The Democrats white man problem

If your employees want to unionize, it's because you suck as a manager. Pretty simple.

The same people who snivel about unions never complain when employers form one to rig wages and prices in their industries, like Silly Con Valley does all the time, and meat packers, and pretty much every big business and cartel.
Weird way to look at it. If I wanted a union job I had to join a union. That’s where the good jobs are
they arent union jobs they are jobs controlled by unions,,

which proves my point as to why unions are bad,,
You don’t seem to understand what unions are. They work very hard to provide a well trained competent work force. And because they provide that they command top dollar.

You don’t like unions? Don’t be on one. Take the pittance you’re offered
You don’t seem to understand what unions are. They work very hard to provide a well trained competent work force. And because they provide that they command top dollar.

You don’t like unions? Don’t be on one. Take the pittance you’re offered
i understand perfectly well what they are,,

their fascist that take control of jobs and industries and decide who can and cant have jobs,,

we voted the union out of our shops and got a pay raise,,

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