Yes. The President did collude and aid Russia, but it was obama, not Trump....

You missed the issue entirely. It isn't that Russian hacks had an effect on the election, it's the intent of any Americans involved if indeed there was collusion.
That makes no sense, typical of you. Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent and even then you hope the stigma sticks. That's not how it works in a free country, move to Cuba.
It makes no sense to small furry animals like you. But for humans it makes damn good sense.
And what free country are you referring to?
Where ever RW cretins like you exist freedom diminishes exponentially to your numbers.
You're the one not making any sense. If the general public thought Trump was guilty until proven innocent he'd already be in jail or impeached. What we are supporting is due process to eliminate the possibility that we have a Russian mole as our president or that some morally bankrupt bahs-turds colluded with a foreign entity to disrupt the U.S. electoral process.
You missed the issue entirely. It isn't that Russian hacks had an effect on the election, it's the intent of any Americans involved if indeed there was collusion.
That makes no sense, typical of you. Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent and even then you hope the stigma sticks. That's not how it works in a free country, move to Cuba.
It makes no sense to small furry animals like you. But for humans it makes damn good sense.
And what free country are you referring to?
Where ever RW cretins like you exist freedom diminishes exponentially to your numbers.
You're the one not making any sense. If the general public thought Trump was guilty until proven innocent he'd already be in jail or impeached. What we are supporting is due process to eliminate the possibility that we have a Russian mole as our president or that some morally bankrupt bahs-turds colluded with a foreign entity to disrupt the U.S. electoral process.
Nothing you said is true. We do not jail people by popular demand. Nor do we or can we impeach government officials without laws being broken. It's been investigated for a year now and there's nothing there. That obviously disturbs you but it's tough shit. I enjoy your pain.
You missed the issue entirely. It isn't that Russian hacks had an effect on the election, it's the intent of any Americans involved if indeed there was collusion.
That makes no sense, typical of you. Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent and even then you hope the stigma sticks. That's not how it works in a free country, move to Cuba.
It makes no sense to small furry animals like you. But for humans it makes damn good sense.
And what free country are you referring to?
Where ever RW cretins like you exist freedom diminishes exponentially to your numbers.
You're the one not making any sense. If the general public thought Trump was guilty until proven innocent he'd already be in jail or impeached. What we are supporting is due process to eliminate the possibility that we have a Russian mole as our president or that some morally bankrupt bahs-turds colluded with a foreign entity to disrupt the U.S. electoral process.
Nothing you said is true. We do not jail people by popular demand. Nor do we or can we impeach government officials without laws being broken. It's been investigated for a year now and there's nothing there. That obviously disturbs you but it's tough shit. I enjoy your pain.
Nothing I said was false. You are the one that came up with some bizarre notion that somehow Trump is being accused of being guilty of something before been proven innocent. Did you not say this:
"Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent."?
Now you want to lecture me on the impeachment process as well as due process based on the strawman you created.
You missed the issue entirely. It isn't that Russian hacks had an effect on the election, it's the intent of any Americans involved if indeed there was collusion.
That makes no sense, typical of you. Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent and even then you hope the stigma sticks. That's not how it works in a free country, move to Cuba.
It makes no sense to small furry animals like you. But for humans it makes damn good sense.
And what free country are you referring to?
Where ever RW cretins like you exist freedom diminishes exponentially to your numbers.
You're the one not making any sense. If the general public thought Trump was guilty until proven innocent he'd already be in jail or impeached. What we are supporting is due process to eliminate the possibility that we have a Russian mole as our president or that some morally bankrupt bahs-turds colluded with a foreign entity to disrupt the U.S. electoral process.
Nothing you said is true. We do not jail people by popular demand. Nor do we or can we impeach government officials without laws being broken. It's been investigated for a year now and there's nothing there. That obviously disturbs you but it's tough shit. I enjoy your pain.
Nothing I said was false. You are the one that came up with some bizarre notion that somehow Trump is being accused of being guilty of something before been proven innocent. Did you not say this:
"Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent."?
Now you want to lecture me on the impeachment process as well as due process based on the strawman you created.
The strawman is all yours, I believe we are innocent until proven guilty, for you the allegations will do.
The ENTIRE Russian/Trump deal is a charade. The kenyan knew about Russian tampering WAY BACK, but chose not to do anything about it because they were all certain Hitlery was going to win.


Democrats are TRASH, period, end of story. They're sorry ass pathetic low life trailer trash lying vile piles of steaming DOG SHIT.
You missed the issue entirely. It isn't that Russian hacks had an effect on the election, it's the intent of any Americans involved if indeed there was collusion.
That makes no sense, typical of you. Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent and even then you hope the stigma sticks. That's not how it works in a free country, move to Cuba.
It makes no sense to small furry animals like you. But for humans it makes damn good sense.
And what free country are you referring to?
Where ever RW cretins like you exist freedom diminishes exponentially to your numbers.
You're the one not making any sense. If the general public thought Trump was guilty until proven innocent he'd already be in jail or impeached. What we are supporting is due process to eliminate the possibility that we have a Russian mole as our president or that some morally bankrupt bahs-turds colluded with a foreign entity to disrupt the U.S. electoral process.
Nothing you said is true. We do not jail people by popular demand. Nor do we or can we impeach government officials without laws being broken. It's been investigated for a year now and there's nothing there. That obviously disturbs you but it's tough shit. I enjoy your pain.
Nothing I said was false. You are the one that came up with some bizarre notion that somehow Trump is being accused of being guilty of something before been proven innocent. Did you not say this:
"Accusations against your political enemies are good enough, they are guilty until proven innocent."?
Now you want to lecture me on the impeachment process as well as due process based on the strawman you created.
The strawman is all yours, I believe we are innocent until proven guilty, for you the allegations will do.
Stop being stupid. We were all taught in grade school about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. But that presumption does not dispose of suspicion nor does it preclude the wisdom of initiating an investigation to verify that presumption of innocence in the face of suspicion.
It's a joke off a fake news website, what else can you look for.
The ENTIRE Russian/Trump deal is a charade. The kenyan knew about Russian tampering WAY BACK, but chose not to do anything about it because they were all certain Hitlery was going to win.


Democrats are TRASH, period, end of story. They're sorry ass pathetic low life trailer trash lying vile piles of steaming DOG SHIT.
These are the civil boards, interesting! Also I'm pretty sure per capita republicans live in trailers, this is actually something they are proud of (I have sources if you really want). Also to be noted, you hold everyone so low; must be compensating.
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