Xi Van Fleet exposes the parallels with Mao and Biden

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
For starters, Biden, like Mao, in the end was just a face......with a cabal behind the curtains truly calling the shots.

But when you start to examine the parallels between Maoist China and the past 4 years of the Biden administration it's fairly shocking. ( one could easily argue going back to the start of the pandemic) which directly or indirectly derailed the remarkable success of Trump's first term.

I'd like to take this brief moment to point out that the FOX naysayers are way out of their element.

FOX is (mostly) based as fuck, and thank GOD we have them at the tip of our Info War spear.
They just needed to fire Stirewalt and the other 2020 election night wankers who called Arizona.

And they did.

But I was watching FOX Business like two days ago, and they're talking about how Bill Gates wants to buy up all the farmland and poison people with vaxxes.

It's a corporate news backdrop, with virtual Gateway Pundit info.

No complaints, far from it.
And (one last thing), neither Newsmax or OAN come close to FOX talent and professionalism.

It is what it is.

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