 peer-reviewed article.

Now pro-conspiracy voices are more numerous and rational than anti-conspiracy ones and anti-CT people are like hostile, paranoid cranks.
You enjoy being the village idiot. I'm happy for you.

Just remember when people point and laugh at you, it's because you're a laughable joke.
Why do these pathetic trolls always show their herd mentality with the everyone will laugh at you line //is this how they make their decisions in life ?
This coming from the Salem-news groupie.
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:
Truth is they don't believe it.. they are hired hands groveling for a check
Is that really the twoof?
all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:

So who said anything about the gov't being "up-front, honest, and forthcoming" about anything? Are you familiar with the concept of a Straw Man argument?
What is being argued is the loony tune CTs which have reduced the 9/11 CT Movement and those who persist in shoveling that BS to a laughingstock.

You defend the 9/11 commision report as a factual document ,instead of a dime store novel
That requires complete ignorance or blind faith
Certainly, the twoofs you conspiracy theory loons scour from Info Wars, Salem-news, "whatreallyhappened" etc., is much more authoritative.

Here's another authoritative site you missed copying and pasting from:

So who said anything about the gov't being "up-front, honest, and forthcoming" about anything? Are you familiar with the concept of a Straw Man argument?
What is being argued is the loony tune CTs which have reduced the 9/11 CT Movement and those who persist in shoveling that BS to a laughingstock.

What's really a laughingstock is all those gullible idiots like yourself who actually believe and accepts the BS that the government put out in the so-called "Official Story" as being the truth. :cuckoo: :lol:

I would have a problem with the gov't findings if they weren't produced by so many highly qualified professionals. I would be suspicious of their findings if their computer models made perfect sense of so complex a issue. On the other hand it is 13 years after the fact and the best your loonytoon 9/11 CT Movement can produce is "there were no planes!" Carry on.
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I would have a problem with the gov't findings if they weren't produced by so many highly qualified professionals. I would be suspicious of their findings if their computer models made perfect sense of so complex a issue. On the other hand it is 13 years after the fact and the best your loonytoon 9/11 CT Movement can produce is "there were no planes!" Carry on.

the only people who do not have a problem with the OCT are those who are on the payroll or lack the education to comprehend the evidence.
I would have a problem with the gov't findings if they weren't produced by so many highly qualified professionals. I would be suspicious of their findings if their computer models made perfect sense of so complex a issue. On the other hand it is 13 years after the fact and the best your loonytoon 9/11 CT Movement can produce is "there were no planes!" Carry on.

the only people who do not have a problem with the OCT are those who are on the payroll or lack the education to comprehend the evidence.
Right, because the conspiracy theory loons at the tabloid websites you frequent exist because of you gullible types.
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.
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This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
yep as always,the Bush dupes only prove our point FOR us.:biggrin:

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:
Truth is they don't believe it.. they are hired hands groveling for a check

Exactly.could not have said it better myself.:thup: yeah they dont believe it,they know we are telling the truth.they are just doing what their handlers are instructing them to do,troll these boards in desperation of trying to derail any kind of truth discussion on it.

they prove constantly the way they evade facts all the time always changing the subject when they know they are cornered and invent lies to try and save face.
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!

Love how you came out and ADMITTED that you whined to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are cause you cant debate your position.


oh and just so you know coward,I WAS posting there before you whined to the mods about it.thats a common trait of you trolls is you all whine to the mods all the time around here over little things like this.:lmao:

It was only when they moved it here to this section where the paid shills such as dawgshit troll every day,that I started posting like that just so you know.

I had been posting there for over a week there before it got moved idiot,and doing something you are incapable of doing,discussing it in a mature way with others there.:lol:

Before it got moved here,shills like Dawgshit were not posting on this thread cause they know they cant discuss something like this without getting into name calling,something YOU obviously cant stay away from which is why you whined to the mods like the coward you are so you could engage in name mature.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

now that it is not in the CDZ and all the paid trolls like dawgshit/aka sayit are posting on it now,this thread has run its course thanks to you coward.
all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:

So who said anything about the gov't being "up-front, honest, and forthcoming" about anything? Are you familiar with the concept of a Straw Man argument?
What is being argued is the loony tune CTs which have reduced the 9/11 CT Movement and those who persist in shoveling that BS to a laughingstock.

