Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

The question here is this is the content of the e-mails accurate? The relevance of them changes only if there is proof they are fakes are they altered before being released to date I have heard nothing to suggest that is the case.
Hillary Clinton has not denied the veracity of a single hacked email, thus they are all real
The dirty little secret is that there are no secrets. The CIA still has a secret budget and spends it's time meddling in Military affairs apparently has lost it's "intelligence mission" a long time ago. WTF are we doing with 16 other "intelligence agencies" when it was clear that the FBI bungled the Boston Marathon bomber investigation and dropped the case on a radical Islamic terrorist just before he went radical in a Fla nightclub. When the freaking NSA chief steals documents and the media isn't interested in his motivation or what the hell he stole from the American public, who do we trust to monitor the intelligence agencies which have become nothing but a propaganda arm of the political administration?
The dirty little secret is that there are no secrets. The CIA still has a secret budget and spends it's time meddling in Military affairs apparently has lost it's "intelligence mission" a long time ago. WTF are we doing with 16 other "intelligence agencies" when it was clear that the FBI bungled the Boston Marathon bomber investigation and dropped the case on a radical Islamic terrorist just before he went radical in a Fla nightclub. When the freaking NSA chief steals documents and the media isn't interested in his motivation or what the hell he stole from the American public, who do we trust to monitor the intelligence agencies which have become nothing but a propaganda arm of the political administration?

Come on man, the "media" has no time to investigate - they are too busy preventing The Donald from becoming our next president and conducting "polls" (wink, wink)
Far Right and Alt Right people: your guy is down by 12%, with Texas and Utah now up for grabs.

Sixteen days to voting, and it is downhill for you.
Assange has taken credit. What difference does it make who leaked the emails that prove the Dems are corrupt? I guess blaming Russia takes the heat off the criminal activity, like causing violence at Trump rallies, rigging primaries, discussing Scalia's death days before he actually died and talking about rigging the big election. The left seems more pissed that the truth got out than they do about what the truth is.

Libs loved it when Republicans were the target. If/when they go after Trump, the left will cheer again.

For those of us who are sick and tired of corruption on both sides, the leaks are a good thing.
blaming the russians puts the the right where it belongs

trump is a russia lover and can't be trusted
blaming the russians puts the the right where it belongs

trump is a russia lover and can't be trusted

Delusion check:

In 2012, Romney stated that Russia was our biggest geopolitical foe. The RW applauded him for his foresight after they entered Ukraine and criticized Obama harshly.

Fast forward, they now admire the strength of Russian leadership and apparently no longer agree that they are the threat that Romney warned they were. Trump and his supporters find no fault with Russian cyber intrusions into our elections, in fact they seem to admire it.

The ease with which the RW is manipulated to believe the prevailing narratives is disconcerting. They are easily led and wholly deluded. Trump has them questioning the validity of US elections while simultaneously rooting for further intrusions by foreign actors into the personal lives of our candidates.

The swing in thinking from one election to the next is remarkable and terrifying.
Assange has taken credit. What difference does it make who leaked the emails that prove the Dems are corrupt? I guess blaming Russia takes the heat off the criminal activity, like causing violence at Trump rallies, rigging primaries, discussing Scalia's death days before he actually died and talking about rigging the big election. The left seems more pissed that the truth got out than they do about what the truth is.

Libs loved it when Republicans were the target. If/when they go after Trump, the left will cheer again.

For those of us who are sick and tired of corruption on both sides, the leaks are a good thing.

With 15 days to the election, the leaks continue to reveal simultaneously just how corrupt our Gov't is! Unfortunately, most voters are zombies who get their info from MSM that is in collusion with the Hill-Beast. Still, no excuse to dig just a lil' deeper on the interwebz.
The rest of the country does not, has not, and will not trust the Far and Alt rights.
The rest of the country does not, has not, and will not trust the Far and Alt rights.

Only 1 in 5 Americans trust the Gov't. So, are you implying that 4/5ths are the Far & alt Right?

Didn't think so............unless you really are dumber than a bump on a dogs' dick!
The rest of the country does not, has not, and will not trust the Far and Alt rights.

Only 1 in 5 Americans trust the Gov't. So, are you implying that 4/5ths are the Far & alt Right?

Didn't think so............unless you really are dumber than a bump on a dogs' dick!
Fallacy of false equation, kidd, something you like to do. If you think that connection is correct you can argue for it, and then I will put it down and laugh you out of the thread.

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