Yes Bowers WAS Inspired by the GOP

time for some good news in the world

That would be Nov. 6 if the democrats fail to take the House and Senate...but be prepared....if you think they are violent and hate filled now, wait and see what they do if they lose in November......or ginsburg dies while Trump is in office...

Look at the tantrum the dimwits had when Trump won. When they lose in November, they might riot nationwide.
You fucking liar, that's not what he said.

You seriously need to fuck yourself loud mouth

Direct quote

"Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist," Bowers said two days before the shooting. "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*** infestation."

Try quoting the complete string that I responded to. You selective BS is exactly that. Maybe I should start attributing quotes to you that you didn't post.

House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Am I supposed to care? Why is the mental imbalance of a single individual supposed to affect me?
You support the left apparently so does Maxine Waters nonsensical rants make you go crazy? The next time a nut shoots or hits a member of the GOP are you going to tell me to be butthurt about Waters absurd statements?
So Bower's "concerns" that the caravans in Mexico weren't supported by things that he heard on Fox or from Kevin McCarthy...


I wonder why McCarthy took the tweets down and Fox pulled the episode off line huh?

Why don't you ask Bower and get back to us. Dumbass.

So Bower's "concerns" that the caravans in Mexico weren't supported by things that he heard on Fox or from Kevin McCarthy...


I wonder why McCarthy took the tweets down and Fox pulled the episode off line huh?

Why don't you ask Bower and get back to us. Dumbass.

Hey DUMBASS...McCarthy took the tweet down (ya know because it was anti-semitic)

Bowers had no part in that decision.
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Am I supposed to care? Why is the mental imbalance of a single individual supposed to affect me?
You support the left apparently so does Maxine Waters nonsensical rants make you go crazy? The next time a nut shoots or hits a member of the GOP are you going to tell me to be butthurt about Waters absurd statements?
Why would Trumpers care about the fact that the GOP House Majority Leader was posting anti-semitic shit?

Ya know...because you're Trumpers. That shit doesn't bother you
So Bower's "concerns" that the caravans in Mexico weren't supported by things that he heard on Fox or from Kevin McCarthy...


I wonder why McCarthy took the tweets down and Fox pulled the episode off line huh?

Why don't you ask Bower and get back to us. Dumbass.

Hey DUMBASS...McCarthy took the tweet down (ya know because it was anti-semitic)

Bowers had no part in that decision.

Just like all your other assertions, you can't prove shit. For a Lush you really are a pathetic liar. LMAO

House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets

Again, These guys, Soros, Steyers, and Bloomberg got to be bottom sucking leftist leaders by being DEMOCRATS. Not by being Jews..

You're USING Jews as a political football to kick around. PROBABLY I'd say, because underneath every leftist is a moderate to severe case of Jew hate themselves...
GOP brainwashing techniques have been perfected over decades.

And yet, apparently, can be defeated with simple materials found in the kitchen...

House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets

To EQUATE Soros to being the boogeyman of the "zionist conspiracy" ---- you've got to BELIEVE in the Zionist conspiracy --- dontcha lefty? Why don't you admit it's bullcrap and NOT USE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GET POLITICAL ADVANTAGE out of a discredited hate hallucination?

Or do you BELIEVE that Soros, Bloomberg and Steyer ARE part of a Jewish conspiracy?
‘House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) decided to delete a tweet attacking three Jewish Democrats for “buying” the midterm elections two days after liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros, one of his targets, was sent a pipe bomb.

The tweet — which also named former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and California businessman and Democratic donor Tom Steyer — was taken down three days before a gunman killed 11 people Saturday in an anti-Semitic attack at The Tree of Life, a Pittsburgh synagogue.’ ibid

It's both an attack and a lie, of course.

Clearly there’s no limit to just how reprehensible the reprehensible right can be.

And although McCarthy isn’t representative of all conservatives, this sort of hate and bigotry is nonetheless much too common with far too many on the right.

So where's a copy of the tweet so we can see for ourselves he mentioned they were Jewish?

Come on you fucking liars, pony up the tweet.


They can't because it doesn't exist. They read their own beliefs into what they read and then blame us for not seeing their idiocy.
Not going back to re read all the posts and replies, but every fucking republican I know hates Jews and I work for a whole bunch of them plus if you could read our local fb page where 99% are registered republicans and voted for Trump there is no doubt most of you fuckers on the right also hate Jews. So don't give me any of your fucking bullshit. Thank God I left your fucked up party two years ago.

Stereotype much, dipshit?
So Bower's "concerns" that the caravans in Mexico weren't supported by things that he heard on Fox or from Kevin McCarthy...


I wonder why McCarthy took the tweets down and Fox pulled the episode off line huh?

Why don't you ask Bower and get back to us. Dumbass.

Hey DUMBASS...McCarthy took the tweet down (ya know because it was anti-semitic)

Bowers had no part in that decision.

How do you know?

You have yet to prove anything when asked to back up your serial idiocy.
House GOP Leader Deleted Tweet Attacking Wealthy Jews

House GOP Leader just deleted Anti-semitic tweets
Am I supposed to care? Why is the mental imbalance of a single individual supposed to affect me?
You support the left apparently so does Maxine Waters nonsensical rants make you go crazy? The next time a nut shoots or hits a member of the GOP are you going to tell me to be butthurt about Waters absurd statements?
Why would Trumpers care about the fact that the GOP House Majority Leader was posting anti-semitic shit?

Ya know...because you're Trumpers. That shit doesn't bother you

Maybe because there was nothing in that post that was even remotely anti-Semitic?

Why don't you lace that bitch up and wear it?
What a sick and absurd OP. The vast majority of Republicans are ardently pro-Israeli, while leftist Democrats have increasingly begun to bash Israel and repeat Hamas talking points about the Palestinians and the Jewish settlements on the West Bank. Donald Trump has moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, has pulled funding for the Palestinian Authority, has sold Israel an unprecedented amount of weapons, and has staunchly defended Israel at the UN. And you get on here with a handful of cherry-picked quotes and act like the GOP is anti-Jewish?! If anyone inspired the attack on the Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, it was leftist liberals who have been parroting Hamas propaganda for the last several years.

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