Yeah! Score one. DOJ press release

Just tRump getting the xenophobes riled up. Probably reasonable people crafting challenges to it as we speak.
Trump is not getting the *Dems riled up, what are you talking about.
*(Dems are Russian XENOPHOBES and European Caucasion Xenophobes and anyone who thinks for themselves Xenophobes)
Yeah..... No.
Try again kid.
THAT'S how you resolve your racism issues?
Calling me kid in itself is racist as it's like calling someone Boy in context of your use as a slur.
Lol, ageist at the worst.

You need to look up these words before you use them.
So you calling black people boy is ageist not racist, then Rosanne calling someone a Planet of the Apes character (white)actress lookalike is ?? Wasn't Roseanne just playing celebrity look alike using her comedic license (making fun of appearance) and the
actual Racist was Al Sharpton by changing THE wording thus narrative and insinuating racism?
GEE YOU LEFTIST need to stick to one standard and stop playing both sides of the argument depending what suits your race baiting for pandering a race(=an act which insults the race thus is racism itself)

Can you answer a simple question for me?
I like studying human behavior, so can you tell me what you get out of being a forum troll?

What kind of psychology drives that behavior?
DISPLACEMENT OF PAIN? Deflection of abuse you receive in the real world? Feelings of empowered by it?
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Just tRump getting the xenophobes riled up. Probably reasonable people crafting challenges to it as we speak.
Trump is not getting the *Dems riled up, what are you talking about.
*(Dems are Russian XENOPHOBES and European Caucasion Xenophobes and anyone who thinks for themselves Xenophobes)
Yeah..... No.
Try again kid.
THAT'S how you resolve your racism issues?
Calling me kid in itself is racist as it's like calling someone Boy in context of your use as a slur.
Lol, ageist at the worst.

You need to look up these words before you use them.
So you calling black people boy is ageist not racist, then Rosanne calling someone a Planet of the Apes character (white)actress lookalike is ?? Wasn't Roseanne just playing celebrity look alike using her comedic license (making fun of appearance) and the
actual Racist was Al Sharpton by changing THE wording thus narrative and insinuating racism?
GEE YOU LEFTIST need to stick to one standard and stop playing both sides of the argument depending what suits your race baiting for pandering a race(=an act which insults the race thus is racism itself)

Can you answer a simple question for me?
I like studying human behavior, so can you tell me what you get out of being a forum troll?
View attachment 227918
What kind of psychology drives that behavior?
DISPLACEMENT OF PAIN? Deflection of abuse you receive in the real world? Feelings of empowered by it?
Lmao! I'm not calling black people "boy". I'm calling immature people "kid". Don't like it? Grow up.
I understand. It's scary being top dog.

Plus you will be deported.
WTF are you babbling about now?
Sheesh. How many accounts do you HAVE?

lol tool.
You've totally lost it. Take a few minutes to regroup and try again.
You're not even good at this anymore.

What are you babbling about now, indeed. lol
I'm serious, you've got problems.
You're not one of them, Dave.
I'm calling immature people "kid". Don't like it? Grow up.
So then Antifa and Maxine Waters are Kids? Is that why you need to give them safe rooms with stuffed animals and Playdoh?
Waters is just a stupid negro.
And you're a fuckin racist. What's your point?
Nothing racist about calling a black person a negro anymore. Cnn called West a negro and no one called them a racist. I guess it's okay for a liberal to do it. Thank you for proving my point. I would just normally call her stupid. Liberals are such hypocrites.
WTF are you babbling about now?
Sheesh. How many accounts do you HAVE?

lol tool.
You've totally lost it. Take a few minutes to regroup and try again.
You're not even good at this anymore.

What are you babbling about now, indeed. lol
I'm serious, you've got problems.
You're not one of them, Dave.
Sheesh. How many accounts do you HAVE?

lol tool.
You've totally lost it. Take a few minutes to regroup and try again.
You're not even good at this anymore.

What are you babbling about now, indeed. lol
I'm serious, you've got problems.
You're not one of them, Dave.
Dave's not here.

What are you babbling about now.
You've totally lost it. Take a few minutes to regroup and try again.
You're not even good at this anymore.

What are you babbling about now, indeed. lol
I'm serious, you've got problems.
You're not one of them, Dave.
Dave's not here.

What are you babbling about now.
Ok, I admit I fell for that.

Say goodnight Gracie.
You're not even good at this anymore.

What are you babbling about now, indeed. lol
I'm serious, you've got problems.
You're not one of them, Dave.
Dave's not here.

What are you babbling about now.
Ok, I admit I fell for that.

Say goodnight Gracie.
There couldn't possibly be two people so inept. Simple. :)
Yes. A very specific definition that is misused and ignored for partisan gain. Being against illegal immigration does not make one a "xenophobe".
Name calling to intimidate the timid is all the left has to offer when they discuss illegal immigration. Something I suggest you look up is the Boy Who Cried Wolf fable.
Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well.

You tRumpkins fit the description to a "T".
Your fear of the new asylum rule is very revealing.
What? You've got me confused with someone else kid.
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well.

You tRumpkins fit the description to a "T".
Your fear of the new asylum rule is very revealing.
What? You've got me confused with someone else kid.
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.
Dave's not here.

What are you babbling about now.
Ok, I admit I fell for that.

Say goodnight Gracie.
There couldn't possibly be two people so inept. Simple. :)
Ok, now we are back to WTF are you talking about.
Argumentative, too. What a surprise.
I think you are confused.

I'mma bow out now, have a nice day.
Dave's not here.

What are you babbling about now.
Ok, I admit I fell for that.

Say goodnight Gracie.
There couldn't possibly be two people so inept. Simple. :)
Ok, now we are back to WTF are you talking about.
Argumentative, too. What a surprise.
I think you are confused.

I'mma bow out now, have a nice day.
I think you've lost the touch.

Take care. :)
Your fear of the new asylum rule is very revealing.
What? You've got me confused with someone else kid.
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?


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