WTF? Obama Sharing Our Missile Secrets With Russia?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama shared the UK's missile secrets with Russia not too long ago, and now he's talking about sharing our technology with them???

Has this guy lost his damned mind?????

President Barack Obama’s administration recently threatened to veto the defense budget, citing “serious concerns” over provisions that limit the U.S. missile defense know-how that the White House is permitted to share with Moscow. This is the sort of information that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his earlier days, would have assigned his spies to steal. Through its single-minded pursuit of “resetting” relations with Russia, the Obama administration may simply be willing to hand over this information and, in doing so, weaken U.S. national security.
Obama Wants To Give Missile Defense Technology To Russia-What Could Go Wrong? « Blog de KingShamus

Russia is helping Iran build up their nuke program. Why in the hell is Obama trying to help them???
Only two days after issuing the veto threat — and as Obama tried to warm Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to U.S. missile defense plans at the G-8 Summit in Deauville, France — the House of Representatives passed the defense bill. It included the provision that the president’s team finds so offensive: Section 1228 requires that no funds can be used to provide the Russian Federation with sensitive U.S. missile defense technology.

Are we gonna have to declare the President a security risk??????

I mean...come on!!!!
Obama shared the UK's missile secrets with Russia not too long ago, and now he's talking about sharing our technology with them???

Has this guy lost his damned mind?????

President Barack Obama’s administration recently threatened to veto the defense budget, citing “serious concerns” over provisions that limit the U.S. missile defense know-how that the White House is permitted to share with Moscow. This is the sort of information that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his earlier days, would have assigned his spies to steal. Through its single-minded pursuit of “resetting” relations with Russia, the Obama administration may simply be willing to hand over this information and, in doing so, weaken U.S. national security.
Obama Wants To Give Missile Defense Technology To Russia-What Could Go Wrong? « Blog de KingShamus

Russia is helping Iran build up their nuke program. Why in the hell is Obama trying to help them???

" betrayal " by bill gertz

" klinton lifted the ban on amerikan nuke techonology to red china " p. 156

" klinton relaxed controls on sensitive exports to red china just to have a good economy " p. 85

" klinton campaigned in 1992 with promise to end bushes coddling of red china " p. 81

" klinton lossened export controls on computers just to benefit red china " p. 83

" many in the (cia) quit because of klinton " p. 166

" the red chinese F-10 fighter us amerikan techonology provided by israel " p. 106

" funds from red china went to klinton re-elecftion in 1996 " p. 88

" klinton adopted policies that made sure red china was not punished for weapons transfers to n. korea " p. 97

" madeleine albright lied to the senate on 8 july & 10 feb 1998 about n. koreas nuke development " p. 135 = because n. korea got nuke techonology from red china - who got it from klinton!

" the nuclear arms race on the indian sub- continent is due to klinton selling secrets to red china " p. 137 = what happened was klinton built up rede chinas nukes - this scared india- because red china always invades other countries - so india got nukes - this scared pakistan - so they got nukes
Obama shared the UK's missile secrets with Russia not too long ago, and now he's talking about sharing our technology with them???

Has this guy lost his damned mind?????

President Barack Obama’s administration recently threatened to veto the defense budget, citing “serious concerns” over provisions that limit the U.S. missile defense know-how that the White House is permitted to share with Moscow. This is the sort of information that Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in his earlier days, would have assigned his spies to steal. Through its single-minded pursuit of “resetting” relations with Russia, the Obama administration may simply be willing to hand over this information and, in doing so, weaken U.S. national security.
Obama Wants To Give Missile Defense Technology To Russia-What Could Go Wrong? « Blog de KingShamus

Russia is helping Iran build up their nuke program. Why in the hell is Obama trying to help them???

Hey, why not? Clinton made sure the N. Koreans got good 'ole U.S. ICBM technology. This is what the left does.
Only two days after issuing the veto threat — and as Obama tried to warm Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to U.S. missile defense plans at the G-8 Summit in Deauville, France — the House of Representatives passed the defense bill. It included the provision that the president’s team finds so offensive: Section 1228 requires that no funds can be used to provide the Russian Federation with sensitive U.S. missile defense technology.

Are we gonna have to declare the President a security risk??????

I mean...come on!!!!

" betrayal " by bill gertz

" klinton dismantled the program that monitered russias nuke arsenal " 35

" in may 1993 les aspin (D) gloated that (sdi) was dead " 57 aspin was sec. of defense

" catastrophe " by chris ruddy

" boris yeltsin said in 1997 that suitcase nukes are missing " p. 202

demokrat treason should not b a suprise to anyone !
"Trying to move beyond years of inherited mistrust, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev claimed progress Thursday but achieved no breakthrough on a U.S. missile defense plan that Moscow is concerned could threaten its security."

"The two sides have long been in negotiations over U.S. intentions to station missile interceptors in Central and Eastern Europe. Russia believes the plan could threaten its own missile arsenal despite U.S. assurances to the contrary."

""This is a very hard issue," said Michael McFaul, Obama's top adviser on Russia. "There's a lot of old thinking in both of our governments, frankly. This is a new challenge to think about how to do this cooperatively."

McFaul said that although U.S. officials have gone out of their way to demonstrate that the missiles will not be a threat to Russia, "they don't believe us."

"The administration had hoped that its move in 2009 to replace a Bush administration plan to install long-range missile interceptors in Eastern Europe had removed a major irritant in U.S.-Russian relations and that the issue could be effectively neutralized by limited cooperation on the issue."

all lines from the Huffington Post article

so this has to do with the US planning to put the missile site in Eastern Europe that was controversial. how does that translate to Obama giving Russia missile secrets? This was also something that Bush started and Obama has to clean up...
I was alerted to it during a cable-news broadcast this morning.

So I investigated.

do you have a link to a reputable news site? CNN, WSJ, etc...

This from the guy who quotes the HuffPuff. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Serious question.... how much more stupid can you be?

youre really, really, really dumb... i did not post the Huff Post article, i simply cited it and stated nowhere in that article does it speak out of the sharing of US secrets. can you point out a real article where this OP's claim can be substantiated?

learn to read.....

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