WTF- James Belushi growing marijuana on the Discovery channel.


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
The freaking Discovery channel that kids are encouraged to watch for educational purposes hired has-been actor James Belushi to preach about the "benefits" of a gateway drug that is illegal to grow in all but around 8 states. I couldn't believe my ears in the promos where James Belushi said his brother John (dead from a drug overdose) "would be alive today if he knew the benefits of marijuana". What the hell happened to prime time cable TV?
The freaking Discovery channel that kids are encouraged to watch for educational purposes hired has-been actor James Belushi to preach about the "benefits" of a gateway drug that is illegal to grow in all but around 8 states. I couldn't believe my ears in the promos where James Belushi said his brother John (dead from a drug overdose) "would be alive today if he knew the benefits of marijuana". What the hell happened to prime time cable TV?
Just dreadful.
“Marijuana is not a gateway drug.”

Marijuana is perfectly legal in many jurisdictions, decriminalized in others.

And an overwhelming majority of Americans support decriminalizing the use of marijuana:


The notion that what the Discovery Channel is doing is somehow ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ is utterly ridiculous.
What kind of dumbass would encourage their kids to watch any of the history channel networks? Ancient aliens, reality shows, mermaids? Shit. They stopped having any legitimately educational content years ago. It's a crying shame. I used to watch them a lot.
Gentlemen step into the future and try to forget the propaganda such as "Reefer Madness"...


If you don't like the programming on the tele have someone show you how to change channels...

As a political issue, the study found that a majority of Republicans—55%—and a majority of Democrats—78%—were in favor of legalization. American voters no longer believe marijuana should remain a criminalized, Schedule I substance.

It's well established that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, so bad in fact that cigarette smoking is banned almost everywhere. Nicotine might cause cigarettes to be addictive but it's the tar and the junk found in tobacco that contributes to horrific diseases and smoking a freaking weed like marijuana has the same trace chemicals. You almost gotta laugh that marijuana proponents offer the same argument today that tobacco companies made a hundred years ago that marijuana is good for you. No sane parent wants their kids smoking marijuana but the Discovery channel has a big audience among kids and apparently the freaking idiots don't even offer a disclaimer "don't try this at home". Even lefties would be horrified at the notion of glorifying tobacco use when tobacco ads are banned in every venue but for some reason they don't mind a marijuana infomercial.
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The freaking Discovery channel that kids are encouraged to watch for educational purposes hired has-been actor James Belushi to preach about the "benefits" of a gateway drug that is illegal to grow in all but around 8 states. I couldn't believe my ears in the promos where James Belushi said his brother John (dead from a drug overdose) "would be alive today if he knew the benefits of marijuana". What the hell happened to prime time cable TV?
Get used to it. It's coming to a state near you any day now. Soon you'll be able to buy grow lights right next to the homebrew beer supplies.
Classic conservative reactionaryism – the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change.

Classic conservative authoritarianism – compel conformity and punish dissent; more laws, more government, the never ending ‘war’ on drugs.
It's well established that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, so bad in fact that cigarette smoking is banned almost everywhere. Nicotine might cause cigarettes to be addictive but it's the tar and the junk found in tobacco that contributes to horrific diseases. You almost gotta laugh that marijuana proponents offer the same argument today that tobacco companies made a hundred years ago that marijuana is good for you. No sane parent wants their kids smoking marijuana but the Discovery channel has a big audience among kids and apparently the freaking idiots don't even offer a disclaimer "don't try this at home".
The war on drugs was a total loss in part because no one was willing to tell kids the truth about drugs.
Classic conservative reactionaryism – the unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change.

Classic conservative authoritarianism – compel conformity and punish dissent; more laws, more government, the never ending ‘war’ on drugs.
compel conformity and punish dissent; more laws, more government,
sounds like democratic liberal authoritarianism....
On CBS/NBC/Fox and other channels all kinds of kids watch, they show pills old men can take to get a boner to screw grandma. I think that's worse.

It's well established that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, so bad in fact that cigarette smoking is banned almost everywhere.

Is it against the law for a consenting adult to purchase tobacco?

Did you watch this freaking show? Apparently not because this is just a filler during the beer virus dilemma... Rather difficult making TV programming during the Covid... And on top of that it won't last because it is stupid... No way this show will be on very long at all so go find something else to cry about...
It's well established that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, so bad in fact that cigarette smoking is banned almost everywhere.

Is it against the law for a consenting adult to purchase tobacco?

Did you watch this freaking show? Apparently not because this is just a filler during the beer virus dilemma... Rather difficult making TV programming during the Covid... And on top of that it won't last because it is stupid... No way this show will be on very long at all so go find something else to cry about...

Yeah it is pretty stupid. He's not quite as funny as he thinks he is.
The freaking Discovery channel that kids are encouraged to watch for educational purposes hired has-been actor James Belushi to preach about the "benefits" of a gateway drug that is illegal to grow in all but around 8 states. I couldn't believe my ears in the promos where James Belushi said his brother John (dead from a drug overdose) "would be alive today if he knew the benefits of marijuana". What the hell happened to prime time cable TV?
Do some homework and stop preaching grandma.
It's not a 'gateway''s actually a medicine that cures people from drug addiction.



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Funny how some folks have a over bearing desire to tell other folks how to live and what to do in the privacy of their own domiciles... If I have said it once I have said it a thousand times, "some peoples children" :banghead:
Marijuana might be legal in some states however highly regulated but it is against the law in other states. Has the Discovery Channel undertaken a political issue to promote the use of the drug and the hoped for legalization? It's ironic that they would use the brother of a world class drug abuser who finally overdosed to endorse the weed.
Marijuana might be legal in some states however highly regulated but it is against the law in other states. Has the Discovery Channel undertaken a political issue to promote the use of the drug and the hoped for legalization? It's ironic that they would use the brother of a world class drug abuser who finally overdosed to endorse the weed.
Get a clue Grandma.
John Belushi overdosed on heroin, cocaine and alcohol.
If he'd just smoked weed we'd still have Blues Brothers movies coming out with the original Jake and Elwood.

The freaking Discovery channel that kids are encouraged to watch for educational purposes hired has-been actor James Belushi to preach about the "benefits" of a gateway drug that is illegal to grow in all but around 8 states. I couldn't believe my ears in the promos where James Belushi said his brother John (dead from a drug overdose) "would be alive today if he knew the benefits of marijuana". What the hell happened to prime time cable TV?

Turning TV into a shithole with everything else they touch.

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