WTF is wrong with the GOP leadership in Virginia?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

Missed the point. Romney sent in 16,000 signatures, Paul about 14,000, the others barely 10,000 so tough nuts when a few get scratched. If the morons can't manage a campaign then go home. Mitt got it done, Newt & Perry flunked. Welcome to the major leagues and not the bullshit league.
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Come on guys. If we are to have any credibility when calling out Holder and the left we need to denounce the BS our side tries to pull when we see it. The silence of each prospective party only encourages this kind of nonsense to continue.
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

1. The GOP didn't EXCLUDE anyone. Bachmann, Santorum, and Huntsman didn't even submit to be on the ballot - they excluded themselves. Perry and Gingrich didn't submit the legally required signatures from qualified voters required under Virginia Law (IIRC Virginia Statute section 24.2-545 "Presidential Primaries") - they excluded themselves.

2. As to the loyalty oath, that is optional to cast a primary ballot and is up to the discretion of the party leadership (Democratic or GOP) and not a legal requirement. I agree it sounds pretty dumb and if challenged in court I can easily see it as being found unconstitutional under the Virginia Constitution and if not, under the United States Constitution. For those not politically aware, it could be viewed as a form of voter intimidation. The pledge has no legal weight to it, and merely indicates an "intent" to vote for the eventual Republican (or Democrat) candidate. Such "intent" would be measured on the date of signing, since it is an "intent" on that day - and the general election is 8 months later, then over time a persons "intent" can change. In a legal sense there is no legal repercussion and no way to even try to prosecute it. The real "intent" of the pledge is an attempt a voter intimidation because if people are unwilling to sign the pledge the party will then disenfranchise them from voting in the primary. I could see this section of the law being stricken as an infringement on free speech by requiring speech as a condition of voting.

With that said there are things that I personally disagree with concerning Virginia's election law. I'm fine with the 10,000/400 signature requirement. If a candidate can't finance such a gathering or if they don't a volunteer network willing to gather the signatures I don't see how they will be a serious candidate on the national level. What I disagree with concerning the law is the evaluation of the signature process. Currently that is left up to the individual parties, providing different procedures (i.e. unequal treatment under the law). I would recommend that the law be revised after this election such that signatures are counted by officials of the Commonwealth. Signatuers are gathered and submitted to the State Board of Election and it becomes the responsibility of the SBE to apply consistent rules (laid out in the law) as to the voters qualifications to sign the petition.

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First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

Missed the point. Romney sent in 16,000 signatures, Paul about 14,000, the others barely 10,000 so tough nuts when a few get scratched. If the morons can't manage a campaign then go home. Mitt got it done, Newt & Perry flunked. Welcome to the major leagues and not the bullshit league.

This thread was mostly about the pledge. I probably should have left the other issue out of it. But seeing as I didn't I will contribute this to it.

For the office of POTUS the rules should be the same in every state. The outcome of this primary will effect all of us and as such the requirements should be the same in every state.

Just my two cents.
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

You don't get the siggies you don't get on the ballot. Thems da rules. If we don't follow the rules, we are no better than the dems.


What's this commie shit about a pledge? Anybody try to get me to sign some horseshit like that and I will make an ass out of myself on the spot.

and I will not half ass it, I will make the WHOLE ass out of my self.:eek:
The GOP has always acted as if they commanded the loyalties of their voters because up until now they did.
I gotta agree. The majority of Va. GOP state leadership are tidewater semi-rinos. They mismanaged popular George Allen's senate campaign so badly that he lost to a liberal who claimed to be a Reagan democrat. Maybe that's what they wanted. Now they have layalty oaths on the brain when radical libs are fighting voter ID.
For the office of POTUS the rules should be the same in every state. The outcome of this primary will effect all of us and as such the requirements should be the same in every state.

Just my two cents.

Then you may want to contact your Congressional representatives in the House and Senate and suggest a Constitutional Amendment. Currently the United States Constitution (Article I Section 4) specifies that the times, places, and manner for the election of the Congress shall be prescribed by the State Legislatures and not by Congress. The imposition of a national standard by the Federal government would require a change to the Constitution.

I just sent in my resignation from the Republican Party of Virginia b/c I have had enough of the RPV's heavy-handed games, tricks and gimmicks to keep control. I got interested in politics as a Tea Partier but believed one needed to work within the 2 party system after seeing what the candidacy of Ross Perot did back in the 90's. 2 years of experience has left me sick at my stomach! The 'pledge' of loyalty without a chance to write-in a candidate put me over the edge.

Mitt Romney and George Allen have been chosen for us... Anyone who doesn't realize they are being played like a fiddle by the Ruling Class of either party is a fool!
10,000 signatures is not a lot. You should see the hell a lot of third party candidates have to go through to get on the ballot.
For the office of POTUS the rules should be the same in every state. The outcome of this primary will effect all of us and as such the requirements should be the same in every state.

Just my two cents.

Then you may want to contact your Congressional representatives in the House and Senate and suggest a Constitutional Amendment. Currently the United States Constitution (Article I Section 4) specifies that the times, places, and manner for the election of the Congress shall be prescribed by the State Legislatures and not by Congress. The imposition of a national standard by the Federal government would require a change to the Constitution.


That quote does not mention the office of the president. Even if your right its still my opinion. States rights should be about state issues. The president is for all people. What if Obama had been excluded for whatever reason in a few states. Early states say. Then because of not getting enough delegates to continue he was out of the race before you got a chance to have your voice heard. It's bullshit. Either have national standards or have the primaries run concurrently.

