Xi 'Eating Joe's Lunch' At Every Turn As Top General Warns Peace Is 'Fraying At The Edge'

No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump slapped China with numerous sanctions.

How many sanctions has China Joe enacted? Zero?

Sit down, STFU, and let adults talk. You TDS afflicted morons are boring.
Look at the little snowflake who can't handle the truth. Sit down, kid and learn to take criticism like a grown up.

Trump drove our European allies into the Chinese orbit with his idiotic policies towards our own allies, he cancelled TPP driving our Asian allies into the arms of the Chinese, and Trump did nothing to halt the Chinese road and belt initiative.

Get your head out of Trump's ass for once in your life.
How did cancelling the TPP do that? Would you please provide a link? Thank you
One of the reasons behind the TPP, as I understand it, was to create a bulwark against Chinese economic hegemony in the Asian-Pacific region. By pulling out of the TPP, Trump created a vacuum and destroyed the unified front that was meant to keep China at bay. Since Trump pulled out of TPP, Chinese influence has only increased in the region and continues to increase. It was a decision by Trump that I am sure the Chinese were very pleased about.
TPP had its detractors

-- It made it easier for the US to ship jobs overseas, like call centers and computer programmers. This took jobs away from Americans.

-- It allowed foreign firms equal access to US Gov't contracts, which in my opinion is NOT good. As it favors big businesses in other countries over those who are smaller but US based.

Many on the left didn't like it either.
Yes, TPP had its detractors, no doubt and yes many of them were on the left. However, if one of its primary goals was to confront Chinese expansionism in the Asian-pacific region, that goal vanished when Trump pulled out of it. There is always tension between what is in our international interests and what is in our domestic interests. TPP was in out international interests, and though some said it was not in our domestic interests, many reports say the US would have had economic benefits as well.

One of many:

Your source is Fox News?

You're seriously attempting to discredit the source since you can not debunk what is being reported, since the actual source is the Joint Chiefs of Staff?!

No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump didn't impose sanctions on China and called COVD-19 the China Virus
Trump bitch slapped Dems on the CHINA virus. All those traitor moron Dems who attacked anyone who dared suggest Covid was leaked from the CHINA lab have major egg on their face. They are now shitting a brick having been 100% wrong. They fell for their own propaganda and look stupid while Trump once again wins the day.
No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump slapped China with numerous sanctions.

How many sanctions has China Joe enacted? Zero?

Sit down, STFU, and let adults talk. You TDS afflicted morons are boring.
Look at the little snowflake who can't handle the truth. Sit down, kid and learn to take criticism like a grown up.

Trump drove our European allies into the Chinese orbit with his idiotic policies towards our own allies, he cancelled TPP driving our Asian allies into the arms of the Chinese, and Trump did nothing to halt the Chinese road and belt initiative.

Get your head out of Trump's ass for once in your life.
How did cancelling the TPP do that? Would you please provide a link? Thank you
One of the reasons behind the TPP, as I understand it, was to create a bulwark against Chinese economic hegemony in the Asian-Pacific region. By pulling out of the TPP, Trump created a vacuum and destroyed the unified front that was meant to keep China at bay. Since Trump pulled out of TPP, Chinese influence has only increased in the region and continues to increase. It was a decision by Trump that I am sure the Chinese were very pleased about.
TPP had its detractors

-- It made it easier for the US to ship jobs overseas, like call centers and computer programmers. This took jobs away from Americans.

-- It allowed foreign firms equal access to US Gov't contracts, which in my opinion is NOT good. As it favors big businesses in other countries over those who are smaller but US based.

Many on the left didn't like it either.
Yes, TPP had its detractors, no doubt and yes many of them were on the left. However, if one of its primary goals was to confront Chinese expansionism in the Asian-pacific region, that goal vanished when Trump pulled out of it. There is always tension between what is in our international interests and what is in our domestic interests. TPP was in out international interests, and though some said it was not in our domestic interests, many reports say the US would have had economic benefits as well.

One of many:

Trump's message was America First so ending the TPP was part of that message. My contention with the Left is that Trump was an open book when he ran and he kept his promises with his policies. Now you may dislike the man and those policies but he didn't pull a Biden where he said he was the president for all people and then just ignored 74.2mil of them.

My 2 cents
No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump slapped China with numerous sanctions.

How many sanctions has China Joe enacted? Zero?

