Yale Library: Ghost-Hunt (Darts)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modern world is all about data and collections of resources and technologies and toys.

So I wanted a throwback yarn in homage to the 'archaeological-house' of yesteryear --- the Orwellian library!



Carrie worked very late every Friday night at the Yale University (Connecticut) library. She realized there was a strange ghost of a young girl wandering around the library right near closing-time. Carrie herself was a very eccentric Yale history student and sort of meandered around campus (like a ghost!) when she wasn't studying hard (getting A's) or working hard. Carrie was very lonely and wanted to 'commune' with the ghost-spirit of the young girl she believed was haunting the library. She wanted to 'play' with the spirit, so she purchased a double plastic-toy dart-gun set with target-wheel to lure the ghost-spirit towards her.


Carrie purchased a very bold looking yellow-and-blue double dart-gun set, and the target-wheel it came with was very nifty. So she set up the target-wheel near one of the bookshelves in the Yale library near closing-time and waited for the ghost-spirit of the young girl to appear. As usual, Carrie was the only one at the library near closing-time. Suddenly, she saw the shadowy figure of the ghost-spirit of the young girl walking towards the nifty target-wheel Carrie posted. Carrie ran to her and showed her the dart-guns and offered to play with her if the ghost-spirit explained what she wanted or worshipped.


CARRIE: Why are you haunting Yale's library, young girl?
GHOST: I like this dart-gun set-up you posted, Carrie...
CARRIE: How'd you know my name? How'd you die?
GHOST: I'm haunting this library because I was killed by a Yale student.
CARRIE: You were a local resident near the Yale campus?
GHOST: Yes, the Yale student was an amateur bookie.
CARRIE: This student was collecting on a debt from your parents?
GHOST: Yes, and when my dad couldn't pay, the student killed us.
CARRIE: So now you're haunting this library, and you hate Yale?
GHOST: No. I'm psychic and knew your name and like you, Carrie.
CARRIE: So let's just play darts and we can heal the scars of the past.
GHOST: That murdering student was never caught!
CARRIE: Well, that scoundrel will not get to enjoy our dart-play.
GHOST: My name is Lenore. You shoot darts very well.
CARRIE: Modernism is all about targets and collections.
GHOST: That's why you work at a library (ha!); maybe we'll become immortal.



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