Our current system is old, out dated and broken. It no longer takes weeks to get vote tallys from one side of the country to the other on a fucking horse. Let's get with the times people.
I just sent in my resignation from the Republican Party of Virginia b/c I have had enough of the RPV's heavy-handed games, tricks and gimmicks to keep control. I got interested in politics as a Tea Partier but believed one needed to work within the 2 party system after seeing what the candidacy of Ross Perot did back in the 90's. 2 years of experience has left me sick at my stomach! The 'pledge' of loyalty without a chance to write-in a candidate put me over the edge.

Mitt Romney and George Allen have been chosen for us... Anyone who doesn't realize they are being played like a fiddle by the Ruling Class of either party is a fool!

Romney and Allen have not been chosen for you. They don't win the nomination without the consent of the primary voters. If the voters are not educated enough or have the initiative to look at the other candidates not being touted by the party power brokers then it's their own fault.

I agree with the rest of what you said.
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

Then get out there and run to be on your local committee and actually make change.
For the office of POTUS the rules should be the same in every state. The outcome of this primary will effect all of us and as such the requirements should be the same in every state.

Just my two cents.

Then you may want to contact your Congressional representatives in the House and Senate and suggest a Constitutional Amendment. Currently the United States Constitution (Article I Section 4) specifies that the times, places, and manner for the election of the Congress shall be prescribed by the State Legislatures and not by Congress. The imposition of a national standard by the Federal government would require a change to the Constitution.


That quote does not mention the office of the president. Even if your right its still my opinion. States rights should be about state issues. The president is for all people. What if Obama had been excluded for whatever reason in a few states. Early states say. Then because of not getting enough delegates to continue he was out of the race before you got a chance to have your voice heard. It's bullshit. Either have national standards or have the primaries run concurrently.

Our current system is old, out dated and broken. It no longer takes weeks to get vote tallys from one side of the country to the other on a fucking horse. Let's get with the times people.

Ya, you are right, that section of the United States Constitution applies to Congressional representatives.

I should have used Article II Section 1, that specifies the manner of appointment of Electors to the Electoral College is a function of the State Legislators. It's the Electoral College that actually elects the President and Vice President.

Sorry about that.

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Here Gramps, I posted this in another thread. Take a look see.

Presidential primaries; prohibits use of pledge or loyalty oath as a qualification for voter participation. Amending § 24.2-545. (Patron-Potts, SB 229)

ELECTIONS - Search Results
type in: loyalty oath
Or search for the senate bill
For the office of POTUS the rules should be the same in every state. The outcome of this primary will effect all of us and as such the requirements should be the same in every state.

Just my two cents.

Then you may want to contact your Congressional representatives in the House and Senate and suggest a Constitutional Amendment. Currently the United States Constitution (Article I Section 4) specifies that the times, places, and manner for the election of the Congress shall be prescribed by the State Legislatures and not by Congress. The imposition of a national standard by the Federal government would require a change to the Constitution.


That quote does not mention the office of the president. Even if your right its still my opinion. States rights should be about state issues. The president is for all people. What if Obama had been excluded for whatever reason in a few states. Early states say. Then because of not getting enough delegates to continue he was out of the race before you got a chance to have your voice heard. It's bullshit. Either have national standards or have the primaries run concurrently.

Our current system is old, out dated and broken. It no longer takes weeks to get vote tallys from one side of the country to the other on a fucking horse. Let's get with the times people.

I don't disagree with you. There's nothing more annoying than having to remember the specific election laws of each state that I work it. A national standard would make sense.

The thing is, primaries are run by the parties, not the state.
First they exclude EVERYONE from the ballot except Romney and Paul. And now they have approved a pledge that people voting in the GOP primary to sign saying they will support the nominee of the GOP.

Can they not see this biting them in the ass? Talk about blatant interference with the voting process. The loss of candidates could be debated despite the fact that Newt still leads in many national polls, but having people sign a pledge? Voter intimidation anyone?

Whoever is in charge of the GOP in Virginia should quickly be removed from his position. Period

Then get out there and run to be on your local committee and actually make change.

Felons are prohibited from holding most offices. And even if they weren't the wouldn't get elected because of the stigma. And rightly so.

Alas I'm relegated to bugging you guys with my rantings.

Then you may want to contact your Congressional representatives in the House and Senate and suggest a Constitutional Amendment. Currently the United States Constitution (Article I Section 4) specifies that the times, places, and manner for the election of the Congress shall be prescribed by the State Legislatures and not by Congress. The imposition of a national standard by the Federal government would require a change to the Constitution.


That quote does not mention the office of the president. Even if your right its still my opinion. States rights should be about state issues. The president is for all people. What if Obama had been excluded for whatever reason in a few states. Early states say. Then because of not getting enough delegates to continue he was out of the race before you got a chance to have your voice heard. It's bullshit. Either have national standards or have the primaries run concurrently.

Our current system is old, out dated and broken. It no longer takes weeks to get vote tallys from one side of the country to the other on a fucking horse. Let's get with the times people.

I don't disagree with you. There's nothing more annoying than having to remember the specific election laws of each state that I work it. A national standard would make sense.

The thing is, primaries are run by the parties, not the state.

Yep, ripe for corruption.
Here Gramps, I posted this in another thread. Take a look see.

Presidential primaries; prohibits use of pledge or loyalty oath as a qualification for voter participation. Amending § 24.2-545. (Patron-Potts, SB 229)

ELECTIONS - Search Results
type in: loyalty oath
Or search for the senate bill


That was a proposed bill in 2000, I don't think it was ever included in legislation that made it to the floor so it basically "died" without completion.

Virginia's Legislative tracker does not show a floor vote.

-->> LIS > Bill Tracking > SB229 > 2000 session


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