Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Reform Bill

What are the conditions under which personal assets can be seized by the State in Wyoming?

Are we basically talking about taking the Pinky Rings and Bank Accounts and Lexus owned by pimps and drug-dealers, or is there more?

Basically: if you are carrying cash, they can steal it. Yes, it's that simple.
Then I agree that this needs to be stopped, and support legal action (and fresh statute) to prevent such seizures without a warrant.

Warrants should preferably be issued prior to the seizure, however, I, for one, would support the obtaining of a warrant post-facto, under circumstances wherein it would not have been possible to obtain the warrant in advance and still be certain of the asset(s) being available for seizure (due to moving the asset liquidating them, re-titling them, etc.).

But... before or after... a warrant in each-and-every instance... with judicial and law-enforcement accountability that includes...

1. the warrant itself
2. inventorying of all assets seized
3. certification of inventory by reliable third-party service
4. receipt for seized assets, issued to (a) the owner and (b) the court issuing the warrant
5. all assets held in trusteeship awaiting a conviction or other certification by the court issuing the warrant, that the seizure may be finalized
6. return of all assets to the accused, in the event of dismissal or finding of not guilty
7. disposal of seized assets, in the event of a conviction, with full accountability for such disposal (sale, re-tasking, shifts of ownership, etc)
8. proceeds from disposal transferred to appropriate government coffers
9. Disposal Report sent to court issuing the seizure and finalizing warrants or orders
10. Judicial record of seizure, finalizing and disposal, sent to appropriate State-level government department, for administrative review
11. Reversal or Restitution if State issues a finding of non-compliance or impropriety or conflict-of-interest or bad process or procedure
12. Archiving of Seizure-and-Disposal Case if State issues a finding of Compliance.

Never gonna happen in a backwater like Wyoming, but some-such thing seems to make sense.
Both parties are full of corruption and lies, but one is worse then the other, from my take on it over the past couple of decades.. Yeah, usually the "small government" message consists of: Don't legalize drugs/keep the drug war going, invade other countries with false intel, increase the military, control women's bodies, reinforce the police state, etc, etc..
Kook alert. Must be related to the dumbfuck who made this thread
Sorry that the truth hurts.
The only pain is yours. Saying Republicans want to control womens bodies is no different than if i said the left enjoys killing babies.

You are a kook. End of story
Wrong again – this fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Conservatives and republicans indeed want to control a woman's body by compelling her to give birth against her will by force of law. As already correctly noted, it's republican lawmakers who pass un-Constitutional 'personhood' legislation, and legislation similar to that in Texas where republicans seek to close down medical facilities that provide abortions, resulting in a de facto ban on the procedure.

And as a fact of Constitutional law an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' nor is abortion 'killing babies,' where conservatives and republicans are wrong as well when they accuse liberals of 'killing babies.'

Last, given your posting history, you're in no position to accuse someone of being a 'kook.'
The Republican Party is not about 'Small Government.' Maybe it was at some point, but it isn't now. Republicans are fine with Big Government intervention in every facet of life, as long as they see something in it for themselves.
The Republican Party is not about 'Small Government.' Maybe it was at some point, but it isn't now. Republicans are fine with Big Government intervention in every facet of life, as long as they see something in it for themselves.
Yes, the right Only seems to have a capital problem with socialism, when the least wealthy may benefit.
The Republican Party is not about 'Small Government.' Maybe it was at some point, but it isn't now. Republicans are fine with Big Government intervention in every facet of life, as long as they see something in it for themselves.
Yes, the right Only seems to have a capital problem with socialism, when the least wealthy may benefit.

Republicans, especially old white Republican dudes, are driven by hate, fear, and greed. It's an Archie Bunker Syndrome. So yeah, they have no problem with Government intervention if they feel it benefits them in some way. They are not about 'Small Government.'

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