Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

It is good that illegal immigration and inflation have been coming down, and that unemployment has dropped significantly since Trump absconded with a dismal 34% approval, and that income is increasing.

What is your data that indicates "10 million illegals are driving up the price of rent"? Where? By how much? Prosperity in America is dependent upon the low income jobs that are largely held by undocumented workers, but the housing shortage is attributable to the general demand, regardless of legal status. (According to the National Association of Realtors, the US currently has a housing shortage of between 5.5 million and 6.8 million units.)
HERE. In Tampa Florida, in 2 apartment complexes that I lived in, and was forced to move out of, because of bubble brained morons like you who are so DUPED by leftist indoctrination, that you can't see reality all around you, while you are inebriated with all your illustrious "data", fed to you by leftist loons.

The illegal alien INVADERS who you ludicrously call "undocumented workers" ( who have more documents than you do) are who caused the housing shortage, and Biden who brought them here for VOTES, as they saturated the rental housing market driving rents to the moon, and you're too brainwashed and leftwing drunk to realize it. Jackass!

To call an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is about equivalent to calling a bank robber an "informal withdrawl agent". Stop wrecking the country, imbecile!

And pay me $18,000 in lost rent that jerks like you caused me to lose, by getting Biden to be president. Pay it!
You are not better off now than Trump.

Yes, I am. Who the fuck are you to tell anyone if they are better off or not?

If your wages have caught up, you have that hope of getting there some day.

They have more than caught up. They have blown way inflation.

But you still have big hole to climb out of.

Nope, no hole at all. Sorry that your life is sucking and you are looking up out of a hole, but not all of us are in that hole with you.
Ever take Econ 101: inflation results when too much demand is chasing too few goods.
Great, so now you understand and will acknowledge that trumps OPEC+ deal led to lower production of foreign oil, and therefore when demand went way up after people went back to work ( Mid-Late 2020 ) gas prices rose, because of OPEC+ ( which cut production for 2 years. )

Trump and OPEC+ caused the rise in gas prices.
HERE. In Tampa Florida, in 2 apartment complexes that I lived in, and was forced to move out of, because of bubble brained morons like you who are so DUPED by leftist indoctrination, that you can't see reality all around you, while you are inebriated with all your illustrious "data", fed to you by leftist loons.
Take a look and find something more affordable.

Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

Tell that to the millions who can't afford to live anymore. The trouble with you guys is you think you can say BS like this, not realizing people still have to go the grocery, buy gas, etc.
Great, so now you understand and will acknowledge that trumps OPEC+ deal led to lower production of foreign oil, and therefore when demand went way up after people went back to work ( Mid-Late 2020 ) gas prices rose, because of OPEC+ ( which cut production for 2 years. )

Trump and OPEC+ caused the rise in gas prices.
NO! That is NOT why gas prices went up. OPEC had nothing to do with it.I can see CNN & MSNBC have got YOU programmed, all right.

If what you said were true, there would have been shortages while Trump was president, and prices would have gone up THEN. Neither of those things happened. Quite the contrary, we were energy independent then, drillers were drilling to the max, and gas was $1.89/gal when Trump left office.

Biden's January 2021 EOs cancelled oil drilling in Alaska & the Gulf, production plummeted from 344 MBM to 277 MBM (a drop of a whopping 67 MB/mo), and the gas prices accordingly went up, up, up, as the supply went down, down, down.
Quite the contrary, we were energy independent then, drillers were drilling to the max, and gas was $1.89/gal when Trump left office.
Not even close to $1.89.
6 year gas prices.png

Biden's January 2021 EOs cancelled oil drilling in Alaska & the Gulf, production plummeted from 344 MBM to 277 MBM (a drop of a whopping 67 MB/mo)
Take a look and find something more affordable.

I already did do that, and I'm still now $18,000 poorer from moving costs + the higher rents that fools like you caused, by voting for Biden,

So now that you have given me a suggestion, I'll give you one. PAY ME $18,000 to compensate me for the money I've lost because of you and all your idiot Democrat friends, who put Biden in the White House.
Biden's January 2021 EOs cancelled oil drilling in Alaska & the Gulf, production plummeted from 344 MBM to 277 MBM (a drop of a whopping 67 MB/mo), and the gas prices accordingly went up, up, up, as the supply went down, down, down.

Why are you so patently dishonest?

The oil production went down for a single month, the month of Feb. By March of 2021 it was already back ahead of where it had been in Jan 2021
Why are you so patently dishonest?

The oil production went down for a single month, the month of Feb. By March of 2021 it was already back ahead of where it had been in Jan 2021
Here's your education. You're welcome.

YOU are lying and blabbering misinformation right here. OF COURSE Biden is against fossil fuels. That was shown in the 2020 debate, when Biden loudly proclaimed his promise to "TRANSITION AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUELS"

Nothing disproves the "Republican accusations about Biden being against "Fossil Fuels". Biden further proved his opposition to fossil fuels, when he signed EOs cancelling oil leases/drilling on his first day in office. He cancelled more of them after that too. That is what got production down, until it started getting closer to the 2024 election and Biden then increased the production to keep the optics politically convenient.

Contrary to YOUR "CON JOB", here are the "data, statistics, and facts" posted before the distortions of the optic, political theater of Biden's pre-election oil production boosts.

The following report is from near the end of 2022, before Biden began to ramp up for the ELECTION year >>

Biden's production was a major reduction from what Trump's production was, and even much more major, when we extrapolate Trump's rising line to January 2023, if he had retained the presidency.

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to Dec. 2022 if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million Barrels/month - HUNDREDS of Barrels/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases
Yes, I am. Who the fuck are you to tell anyone if they are better off or not?

They have more than caught up. They have blown way inflation.

Nope, no hole at all. Sorry that your life is sucking and you are looking up out of a hole, but not all of us are in that hole with you.
Almost all of us are, and especially we senior citizens who DON'T HAVE wages. Instead, we have have Social Security and pensions. MY SS & VA pension combined went up less than $100 in 3 years, while my rent went up $1,000 (if I had stayed where I was). By moving to a lower rent place, my rent has still gone up from $600/mo to $1000/mo. $400/month loss - every month.
NO! That is NOT why gas prices went up. OPEC had nothing to do with it.
To say that OPEC+, which decreased foreign Oil Production for 2 years (and beyond), had no effect on Supply, is just a flat out LIE. Shows that you cannot accept facts.
Almost all of us are, and especially we senior citizens who DON'T HAVE wages. Instead, we have have Social Security and pensions. MY SS & VA pension combined went up less than $100 in 3 years, while my rent went up $1,000 (if I had stayed where I was). By moving to a lower rent place, my rent has still gone up from $600/mo to $1000/mo. $400/month loss - every month.

sucks to be you I guess.

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