Y2Kyoto: Blunder Down Under

Did anyone else notice that the link in the OP is to a blog site? And, if you read the titles of other articles in the link, you can figure out this is a far right wing person.

the link within the link is channel 10 news

however being the socialists they are

the block anyone from outside of Australia from viewing the content

We spent many billions in Ontario, taxpayer money gifted to solar companies and windmill fools. We now have $310B+ in debt in a province, massive costs for hydro while many of these companies are bankrupt. We had the feds and province give $400M+ to GM to stay in Ontario, we needed $10B from the feds to prop up the housing market in Toronto as it is so overpriced and due to crash.

Free markets win, big government subsidies and centralized economic principles never succeed.
We spent many billions in Ontario, taxpayer money gifted to solar companies and windmill fools. We now have $310B+ in debt in a province, massive costs for hydro while many of these companies are bankrupt. We had the feds and province give $400M+ to GM to stay in Ontario, we needed $10B from the feds to prop up the housing market in Toronto as it is so overpriced and due to crash.

Free markets win, big government subsidies and centralized economic principles never succeed.

Does this mean that you are against subsidies for big oil as well?
Did anyone else notice that the link in the OP is to a blog site? And, if you read the titles of other articles in the link, you can figure out this is a far right wing person.
So it's not true then? Because you don't like where it came from?

If you want people to take you seriously, it would help to link to an actual news site and not some blog.
We spent many billions in Ontario, taxpayer money gifted to solar companies and windmill fools. We now have $310B+ in debt in a province, massive costs for hydro while many of these companies are bankrupt. We had the feds and province give $400M+ to GM to stay in Ontario, we needed $10B from the feds to prop up the housing market in Toronto as it is so overpriced and due to crash.

Free markets win, big government subsidies and centralized economic principles never succeed.

Does this mean that you are against subsidies for big oil as well?

I believe in the free market, businesses should succeed or fail on their merit.

There are sometimes situations where incentives can be applied to newer, junior companies, but not massive taxpayer dollars, especially for new businesses with no long term history of success.

The Canadian and Ontario tax payer should be in the business of creating the best business environment possible and then getting out of the way and allowing capitalist principles to reign. This centralized intervention is the reason we have never and will never be global leaders, requiring to piggyback and be "subsidized" by America. it's also why we interfere in peoples ives and American corporations on our soil. We have a security apparatus that is socialist, and anti-American.

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