Yes, women's empowerment means they get to carry guns to fight off male attackers...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This writer discusses the disconnect between left wing talking points on women's empowerment... and the their position on confiscating guns...

Marina Medvin - The Right To Bear Arms Is The Right to Gender Equality

In boxing, a fighter’s weight is measured and reported to the audience. Size matters in a fight.

I’m a 5’3” female and I weigh in at a whopping 104 lbs. (Tiny person, mighty spirit.) But presumably I wouldn’t do well fending off a physical attack.

So when liberals started talking about female empowerment and fighting rapists, I got excited. Turns out, we had some disconnect on what empowerment really means. My internal conversation with liberals went something like this:

Libs: “We need to empower women. We need to fight against rape and bad men. Gender equality!”

Me: “Alright! Let’s teach women self defense, concealed carry, escape tactics, etc. Yeah! I’m in!”

Libs: “So to do this, give me your guns.”

Me: “Wait. What? You just said empower me, fight them, equality for all. And you said I should defend against rape. How do you expect me to do that without a firearm?”

Libs: “On Twitter. We want you to be empowered on Twitter. Also, wear a pussy hat and parade around in public with others wearing the same pussy hat. That will make you feel empowered. [something incomprehensible] gender equality!”

Me: “Are you insane?!”

Libs: “You’re either with us, or you’re a Nazi or a racist.”

Anyway, how do I fight rape with Twitter? I can’t even fight rape by calling the police. Cops don’t magically appear between me and a rapist to save me and arrest him on the spot. Twitter doesn’t appear in the real world, period. So how do I fight a rapist with my words and my politics, which is essentially what you propose?”
This writer discusses the disconnect between left wing talking points on women's empowerment... and the their position on confiscating guns...

Marina Medvin - The Right To Bear Arms Is The Right to Gender Equality

In boxing, a fighter’s weight is measured and reported to the audience. Size matters in a fight.

I’m a 5’3” female and I weigh in at a whopping 104 lbs. (Tiny person, mighty spirit.) But presumably I wouldn’t do well fending off a physical attack.

So when liberals started talking about female empowerment and fighting rapists, I got excited. Turns out, we had some disconnect on what empowerment really means. My internal conversation with liberals went something like this:

Libs: “We need to empower women. We need to fight against rape and bad men. Gender equality!”

Me: “Alright! Let’s teach women self defense, concealed carry, escape tactics, etc. Yeah! I’m in!”

Libs: “So to do this, give me your guns.”

Me: “Wait. What? You just said empower me, fight them, equality for all. And you said I should defend against rape. How do you expect me to do that without a firearm?”

Libs: “On Twitter. We want you to be empowered on Twitter. Also, wear a pussy hat and parade around in public with others wearing the same pussy hat. That will make you feel empowered. [something incomprehensible] gender equality!”

Me: “Are you insane?!”

Libs: “You’re either with us, or you’re a Nazi or a racist.”

Anyway, how do I fight rape with Twitter? I can’t even fight rape by calling the police. Cops don’t magically appear between me and a rapist to save me and arrest him on the spot. Twitter doesn’t appear in the real world, period. So how do I fight a rapist with my words and my politics, which is essentially what you propose?”
This is the answer to rape from a liberal....I laugh at how stupid the left is....

I like this part......very true...

So while I may be easy to beat at 104 lbs of mass, I am all of a sudden a beast when you add a handgun with a loaded magazine into that equation. Add in a handgun and now I'm empowered. No matter how manly you are and how feminine I am, no matter how big you are and how small I am, my gun gives me equal change in a fight between us.

That’s my answer to the question of gender equality - it is the ability to arm myself and give myself a fighting chance against anyone who wants to come hither against my wishes.

After seeing the most recent and most heinous liberal attack on my freedom to defend myself, attack on our Constitutional rights, I quickly reinforced the greatest advocate that I know of in the fight against the disarmament of women, the National Rifle Association, by becoming a Life Member. And by the way, they LOVE women! They even give women a huge discount on membership fees!
Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.
Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

I used to carry a knife and I had training from an ex-military guy on how to use it. It was razor sharp. I even had a purse which was really a scabbard for the knife. When my daughter came of age, I passed it on to her and taught her how to use it.
Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

I used to carry a knife and I had training from an ex-military guy on how to use it. It was razor sharp. I even had a purse which was really a scabbard for the knife. When my daughter came of age, I passed it on to her and taught her how to use it.
So if a machete wielding Mooslim attacks your daughter, she is supposed to use the knife?

Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

So untrained women deserve to be raped?

Thanks for your reply, I'm sure rapists around the world appreciate it as well.
Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

I used to carry a knife and I had training from an ex-military guy on how to use it. It was razor sharp. I even had a purse which was really a scabbard for the knife. When my daughter came of age, I passed it on to her and taught her how to use it.
My daughter has the women's self defense course and conceal carry permit.. She is very much like the woman in the video/..

Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

So untrained women deserve to be raped?

Thanks for your reply, I'm sure rapists around the world appreciate it as well.
If untrained women don't want to be trained, they are future victims of liberalism. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton love the untrained woman....
Odd that we see another thread on this.....there is no doubt that all women should be armed.....trained and armed. That would certainly improve things around here.

I used to carry a knife and I had training from an ex-military guy on how to use it. It was razor sharp. I even had a purse which was really a scabbard for the knife. When my daughter came of age, I passed it on to her and taught her how to use it.

A knife is the second best tool to use against a rapist....
Females should also be subject to the draft. Equal responsibility accompanies equal rights. Being exempt gives female privilege, which is reverse discrimination against males. Females should want to be drafted. Kind of like the blacks wanted to fight for the Union. And citizens of USA with Japanese ancestry wanted to fight in WW II.

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