WTF is "Woke"?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
My wife went back to school for her Masters of Fine Arts in writing and there came occasion to talk to me about a piece that contained the newly minted word and concept "woke"

Question for the group: WTF is "woke"?
WOKE is a condition, wherein a white liberal places their desperate need to virtue signal above all else.
A great example was at a junior high school swim meet, where they shared a dressing room with a conjoining public pool.
A demented adult man, claiming to be transgender, laid down fully nude on a bench where the young girls were.
The equally demented school officials allowed this to continue for an extended period of time because they were all so desperate to avoid looking like they are not on board with the trans fad. Forcing the man to leave is an admittance that their fantasy land idealism has a hole in it. So they would rather expose their own children to a sick child predator, than turn off their virtue signaling beacons.
"Woke" describes an individual who collects all manner of imagined injustices and uses them to annoy the hell out of everyday citizens in the hope of causing political change in his favor.
It's a hyper-sensitivity to their environment which causes them to sense oppression, racism, or personal slights where none exist.
It's a mental state where a person invents negativity out of thin air.
You cannot satisfy a person like this.
Their whole existence is involved in creative ways to being offended.
By breaking up parts of words they can be isolated and deemed racist, homophobic, or misogynistic.
Example: Saying that the word "Congress" should be changed because it contains the word 'con' which to a lib is derived from conservative....and thus racist and offensive.
Another example is America First is racist and offensive because America is a White Country....and inherently racist....thus offensive.
Make America Great Again is racist and offensive and leads to violence and anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a racist and must be beaten to death.
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Some of the better ones;

"The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue"

"Woke is a politically correct alternative to "stupid" or "retarded".

"Being "Woke" is what happens when instead of taking one blue pill, you down the entire bottle."
Woke is a verb that, in a degradation of the language, has been turned into an adjective.
"Woke" describes an individual who collects all manner of imagined injustices and uses them to annoy the hell out of everyday citizens in the hope of causing political change in his favor.
It's a hyper-sensitivity to their environment which causes them to sense oppression, racism, or personal slights where none exist.
It's a mental state where a person invents negativity out of thin air.
You cannot satisfy a person like this.
Their whole existence is involved in creative ways to being offended.
By breaking up parts of words they can be isolated and deemed racist, homophobic, or misogynistic.
Example: Saying that the word "Congress" should be changed because it contains the word 'con' which to a lib is derived from conservative....and thus racist and offensive.
Another example is America First is racist and offensive because America is a White Country....and inherently racist....thus offensive.
Make America Great Again is racist and offensive and leads to violence and anyone wearing a MAGA hat is a racist and must be beaten to death.
Well explained.
I tend to focus on the virtue signaling side due to where I live. In a college town. So virtue signaling here is a daily/minute by minute occurrence
A good example was when the BlackLivesMatter bandwagon started. Like all liberals throughout the country, they all leaped and trampled over each other to broadcast their support for this group. Without doing even the most basic research into who BLM actually is, and what they stood for. And once it was understood who these people were, it took them nearly a year to shed off all of the window banners, tshirts and sidewalk signs pledging allegiance.
Now they are nowhere to be seen, since WOKE is not a condition of reality, rather a never-ending practice of trying to satisfy their enormous egos of how awesome they are. Their attention span last only until the next outrage surfaces. At that point they quickly shed the last outrage for the new one.
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I suspect it's the Deep State Master laughing at their mindless Zombies. They pour a stupid concept into the hive mind and describe it as "woke"
I still look at the word as what a person is when they are no longer sleeping.

God bless you always!!!

That would be "awake" or "awakened". The past tense of to wake someone from slumber is that we woke them.
"Woke": Adjective

1. To be anti-First Amendment. The belief that all American Conservatives should be silenced:
a. "The college student demanded all Republicans on campus should be shouted down"
b. "Anything coming out of the mouths of Conservatives is hate-speech and white supremacy"

2. To be anti-Second Amendment. The belief that all guns should be banned:
a. "Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15!"
b. "Guns are the tools of white supremacy"

3. To be anti-border. The belief that no country has a right to claim sovereignty.
a. "The pot-smoking loud-mouth screeching white girl, demanded the murderer with Aids from Somalia who had sex with
underage girls and who entered the U.S. illegally be allowed to stay in the country.

ETC ETC ETC ETC......................................................
My wife went back to school for her Masters of Fine Arts in writing and there came occasion to talk to me about a piece that contained the newly minted word and concept "woke"

Question for the group: WTF is "woke"?
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