Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill

At least the in abusive instances (such as those shown by Pogo) civil forfeiture certainly does seem like piracy. Assets used in the commission of a crime for which the owner is convicted? Hey, I understand that. Assets taken before a conviction which may not have been used in the commission of a crime? That's insane and should be stopped.

Too often law enforcement seems to be a cash gathering scam. Police have a dangerous, difficult job, and I would guess most are good people trying to help. However, as with any group, there are going to be those who use and abuse the system. Giving them a legal way to steal the assets of innocent people was never a good idea and needs to be ended.
Not only is it true Haze, but this overreach on the Federal level is worse. At anytime, the IRS can hold you at gunpoint, on your property, and take whatever they want. That's after they have emptied your bank account. Without you being charged with any crime. And then they deal with ya. We took $60,000 so we'll give you back $30,000. Because lawyer fees would eat it all up anyway, the innocents settle.
This has to stop. The IRS is now the SS.
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Both parties are full of corruption and lies, but one is worse then the other, from my take on it over the past couple of decades.. Yeah, usually the "small government" message consists of: Don't legalize drugs/keep the drug war going, invade other countries with false intel, increase the military, control women's bodies, reinforce the police state, etc, etc..
Kook alert. Must be related to the dumbfuck who made this thread
Both parties are full of corruption and lies, but one is worse then the other, from my take on it over the past couple of decades.. Yeah, usually the "small government" message consists of: Don't legalize drugs/keep the drug war going, invade other countries with false intel, increase the military, control women's bodies, reinforce the police state, etc, etc..
Kook alert. Must be related to the dumbfuck who made this thread
Sorry that the truth hurts.
Both parties are full of corruption and lies, but one is worse then the other, from my take on it over the past couple of decades.. Yeah, usually the "small government" message consists of: Don't legalize drugs/keep the drug war going, invade other countries with false intel, increase the military, control women's bodies, reinforce the police state, etc, etc..
Kook alert. Must be related to the dumbfuck who made this thread
Sorry that the truth hurts.
The only pain is yours. Saying Republicans want to control womens bodies is no different than if i said the left enjoys killing babies.

You are a kook. End of story
Sure, fight it in court but you'll never get your property back.

This law is an abomination and completely misused and abused.
Got busted, huh????

This is happening to a lot of innocent people out there. That is the problem. If you really think that this is only drug dealers getting their comeuppance then you are a truly ignorant individual.
More likely a ridiculous rightwing partisan hack blindly defending a republican governor.
Sounds like more of that "small" government Republicans always claim they believe in, yet we never seem to see it.

Earlier this year, Wyoming's legislature overwhelmingly passed asset forfeiture reform that would have required an actual conviction before law enforcement officials within the state could take and keep its citizens' belongings.

Unfortunately, the legislation was vetoed by Republican Gov. Matt Mead, who insisted that law enforcement officers in his state were not abusing the law. Though the new law was passed with a veto-proof majority, some legislators subsequently switched their votes and let the law die. Legislators promised to revisit potential reforms to its current, very loose, civil forfeiture regulations.

After Veto Wyoming Considers Milder Asset Forfeiture Reform - Hit Run Reason.com
Of course, it's appealable in court if there is no conviction, right???? Standard forfeiture law.
Actually most of the laws in question require the victim to pony up money to even have the option to challenge it in Court.

That's a myth, completely untrue.

No, it is not untrue. There are plenty of documented cases about it. You haven't the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about, but then, you rarely do.
Sure, fight it in court but you'll never get your property back.

This law is an abomination and completely misused and abused.
Got busted, huh????

This is happening to a lot of innocent people out there. That is the problem. If you really think that this is only drug dealers getting their comeuppance then you are a truly ignorant individual.
More likely a ridiculous rightwing partisan hack blindly defending a republican governor.
I didn't see any defense. I did see a rational person insult a moron. Figures you missed it.
"The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday filed a broad-based constitutional challenge to the ability of prosecutors and police in Arizona to seize private property without a court order.

In legal papers filed in U.S. District Court, the organization claims that San Tan Valley resident Rhonda Cox had her rights violated when Pinal County sheriff’s deputies took her truck and the Pinal County Attorney’s Office sold it based on the activities of her son. It asks Judge Diane Humetewa to require Pinal County officials, named as defendants, to reimburse her."

ACLU challenging AZ s perverse civil asset forfeiture laws Arizona Capitol Times

Local jurisdictions and law enforcement have only themselves to blame, by abusing and misusing asset forfeiture laws passed in good faith to combat crime.
Sure, fight it in court but you'll never get your property back.

This law is an abomination and completely misused and abused.
Got busted, huh????

