How Judge Merchan Is Orchestrating Trump’s Conviction

Not for this mystery crime, of which there is no presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Try harder.


Factually incorrect.

From Justice Merchan's opening instructions to the jury.

"To the contrary, the People have the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means before you can find the defendant guilty of a crime, the People must prove beyond a reasonable doubt * * EVERY ELEMENT OF THE CRIME * *, including that the defendant is the person that committed that crime."

That means that not only do that have to prove to the jury the falsification of business records, they have to prove the direct connection to the enhancement crime that created the intent for the falsification of those records. Because the enhancement crime is required as an element of the crime for a felony conviction.

The crime charged is felonious falsification of business records to hide/aid in the commission of another crime. The other crime does not need to be charged, not is the defendant required to have been adjudicated for the other crime, it could be committed by others as part of a conspiracy. So we have:
  • Cohen, Pecker and Trump conspiring to create their "catch and kill" schemed (which may not be unlawful in itself, however the method of paying for the catch and kill scheme WAS unlawful.
  • Michael Cohen, adjudicated and convicted of federal criminal campaign finance violations.
  • David Pecker (CEO of AMI, Inc.) making illegal campaign contributions to the Trump Campaign until his lawyers found about his illegal activity and told him to stop and the subsequent entry into a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for testimony and documentary evidence.
  • You have possible tax evasion under New York State law.

Oh, one other thing. New York State business law does apply to FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization because that is where the business is based. You said earlier New York State law doesn't apply to the presidency, I agree. However, It does apply to elections in the State of New York (federal and state) and FPOTUS#45 was not the President at the time the crimes were committed by Cohen/Pecker. Crimes he later was trying to conceal when he ran the reimbursements for Cohen through his business entity.

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It’s usually not the deed that does you in but the lies and attempts to cover it up
That's only in the White House. And only if the POTUS is Republican. Democrats always get away with it.

Once politicians find out they can bribe people with their own money our Republic is finished.
View attachment 945108

Factually incorrect.

From Justice Merchan's opening instructions to the jury.

"To the contrary, the People have the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means before you can find the defendant guilty of a crime, the People must prove beyond a reasonable doubt * * EVERY ELEMENT OF THE CRIME * *, including that the defendant is the person that committed that crime."

That means that not only do that have to prove to the jury the falsification of business records, they have to prove the direct connection to the enhancement crime that created the intent for the falsification of those records. Because the enhancement crime is required as an element of the crime for a felony conviction.

The crime charged is felonious falsification of business records to hide/aid in the commission of another crime. The other crime does not need to be charged, not is the defendant required to have been adjudicated for the other crime, it could be committed by others as part of a conspiracy. So we have:
  • Cohen, Pecker and Trump conspiring to create their "catch and kill" schemed (which may not be unlawful in itself, however the method of paying for the catch and kill scheme WAS unlawful.
  • Michael Cohen, adjudicated and convicted of federal criminal campaign finance violations.
  • David Pecker (CEO of AMI, Inc.) making illegal campaign contributions to the Trump Campaign until his lawyers found about his illegal activity and told him to stop and the subsequent entry into a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for testimony and documentary evidence.
  • You have possible tax evasion under New York State law.

Oh, one other thing. New York State business law does apply to FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization because that is where the business is based. You said earlier New York State law doesn't apply to the presidency, I agree. However, It does apply to elections in the State of New York (federal and state) and FPOTUS#45 was not the President at the time the crimes were committed by Cohen/Pecker. Crimes he later was trying to conceal when he ran the reimbursements for Cohen through his business entity.

Finally someone has been able to say what the crime was.
The problem with all of it there is a false-assumption being made by the DA.
He assumes that Trump actually conspired with Michael Cohen to do something that Trump wasn't aware was happening until after the fact.
Cohen asked for Trump's permission and never got it, so he said fuck it, I'm doing it anyway.
That's where this whole case falls upon it's own weight.
There was no conspiracy to begin with.

Nobody would touch this case because it's based on a lie created by the state of New York and the DOJ.
They're being directed by the DOJ to bring charges. That is where the conspiracy is.
A conspiracy to win an election by bringing false charges against a political opponent.
If Biden loses heads will roll.
Trump will fire every GD cocksucker in the DOJ and the FBI and throw half of them in prison.
There will be so many court cases because of this illegal act by the Biden adm that it will take over 4 years to prosecute all of them.

Obama will fall under the knife as well for criminal conspiracy.
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View attachment 945108

Factually incorrect.

From Justice Merchan's opening instructions to the jury.

"To the contrary, the People have the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That means before you can find the defendant guilty of a crime, the People must prove beyond a reasonable doubt * * EVERY ELEMENT OF THE CRIME * *, including that the defendant is the person that committed that crime."

That means that not only do that have to prove to the jury the falsification of business records, they have to prove the direct connection to the enhancement crime that created the intent for the falsification of those records. Because the enhancement crime is required as an element of the crime for a felony conviction.

The crime charged is felonious falsification of business records to hide/aid in the commission of another crime. The other crime does not need to be charged, not is the defendant required to have been adjudicated for the other crime, it could be committed by others as part of a conspiracy. So we have:
  • Cohen, Pecker and Trump conspiring to create their "catch and kill" schemed (which may not be unlawful in itself, however the method of paying for the catch and kill scheme WAS unlawful.
  • Michael Cohen, adjudicated and convicted of federal criminal campaign finance violations.
  • David Pecker (CEO of AMI, Inc.) making illegal campaign contributions to the Trump Campaign until his lawyers found about his illegal activity and told him to stop and the subsequent entry into a non-prosecution agreement in exchange for testimony and documentary evidence.
  • You have possible tax evasion under New York State law.

