Yeah! Score one. DOJ press release

What? You've got me confused with someone else kid.
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
As did you.
And your opinion was the inferior and lacking one of the two.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
As did you.
And your opinion was the inferior and lacking one of the two.
I think you need to look up the definition of "opinion".
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
As did you.
And your opinion was the inferior and lacking one of the two.
I think you need to look up the definition of "opinion".
Well that's your opinion. If you are claiming everything you post is 100% fact and
documentation then you also need to look up the definition of "hallucinatory".
It is official. Let justice rain like clear water on a warm day!

U.S. Department of Justice Press release
DOJ and DHS Issue New Asylum Rule
Applies President’s authority to suspend entry to asylum
Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen today announced an Interim Final Rule declaring that those aliens who contravene a presidential suspension or limitation on entry into the United States through the southern border with Mexico issued under section 212(f) or 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) will be rendered ineligible for asylum.

The Acting Attorney General and the Secretary issued the following joint statement:

“Consistent with our immigration laws, the President has the broad authority to suspend or restrict the entry of aliens into the United States if he determines it to be in the national interest to do so. Today's rule applies this important principle to aliens who violate such a suspension or restriction regarding the southern border imposed by the President by invoking an express authority provided by Congress to restrict eligibility for asylum. Our asylum system is overwhelmed with too many meritless asylum claims from aliens who place a tremendous burden on our resources, preventing us from being able to expeditiously grant asylum to those who truly deserve it. Today, we are using the authority granted to us by Congress to bar aliens who violate a Presidential suspension of entry or other restriction from asylum eligibility.”

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and INA states that “[w]henever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

Further, Section 215(a) of the INA states that it is “unlawful…for any alien to depart from or enter or attempt to depart from or enter the United States except under such reasonable rules, regulations, and orders, and subject to such limitations and exceptions as the President may prescribe.”

In Section 208(d)(5)(B) of the INA, Congress specified that the Attorney General “may provide by regulation for any other conditions or limitations on the consideration of an application for asylum.”

Today’s new rule applies to prospective presidential proclamations, and is not retroactive.

Asylum is a discretionary form of relief granted by the Executive Branch on a discretionary basis to those fleeing persecution on the basis of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. The rule does not render such aliens ineligible for withholding of removal under the INA or protection from removal under the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The Interim Final Rule can be found here.
Mark one up for the skipper...yea.
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
As did you.
And your opinion was the inferior and lacking one of the two.
I think you need to look up the definition of "opinion".

It says "Opinions are like assholes like Crepitus, everyone has one and they usually stink".
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.
As did you.
And your opinion was the inferior and lacking one of the two.
I think you need to look up the definition of "opinion".

It says "Opinions are like assholes like Crepitus, everyone has one and they usually stink".
That's nice Marion, run along now k?
Your Ameriphobia fairly melts the board with each passing post.
Lol, now you're inventing words?
"Lol, being against illegal immigration does not make one a xenophobe. Being convinced they are all criminals, rapists, and murderers does. So does being terrified that a caravan of asylum seeking sad-sacks is an "invasion". Being scared of folks of a different color for no reason does as well."

Again, let me shoot down the straw man you've set one thinks the caravan heading for our border is filled with
criminals, rapists and murderers. There are criminals in there. They are not all criminals. Got it?
Do you keep repeating that hoping that someone with half a brain will think it's true?

The same mob that tore down restraining fences in Mexico, fought with cops, set flags on fire and threw stones and incendiary devices is headed for our border demanding entry to our country. That is unarguably an invasion.

"Being scared of folks of a different color" is just another pathetic straw man. No one is afraid of this rabble due to their color. What people are afraid of is this mass of unknowns from Central America will establish a precedent if allowed entry to the country.

If you feed one stray cat pretty soon you have dozens of stray cats camped out on your doorstep. We are not the soup kitchen for the world. Stop being a fool and pretending we can take care of our citizens and those of other nations too.
When you overfill a rowboat it capsizes, and then everyone drowns. Wake up.
dOnald tRump does.

Dude. He shot your whole argument full of holes, and that is all you got as a come back?

No, he did not. He gave his opinion. Nothing more.

He seriously addressed your claims, and pointed out the huge holes in them.

And you failed to address that at all. Because you can't. Your lack of doing that, is an admission that his points were correct.

That is the way debate works.

You lose.
Thank You Aba Incieni!!! Ameriphobia is the perfect description of leftard ideology. I hope it is in Webster soon.
If you ask these idiots why they want communism, they say social justice. That is the most painfully stupid ideology I have ever heard. If that is your answer, you might feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up, because I'm slapping you silly through the computer.
Just tRump getting the xenophobes riled up. Probably reasonable people crafting challenges to it as we speak.

All countries control their border crossings and immigration.
But, the Democrats make it about race because they are racist.
5 homegrown terror attacks in the last 2 weeks and I`m supposed to be afraid of a caravan of poor people looking for a better life. How did this country ever produce so many brainless racist chicken shits?

As usual the Dirty Democrats are on the side the criminals

Just tRump getting the xenophobes riled up. Probably reasonable people crafting challenges to it as we speak.
"Xenophobes" being your euphemistic term for anyone not in favor of ceding control of our borders in an effort to collapse
the security and laws of America as Marxist progressives are hoping.

Your message is very clear when your code words are analyzed. As for the predictable legal challenges, bring them on!
That's what the Supreme Court is for. The president is well within his constitutional rights.
No. Xenophobe has a very specific definition. I suggest you look it up.

All countries control their border crossings and immigration.
The Corrupt Democratic Party even brags about displacing Anglo voters with illegal aliens.
Democrats are racist cretins.
5 homegrown terror attacks in the last 2 weeks and I`m supposed to be afraid of a caravan of poor people looking for a better life. How did this country ever produce so many brainless racist chicken shits?

As usual the Dirty Democrats are on the side the criminals

View attachment 228221
You should be afraid of dumb bastards like yourself who think the mobs approaching our Southern border are all made up of just poor innocent down trodden peasants.

Your stupidity is dangerous. Would you let anyone who knocks at your front door in
without knowing a thing about them?
If your house winds up being robbed and you are found stuffed under your sink with your throat slashed that is no great loss, because you are the only one effected and frankly, as I said, you are not too bright.

But you are dangerous because you are so fuckin' gullible and naive and you want to extend your idiocy to an entire nation.
When we lose control over our own borders then we have lost the entire nation, not that you care.
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