Sit down, STFU, and let adults talk. You TDS afflicted morons are boring.
Look at the little snowflake who can't handle the truth. Sit down, kid and learn to take criticism like a grown up.

Trump drove our European allies into the Chinese orbit with his idiotic policies towards our own allies, he cancelled TPP driving our Asian allies into the arms of the Chinese, and Trump did nothing to halt the Chinese road and belt initiative.

Get your head out of Trump's ass for once in your life.
Hitlery Clinton opposed the TPP, so I guess she is a China stooge too, huh?
No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump slapped China with numerous sanctions.

How many sanctions has China Joe enacted? Zero?

Sit down, STFU, and let adults talk. You TDS afflicted morons are boring.
Look at the little snowflake who can't handle the truth. Sit down, kid and learn to take criticism like a grown up.

Trump drove our European allies into the Chinese orbit with his idiotic policies towards our own allies, he cancelled TPP driving our Asian allies into the arms of the Chinese, and Trump did nothing to halt the Chinese road and belt initiative.

Get your head out of Trump's ass for once in your life.
How did cancelling the TPP do that? Would you please provide a link? Thank you
One of the reasons behind the TPP, as I understand it, was to create a bulwark against Chinese economic hegemony in the Asian-Pacific region. By pulling out of the TPP, Trump created a vacuum and destroyed the unified front that was meant to keep China at bay. Since Trump pulled out of TPP, Chinese influence has only increased in the region and continues to increase. It was a decision by Trump that I am sure the Chinese were very pleased about.
TPP had its detractors

-- It made it easier for the US to ship jobs overseas, like call centers and computer programmers. This took jobs away from Americans.

-- It allowed foreign firms equal access to US Gov't contracts, which in my opinion is NOT good. As it favors big businesses in other countries over those who are smaller but US based.

Many on the left didn't like it either.
Yes, TPP had its detractors, no doubt and yes many of them were on the left. However, if one of its primary goals was to confront Chinese expansionism in the Asian-pacific region, that goal vanished when Trump pulled out of it. There is always tension between what is in our international interests and what is in our domestic interests. TPP was in out international interests, and though some said it was not in our domestic interests, many reports say the US would have had economic benefits as well.

One of many:

Trojan Horse to Globalism. If you wanted to fight Chinese Expansionism, then you don't vote for Faux Fraud Hoe Xiden who is a Chinese Puppet and CCP frontman for Globalism.
No one has been a better useful idiot for the Chinese than Donald Trump. 4 years of Trump and China is stronger than ever.
Trump slapped China with numerous sanctions.

How many sanctions has China Joe enacted? Zero?

Sit down, STFU, and let adults talk. You TDS afflicted morons are boring.
Look at the little snowflake who can't handle the truth. Sit down, kid and learn to take criticism like a grown up.

Trump drove our European allies into the Chinese orbit with his idiotic policies towards our own allies, he cancelled TPP driving our Asian allies into the arms of the Chinese, and Trump did nothing to halt the Chinese road and belt initiative.

Get your head out of Trump's ass for once in your life.
Hitlery Clinton opposed the TPP, so I guess she is a China stooge too, huh?

Turns out Trump wasn't soft on China at all.
View attachment 494553

China is unafraid to take digs at the Biden administration, especially regarding foreign policy, as accusations that China is covering up the origins of the coronavirus pandemic put additional strain on its relationship with the U.S.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said peace is "fraying at the edge" as the U.S. competes with China and other powers in his commencement address at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday.

Fraying peace? Yes, perhaps. We have entered an age of bad manners and swaggering threats. Biden will do his best, but he can't do it all by himself if Americans admire stupid people who posture and expound violence.
View attachment 494553

China is unafraid to take digs at the Biden administration, especially regarding foreign policy, as accusations that China is covering up the origins of the coronavirus pandemic put additional strain on its relationship with the U.S.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said peace is "fraying at the edge" as the U.S. competes with China and other powers in his commencement address at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday.

General Milley is the guy who thought it was a good idea to march across LaFayette Square with Donald Trump, and it wasn't until every living former Joint Chief publically upbraided him for doing so, that Milley thought better of it.

Milley has already displayed spectacularly bad judgement in involving himself in political matters and he should just shut up right now, while he still has a job. His job as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is to remain apolitical, and serve the Commander in Chief.
View attachment 494553

China is unafraid to take digs at the Biden administration, especially regarding foreign policy, as accusations that China is covering up the origins of the coronavirus pandemic put additional strain on its relationship with the U.S.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said peace is "fraying at the edge" as the U.S. competes with China and other powers in his commencement address at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday.