You defend the 9/11 commision report as a factual document ,instead of a dime store novel
That requires complete ignorance or blind faith
so very true.:thup:
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!

Love how you came out and ADMITTED that you whined to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are cause you cant debate your position.


oh and just so you know coward,I WAS posting there before you whined to the mods about it.thats a common trait of you trolls is you all whine to the mods all the time around here over little things like this.:lmao:

It was only when they moved it here to this section where the paid shills such as dawgshit troll every day,that I started posting like that just so you know.

I had been posting there for over a week there before it got moved idiot,and doing something you are incapable of doing,discussing it in a mature way with others there.:lol:

Before it got moved here,shills like Dawgshit were not posting on this thread cause they know they cant discuss something like this without getting into name calling,something YOU obviously cant stay away from which is why you whined to the mods like the coward you are so you could engage in name mature.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

now that it is not in the CDZ and all the paid trolls like dawgshit/aka sayit are posting on it now,this thread has run its course thanks to you coward.

You and your idiot friends need to learn how to post in the correct forums. Obviously it belongs here, or the Mods wouldn't have put it here.

There's nothing to debate. All you and your idiot friends have done is post videos from conspiracy quacks. You are a quack.

Pretty silly conspiracy theory.

thats the cgi fuckup not a conspiracy. dogpile said he was an expert bunkerbater so I posed it for him.

Do you know what is fake with the pic if I dont tell you first?[/QUOTE]
they dont have a clue what CGI trick photography is.they probably believe Jurassic park was actual real footage as well knowing the stuff they smoke everyday as well as they all probably think pro wrestling is real as well.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!

Love how you came out and ADMITTED that you whined to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are cause you cant debate your position.


oh and just so you know coward,I WAS posting there before you whined to the mods about it.thats a common trait of you trolls is you all whine to the mods all the time around here over little things like this.:lmao:

It was only when they moved it here to this section where the paid shills such as dawgshit troll every day,that I started posting like that just so you know.

I had been posting there for over a week there before it got moved idiot,and doing something you are incapable of doing,discussing it in a mature way with others there.:lol:

Before it got moved here,shills like Dawgshit were not posting on this thread cause they know they cant discuss something like this without getting into name calling,something YOU obviously cant stay away from which is why you whined to the mods like the coward you are so you could engage in name mature.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

now that it is not in the CDZ and all the paid trolls like dawgshit/aka sayit are posting on it now,this thread has run its course thanks to you coward.

You and your idiot friends need to learn how to post in the correct forums. Obviously it belongs here, or the Mods wouldn't have put it here.

There's nothing to debate. All you and your idiot friends have done is post videos from conspiracy quacks. You are a quack.

the mods like you are afraid of the truth as well so of course they move it here without looking at the facts just like you wont.again you whined to the mods like the coward you are so you could engage in name calling as we both know.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

quacks like you believe in this conspiracy theory.:biggrin:

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

you need to look in the mirror when calling someone a conspiracy QUACK. Quacks like you have the logic that it doesn't matter what high credible experts in their fields like the hundreds of ones Eots has posted throughout this thread say,NONE of that means a single thing to you,if the government and the media tell you its the truth,you accept it hook,line,and sinker like the QUACK you are,thats the ONLY thing you accept. oh the irony.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::funnyface::lmao::lmao:
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seeing that you are obviously incapable of debating your position and run off each time your are cornered and like all trolls wont address the facts,you just come back with one liners with name calling in defeat,looks like my ignore list grows larger.
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seeing that you are obviously incapable of debating your position and run off each time your are cornered and like all trolls wont address the facts,looks like my ignore list grows larger.

Looks like you and your idiot friends are getting a lot accomplished with this conspiracy, posting about it day and night. LOL!

....the Idaho Observer LOL!
carla is the only one of the 9/11 apologists here on this thread not a paid shill.

.Instead of making up lies like hollie,dawgshit-sayit always does,she doesnt even try to debate,she just comes back with one liners in defeat where paid shills like dawgshit and hollie invent and lie when they are cornered as well as playing dodgeball with videos.

dawgshit and hollies handlers are obviously getting worried the fact they have sent more shills here to try and derail this thread recently .:biggrin:

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