This is happening to a lot of innocent people out there. That is the problem. If you really think that this is only drug dealers getting their comeuppance then you are a truly ignorant individual.
More likely a ridiculous rightwing partisan hack blindly defending a republican governor.
I didn't see any defense. I did see a rational person insult a moron. Figures you missed it.
That's because you're also a blind rightwing partisan hack.
Other articles on the issue:

Asset Forfeiture Archives - The Volokh Conspiracy

This isn't difficult to understand, no new 'fixes' or 'solutions' are needed – the remedy has been around as long as the Republic: if the state suspects alleged criminal wrongdoing, and wishes to search or seize property, obtain a court order to indeed do so first.
Both parties are full of corruption and lies, but one is worse then the other, from my take on it over the past couple of decades.. Yeah, usually the "small government" message consists of: Don't legalize drugs/keep the drug war going, invade other countries with false intel, increase the military, control women's bodies, reinforce the police state, etc, etc..
Kook alert. Must be related to the dumbfuck who made this thread
Sorry that the truth hurts.
The only pain is yours. Saying Republicans want to control womens bodies is no different than if i said the left enjoys killing babies.

You are a kook. End of story

Except that Republicans DO want to control women's bodies.

"Person-hood" bills instead of birth control, the constant assaults on legal abortion - its not the Dems pushing that shit.

Then there's their wacko wanting to control who people marry.

Its called sharia law and its exactly what Repubs and rabid RWs want.

And you know it.
Sure, fight it in court but you'll never get your property back.

This law is an abomination and completely misused and abused.
Got busted, huh????

This is happening to a lot of innocent people out there. That is the problem. If you really think that this is only drug dealers getting their comeuppance then you are a truly ignorant individual.
More likely a ridiculous rightwing partisan hack blindly defending a republican governor.
I didn't see any defense. I did see a rational person insult a moron. Figures you missed it.
That's because you're also a blind rightwing partisan hack.

GMU's a devout Contrarian. Given an issue that everybody from all sides can agree is a common problem, the Contrarian leaps in with, "fuck that, let's you and me bicker about personal shit".

The PTB looove when that happens. Completely takes the spotlight off what they're doing.
"The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday filed a broad-based constitutional challenge to the ability of prosecutors and police in Arizona to seize private property without a court order.

In legal papers filed in U.S. District Court, the organization claims that San Tan Valley resident Rhonda Cox had her rights violated when Pinal County sheriff’s deputies took her truck and the Pinal County Attorney’s Office sold it based on the activities of her son. It asks Judge Diane Humetewa to require Pinal County officials, named as defendants, to reimburse her."

ACLU challenging AZ s perverse civil asset forfeiture laws Arizona Capitol Times

Local jurisdictions and law enforcement have only themselves to blame, by abusing and misusing asset forfeiture laws passed in good faith to combat crime.
There is no appeal to ignorance of eminent domain laws; an public policy constitutes an public use.
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Government agencies like the DEA and IRS have been abusing their power for years. They're sanctioned legal organized crime gangs. Most Americans have no idea how corrupt their Government is. Americans only see law enforcement corruption and abuse at the street level with uniformed cops. But the real corruption happens in agencies like the DEA and FBI. The people who aren't being recorded by citizens with cell phones. They're unseen.

There's a whole lot of very bad people in those agencies. They're much worse than the criminals they pursue. The DEA is especially corrupt. That's why most drugs should be decriminalized and it should be abolished. It's out of control. So once again, shame on the 'Small Government Republicans.' They've again proven how dishonest they are.
Sure, fight it in court but you'll never get your property back.

This law is an abomination and completely misused and abused.
Got busted, huh????

This is happening to a lot of innocent people out there. That is the problem. If you really think that this is only drug dealers getting their comeuppance then you are a truly ignorant individual.

No, not ignorant. He knows, and approves...therefore, not ignorant, evil.
What are the conditions under which personal assets can be seized by the State in Wyoming?

Are we basically talking about taking the Pinky Rings and Bank Accounts and Lexus owned by pimps and drug-dealers, or is there more?

Basically: if you are carrying cash, they can steal it. Yes, it's that simple.
Sounds like more of that "small" government Republicans always claim they believe in, yet we never seem to see it.

Earlier this year, Wyoming's legislature overwhelmingly passed asset forfeiture reform that would have required an actual conviction before law enforcement officials within the state could take and keep its citizens' belongings.

Unfortunately, the legislation was vetoed by Republican Gov. Matt Mead, who insisted that law enforcement officers in his state were not abusing the law. Though the new law was passed with a veto-proof majority, some legislators subsequently switched their votes and let the law die. Legislators promised to revisit potential reforms to its current, very loose, civil forfeiture regulations.

After Veto Wyoming Considers Milder Asset Forfeiture Reform - Hit Run Reason.com

There is no abuse in asset forfeiture. If you really understand how it works and how it is used.

You are either not smart enough or not honest enough to debate on this issue.
A veto proof majority suddenly wasn't veto proof? What's the story behind that? Is it possible that the law was poorly written?

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