Oh, one other thing. New York State business law does apply to FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization because that is where the business is based. You said earlier New York State law doesn't apply to the presidency, I agree. However, It does apply to elections in the State of New York (federal and state) and FPOTUS#45 was not the President at the time the crimes were committed by Cohen/Pecker. Crimes he later was trying to conceal when he ran the reimbursements for Cohen through his business entity.

It should be no problem to show a previous case in which the defendant was charged with only felonies beyond the statute of limitations for the misdemeanor, and no other charges at all. It been on the books for decades.

Judges get things wrong all the time, sort of the reason we have appellate courts, so that dog don't hunt. Nor is there any explanation as to why the qualifying misdemeanor charge of falsifying information in the 2nd degree is unnecessary in this case.

The state alleging an uncharged conspiracy is simply injecting prejudicial nonsense into the case with no legal foundation. Even if the second crime did not have to be charged to the defendant, it has to be charged to someone, who is that in this case? Now you want to toss in uncharged tax evasion in the mix? The clown show just expands on and on.
Finally someone has been able to say what the crime was.
The problem with all of it there is a false-assumption being made by the DA.
He assumes that Trump actually conspired with Michael Cohen to do something that Trump wasn't aware was happening until after the fact.
Cohen asked for Trump's permission and never got it, so he said fuck it, I'm doing it anyway.
That's where this whole case falls upon it's own weight.
There was no conspiracy to begin with.

Nobody would touch this case because it's based on a lie created by the state of New York and the DOJ.
They're being directed by the DOJ to bring charges. That is where the conspiracy is.
A conspiracy to win an election by bringing false charges against a political opponent.
If Biden loses heads will roll.
Trump will fire every GD cocksucker in the DOJ and the FBI and throw half of them in prison.
There will be so many court cases because of this illegal act by the Biden adm that it will take over 4 years to prosecute all of them.

Obama will fall under the knife as well for criminal conspiracy.
Bullshit! On steroids! :)

The DOJ is NOT involved in New York's State law!
Even if the second crime did not have to be charged to the defendant, it has to be charged to someone, who is that in this case? Now you want to toss in uncharged tax evasion in the mix? The clown show just expands on and on.
Michael Cohen committed election campaign finance crimes, at the bequest of Individual#1 who is Trump, and was indicted and convicted via his guilty plea, in 2019 for his $130k stormy payment for Trump's Stormy tryst.

Trump helped cover it up with falsifying business records....

At least, that is my understanding of what the prosecution is trying??

It was always a felony and not ever a misdemeanor for the falsifying business records charge....because it was always connected to Cohen's crimes....
Michael Cohen committed election campaign finance crimes, at the bequest of Individual#1 who is Trump, and was indicted and convicted via his guilty plea, in 2019 for his $130k stormy payment for Trump's Stormy tryst.

Trump helped cover it up with falsifying business records....

At least, that is my understanding of what the prosecution is trying??

It was always a felony and not ever a misdemeanor for the falsifying business records charge....because it was always connected to Cohen's crimes....
Read the actual text of the law before you embarrass yourself further.
Michael Cohen committed election campaign finance crimes, at the bequest of Individual#1 who is Trump, and was indicted and convicted via his guilty plea, in 2019 for his $130k stormy payment for Trump's Stormy tryst.

Trump helped cover it up with falsifying business records....

At least, that is my understanding of what the prosecution is trying??

It was always a felony and not ever a misdemeanor for the falsifying business records charge....because it was always connected to Cohen's crimes....
14,000th time, how on God's green earth do you think Bragg will prove Trump knew Cohen had committed a crime?
Then say what you are talking about, so we can debate it.
If you actually read, there is no way you don't understand what I'm talking about. If you insist on being that dense, then please explain the standards for up jumping the misdemeanor to a felony.
14,000th time, how on God's green earth do you think Bragg will prove Trump knew Cohen had committed a crime?
I'm not sure... I think the prosecutor has proved that they schemed together to pay the NDA, and schemed together in his falsifying business records to cover up Cohen's paying the $130,000 NDA to Stormey...

I'm not certain he has proven yet, that Trump knew the way the payment was made by Cohen broke campaign finance law.....
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He could have paid her. He just shouldn't have paid her using campaign funds. That's the obviously very illegal part, which all the Trump cult traitors try to deflect from.

Now watch them cry, run and deflect again. Their criminal master commands it, so they have to obey. It doesn't matter how awful it makes them look. In their cult, humiliating and debasing themselves on behalf of the cult earns them status in the cult.
Yet they haven't proven he used campaign funds, silly.
Yeah Trump should be keeping better company. He laid down with dogs now he is dealing with the fleas. Not having an affair would have been the better choice to make.
Yeah I know, he should've learned from Clinton. But they were buddies at one time.
Bragg is lying to the jury.....according to who?
According to :
1. Boston University Law Professor Jed Handelsman Shugerman wrote in The New York Times that a candidate paying a nondisclosure agreement is perfectly legal, and doesn’t run afoul of any laws.

2. Election law scholar Richard Hasen rightly observed, "Calling it election interference. actually cheapens the term and undermines the deadly serious charges in the real election interference cases,”

I'm not sure... I think the prosecutor has proved that they schemed together to pay the NDA, and schemed together

You know, just because they tell you to use the word "scheme" doesn't make anything illegal.

in his falsifying business records to cover up Cohen's paying the $130,000 NDA to Stormey...
Uh, they haven't shown anything was falsified or that anything was covered up.
I'm not certain he has proven yet, that Trump knew the way the payment was made by Cohen broke campaign finance law.....
They haven't shown that Cohen broke any campaign finance law.

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