WTC building 7

as I said before,with the chickenshit coward carla whining to the mods like the whining crybaby troll she is,with it being in the conspiracy section now where all the paid shills such as hollie,dawgshit and his sock puppet he posts under say it, troll everyday,this thread has run its course.
Oh and before i add you to ignore whining crybaby troll,to answer your question on on how to get paid to troll? ask Dawgshit-aka SAYIT sockpuppet of his or Hollie,they are paid shills.

HOWEVER i can guarantee you they wont give you an honest answer.they will lie to you and claim they are not paid shills the fact thats all they EVER do here at this site EVERYDAY in all their posts is LIE.

Expecting Hollie or dawgshit-sayit to be honest with you,
thats like expecting Bill Clinton to be honest with you if you ask him to tell you the truth if he had sex with that woman.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

so I'm afraid nobody here can help you with that one.:biggrin:
Oh and before i add you to ignore whining crybaby troll,to answer your question on on how to get paid to troll? ask Dawgshit-aka SAYIT sockpuppet of his or Hollie,they are paid shills.

HOWEVER i can guarantee you they wont give you an honest answer.they will lie to you and claim they are not paid shills the fact thats all they EVER do here at this site EVERYDAY in all their posts is LIE.

Expecting Hollie or dawgshit-sayit to be honest with you,
thats like expecting Bill Clinton to be honest with you if you ask him to tell you the truth if he had sex with that woman.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

so I'm afraid nobody here can help you with that one.:biggrin:

Oh my, it's just one conspiracy after another.
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward
This thread should be moved to the conspiracy section.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward

Go read the rules.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward

Go read the rules.
why because you cant intelligently debate your position ?

No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward

Go read the rules.
the only ones breaking debate rules were your trolls
all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect

all they are is trolls, they shit on the thread and cant provide any evidence! What they do post has been thoroughly proven incorrect
so very,very true.:biggrin::thup::udaman:
The only thing you conspiracy theory loons have proven is that you gullible types are convinced of anything as long as it's presented in a YouTube video.


And the only thing morons like yourself have proven over and over is how gullible and delusional you all are for believing that the government has been up-front, honest, and forthcoming in every aspect of 9/11. :cuckoo: :lmao:
Truth is they don't believe it.. they are hired hands groveling for a check

Exactly.could not have said it better myself.:thup: yeah they dont believe it,they know we are telling the truth.they are just doing what their handlers are instructing them to do,troll these boards in desperation of trying to derail any kind of truth discussion on it.

they prove constantly the way they evade facts all the time always changing the subject when they know they are cornered and invent lies to try and save face.
Yeah, that must be it. Your twoof discussion (actually, the compelling arguments consisting of silly YouTube videos and websites hosted by similar conspiracy theory loons), is just too persuasive to refute.

Join in as the chorus comes around.....

Row, row, row you boat......
No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward

Go read the rules.
No, because you're a conspiracy kook, and this is a conspiracy thread.
You fool,are the conspiracy kook.You are such a dipshit who cant think for yourself,that you believe in this wacky lunatic conspiracy theory on 9/11 below.

One of the wilder stories circulating about Sept 11 (and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs) is that it was carried out by 19 fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they “hate our freedoms.”

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the Internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.
Idaho Observer The looniest of all 9 11 conspiracy theories

He is cant intelligently debate your position so you go and whine to the mods like the chickenshit coward you are to have it moved here cause the truth scares you.

Idiot, you should be thanking me. Had you posted this in the CDZ, your post would have been removed, and then there's the possibility of you getting banned.

So.....You're Welcome, 9-11 inside job, quack! LOL!
why would any be banned for debating the conclusions of the NIST report you coward

Go read the rules.
the only ones breaking debate rules were your trolls

Settle down, idEOT. This thread is in the Conspiracy Theory section for a reason.
carla is the only one of the 9/11 apologists here on this thread not a paid shill.

.Instead of making up lies like hollie,dawgshit-sayit always does,she doesnt even try to debate,she just comes back with one liners in defeat where paid shills like dawgshit and hollie invent and lie when they are cornered as well as playing dodgeball with videos.

dawgshit and hollies handlers are obviously getting worried the fact they have sent more shills here to try and derail this thread recently .:biggrin:
Paranoia is a common theme among conspiracy theory loons.

Anthony Saltalamacchia
– WTC Survivor. Maintenance Supervisor at the World Trade Center, overseeing over 100 American Building Maintenance employees.
  • Video interview by William Rodriguez 9/07: "On the morning of September 11th, I was in my office. I was just getting the work handed out to all the employees. ... [Editor's note: At this point, Mr. Saltalamacchia was in sub-basement B1 of the North Tower, approximately 1,100 feet below the airplane's impact point at floors 93 to 98.] We heard a massive explosion that was in the World Trade Center about 8:46 a.m. in the morning. The explosion came from -- I believe at first we believed that it came from the Mechanical Room. [Editor's note: The Mechanical Room was below them in a lower sub-basement .]
  • Patriots Question 9 11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9 11 Commission Report

Arthur DelBianco
– WTC Survivor. An American Building Maintenance employee. Worked 15 years at the World Trade Center.
  • Video interview 9/11/01: "...and then all of a sudden it started like -- It sounded like gunfire. You know, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. And then all of a sudden three big explosions."
Kevin McPadden – First Responder Volunteer at the WTC on 9/11. Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and Rescue specialist and Medic. Arrived after the collapse of the Twin Towers, but prior to the collapse of WTC 7. Eyewitness to the collapse of WTC 7. He spent the next four days searching through the rubble and nearby buildings for survivors.
  • Video interview with WeAreChangeUK 11/19/04: Regarding his observations at WTC 7, immediately prior to its collapse. "The Red Cross rep was like, he goes over and he says, 'Well, you got to stay behind this line because they're thinking about bringing a building down.' They didn't say what building. They just said bringing a building down. So, we're like, 'Ok, you know, we'll take their word for it. You know, we'll stay behind the line.' And he went over and he talked to one of the -- through all the commotion -- he goes over and he asked one of the Red Cross -- er, one of the firefighters what was going on.. I guess -- I don't know if he got an answer or not. He came back over with his hand over the radio and what sounded like a countdown. And at the last few seconds he took his hand off and you heard '3 - 2 - 1'. And he was just saying, 'Just run for your life! Just run for your life!' And then it was like another 2 - 3 seconds, you heard explosions, like BA-BOOM! It was like a distinct sound. It's not like when compression, like boom boom boom boom boom, like floors that were dropping and collapsing. This was BA-BOOM!, and like you felt a rumble in the ground, like almost like you wanted to grab onto something. That to me, I knew that was an explosion. There was no doubt in my mind. ... That was Building 7 that fell."

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