Ret, Naval Intelligence Chief: There's a 60% chance of War with China. Chinese military build-up is fastest in history

Yes, jobs aren't being cut. The positions aren't being filled.


They aren't being filled because recruitment is down precipitously.

Yep, the Merchant Marines are having a terrible time getting people to work for them.

Might be the shit pay and the long periods at sea away from home that is the problem.
The Navy isn't meeting recruitment goals either.

True, none of the branches are right now, too many other jobs out there for people. Recruiting always suffers in an economy with enough jobs.

I take it you never spent any time as a recruiter.
With all due respect to Navy Intelligence (former Navy intelligence in this case) the agency is set up to monitor the capability of the Navy as a fighting force but not to be involved in the intrigues of international diplomacy. This guy's prediction is no better than anyone else who reads the NYT. It's dangerous for him to open his mouth about something like this. Old Soldiers (and Navy) should take an oath to stay the hell out of politics.

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