Wyoming GOP Facebook Rapist Caught


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
The Dreaded Wyoming GOP Facebook ‘Hatef–k’ Rapist Has Been Apprehended
Posted on | May 1, 2013 | 93 Comments and 1253090225 Reactions

The university campus in Laramie was gripped by fear last week:

“I want to hatef–k Meg Lanker Simons so hard. That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican b–ch.”

The victim of this Facebook threat cited it as “an example of rape culture,” and who could doubt she was an object of twisted GOP lust?

All over campus, plus-sized Women’s Studies majors hid themselves behind dead-bolted doors, while University of Wyoming officials launched an investigation to find the hateful misogynist responsible for this crime. Fortunately, investigators didn’t have to look far:

A student at the University of Wyoming who claimed she was targeted for a Facebook rape threat because she “runs her liberal mouth all the time” faked the threat against herself, police say. Meg Lanker-Simons, 26, has been charged with interference with a police investigation by giving false statement. . . .

UW police . . . interviewed Lanker-Simons and searched her computer, and ”obtained substantial evidence verifying that the offending Facebook post came from Lanker-Simons’ computer.” Lanker-Simons “admitted to making a controversial post on UW Crushes webpage and then lied about not doing it,” according to the citation for a misdemeanor, which can be punished by up to a year in jail.

She threatened to “hatef–k” herself and “lied about not doing it”? Well, who can blame her? Obviously, anybody would be embarrassed to admit they wanted to “hatef–k” themselves, because our oppressive patriarchal society is so judgmental about auto-hate-eroticism:

“I wonder what would cause someone to be so filled with fury and lunacy, that such an odious method of drawing attention to oneself seems acceptable?”

Personally, after seeing the widescreen HD version of this lovely flower, I think her phony post was real wish-projection. She probably figured that hate-rapists didn’t give a rat’s ass who — or what — they screwed.
Which would at least give her a running chance at a sexual relationship.

The Dreaded Wyoming GOP Facebook ?Hatef?k? Rapist Has Been Apprehended : The Other McCain
her desperate bid to become a famous victim has only exposed her to worldwide ridicule, while quite likely destroying whatever credibility she had as a “student activist” in Wyoming.

So now, instead of being a politically relevant lonely fat girl, she’s just a lonely fat girl, who will be ostracized as an embarrassment to her political allies. Maybe she should ask Neal Rauhauser, leader of the “Weiner Truthers,” how to convince the world she was framed......

A student "activist" and member of the campus communist party........Precious POS
Gee...another liberal mouth-runner. That's what liberals do best - run their damn pie holes. These communist pigs will do ANYTHING to call attention to themselves and attempt to make those with whom they disagree look bad.

I can see Obarry hiring her for a high-level position in his administration.
Reminds me of all those race hoaxes that keep happening all over the place. Since there's so much hate in America, how come "they" have to make so much of it up?


Meanwhile another black mob destroys parts of a city and you hear? Crickets....
Too freaking funny, I hope they give the bitch the max.
She she get her ass beat Rodney King style.......for faking rape...and making it political......fuck that bitch.....plus someone had annother thread with a photo....and you gotta be real real desperate...I mean real desperate

Just more tricks by the left....they have no logic, reason, or arguement....just fear, government backing and attacks
You would need at least a case of beer and a whole bottle of viagra.
Oh and a blind fold.

No joke, she does look like the typical womens studies student/professor.....which is why I laughed when a buddy of mine took that class to pickup women...he went in a liberal came out a conservative.......so it was good for him.....but still funny as hell
You would need at least a case of beer and a whole bottle of viagra.
Oh and a blind fold.

No joke, she does look like the typical womens studies student/professor.....which is why I laughed when a buddy of mine took that class to pickup women...he went in a liberal came out a conservative.......so it was good for him.....but still funny as hell

If thats your typical liberal women,no wonder they're always pissed off.
Hell I would be to.
And it sounds like your buddy learned a valuable lesson.
Reminds me of all those race hoaxes that keep happening all over the place. Since there's so much hate in America, how come "they" have to make so much of it up?


Meanwhile another black mob destroys parts of a city and you hear? Crickets....

People are basically stupid is why, which leads to boredom, which leads to dumb shit like this.................. Damn, there's a lot of bored people in this country. Throw in drugs and booze and brain-dead TV, fuck!
A rapist is a rapist. It doesn't matter what party he comes from. He doesn't deserve to see the light of day.
You have to admire the dimwitted, reactionary, adolescent twits out there condemning the pretend rapist along with her.............those university educated intellectuals........

Rock the Vote man..........
You really gotta wonder about the hate filled left when they turn rape into a political rant about the GOP. You would think the left would remember that Bubba Bill was accused of rape and about a dozen other sexually related crimes but they loved the big lug and still do.

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