Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

The Zionists have always been the problem, because it is inherently evil, arrogant, and unjust to claim to have rights to the "Promised Land" due to a false claim of being the "Chosen People".
I have never heard of any lie nearly as evil as that.

The Hebrew clearly did not come from the Land of Canaan, and never had any right to it.

The current Zionists in Israel are illegal European immigrants who stole 85% of Palestine from the rightful native owners, by murdering the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946.
If the Zionists had only kept their promise to NOT try to take over, there never had to be any violence.

And the source of violence is obvious.
It was Menachim Begin who gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte in 1948.

All Israelis are complicit since they voted in Menachim Begin AFTER he admitted to blowing up the British peacekeepers and gunning down Folke Bernadotte.

Read what Albert Einstein saw when natives of Deir Yassin were murdered by the Zionists in the streets of Jerusalem.

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