Yates, Comey and Rosenstein

Yates, Comey and Rosenstein are going to end up sounding like Peter, Paul and Mary when Barr gets done with them...
They are stuck with their story and it won't cover much Deep State ass when the FBI comes around asking pointed questions.

He's Hillary's bitch all the way back to White Water. There's a lot there, I suspect the typical TDSer lacks the experience and depth to read and comprehend.

Comey Tied To Clintons' Money | Roger Stone | Stone Cold Truth

"Former FBI Director James Comey had numerous ties to the corrupt Clinton political machine, and he still does. One connection is his brother, Peter. Peter Comey is an executive at DLA Piper, the law firm responsible for filing the Clinton Foundation’s taxes. James Comey holds the mortgage for his brother’s mansion, tying a direct financial connection between Comey and the Clinton Foundation while he was investigating Hillary. (via Big League Politics)"


"James Comey has been connected to the Clinton criminal network for decades. In 1996, James Comey acted as the deputy special counsel for the Senate committee investigating the Whitewater scandal. The Senate was investigating shady real-estate loans authorized while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas. (via ABC News)"

Many people connected to the Whitewater company were arrested and charged with over 40 crimes, yet the Clintons remained unscathed. James Comey acknowledged that Hillary Clinton obstructed the investigation and destroyed evidence, yet he decided not to prosecute due to lack of “intent”. (Sound familiar?)

After observing the soft-handed approach Comey took investigating the Clintons, Obama appointed him in 2013. James Comey repeated his past, 23 years after the original Whitewater investigation. Again, he decided not to press charges — this time for Hillary’s mishandling of classified information, even after condemning her actions. The same phony “intent” excuse was used. (That’s how it works!)"

Yeah I know the link is to Roger Stone. Just think though, he fingered Hillary's 'get out of jail free' card. He's lucky he's still alive instead of battling Hillary generated lawsuits to shut him up.
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Comey’s a Liar, Continues His Farce at CNN Town Hall.

“Papadopoulos didn’t talk to RUSSIANS, unless you are pretending that western intelligence asset Joseph Mifsud is really working for the RUSSIANS. Read all about Joseph Mifsud in Lee Smith’s terrific story, The Maltese Phantom of Russiagate.

If Comey really believes his own crap, why didn’t the FBI go to Trump and tell him one of his associates was involved with the RUSSIANS?”​

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