General Milley is the guy who thought it was a good idea to march across LaFayette Square with Donald Trump, and it wasn't until every living former Joint Chief publically upbraided him for doing so, that Milley thought better of it.

Milley has already displayed spectacularly bad judgement in involving himself in political matters and he should just shut up right now, while he still has a job. His job as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is to remain apolitical, and serve the Commander in Chief.
Pretty sure the Chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff knows more about it than some single digit IQ KKKanadian who has demonstrated zero knowledge of anything related to the USA.
Trump goes to China destroys the export business of farmers, runs up record debt in strong economic times to pay them off, sells his hotels and licenses for his daughter to China, and enacts an utterly ineffective trade policy with them. He renegotiated nothing. He left the bag 4 years later with a pile of steaming shit in it.

Trump screwed the economy and health of the US up. Biden has fixed both. Can’t wait for him to fix immigration and import/exports.
Trump goes to China destroys the export business of farmers, runs up record debt in strong economic times to pay them off, sells his hotels and licenses for his daughter to China, and enacts an utterly ineffective trade policy with them. He renegotiated nothing. He left the bag 4 years later with a pile of steaming shit in it.

Trump screwed the economy and health of the US up. Biden has fixed both. Can’t wait for him to fix immigration and import/exports.
Your ORANGE CRUSH is showing.

Anything on topic, Troll?
View attachment 494553

China is unafraid to take digs at the Biden administration, especially regarding foreign policy, as accusations that China is covering up the origins of the coronavirus pandemic put additional strain on its relationship with the U.S.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said peace is "fraying at the edge" as the U.S. competes with China and other powers in his commencement address at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday.

Biden is leading America into war or capitulation to imperial chinese domination
Trump goes to China destroys the export business of farmers
Trump did not destroy the export business of farmers

But we will see more and more economic arm twisting by the CCP in the future if America kowtows under biden
Trump goes to China ... runs up record debt

Bwuhahahaha......The CBO declared the US economy would rise back to pre-pandemic levels by itself if the US Govt / Biden DID NOT SPEND ONE DIME......

So to keep that from happening he fires thousands of Americans / puts thousands of Americans out of work, surrenders our energy independence, increases our dependence on our enemies for our energy, keep businesses oppressed closed with anti-science govt mandates, and further acted to keep the economy down by PAYING Americans NOT to work.

He also pushed for and secured TRILLIONS of dollars in deficit spending to 'help boost the economy' - which the CBO declared was NOT needed.

NOW Biden is further driving the US towards the replacement of the US dollar as the world's currency by the CCP's currency by devaluing the Dollar and towards a Venezuelan-type economic collapse by pushing for adding another $6 TRILLION in new debt, the largest sustained spending budget - representing 25% of the entire US economy - since the end of WWII!

"B...b....b...But TRUMP".....

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Trump goes to China destroys the export business of farmers, runs up record debt in strong economic times to pay them off, sells his hotels and licenses for his daughter to China, and enacts an utterly ineffective trade policy with them. He renegotiated nothing. He left the bag 4 years later with a pile of steaming shit in it.

Trump screwed the economy and health of the US up. Biden has fixed both. Can’t wait for him to fix immigration and import/exports.
Your ORANGE CRUSH is showing.

Anything on topic, Troll?
This topic is a troll.
Trump goes to China destroys the export business of farmers, runs up record debt in strong economic times to pay them off, sells his hotels and licenses for his daughter to China, and enacts an utterly ineffective trade policy with them. He renegotiated nothing. He left the bag 4 years later with a pile of steaming shit in it.

Trump screwed the economy and health of the US up. Biden has fixed both. Can’t wait for him to fix immigration and import/exports.
Your ORANGE CRUSH is showing.

Anything on topic, Troll?
This topic is a troll.
Nope. China dominating our senile President is a serious matter.

You just choose to ignore it cuz it exposes your Messiah as the blithering nincompoop he is.
China is unafraid to take digs at the Biden administration, especially regarding foreign policy, as accusations that China is covering up the origins of the coronavirus pandemic put additional strain on its relationship with the U.S.

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said peace is "fraying at the edge" as the U.S. competes with China and other powers in his commencement address at the Air Force Academy on Wednesday.

You know rules about providing original commentary when creating a new thread

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