Yes, you are better off now than you were then.

In other words, you are unable to refute my documented statement with any credible data, but you still don't like it.
I did in post 161.

But you didn't present any credible data.

Like so many on your side, you will jump when one data point falls your way.

Your own article says it was way off due to the rush of inflation.

So if you integrate peoples situation over the entire four years, they are still way way way behind.

Wages always catch up. But in terms of the setbacks they've suffered in the past four years, getting one month ahead means nothing.

Overall, they are still f**ked.

Argue with that, fatass.

Your own article says it's true.

Pay check to paycheck families have increased 6% in the last year.

Things are "rockin'"

You bet.

But got one month.

So YOU ARE NOT BETTER OFF....FAR FROM IT and the article is total BS in that claim.
Most working Americans are better off now than they were when the reign of Trumpery ended with a dismal 34% public approval.

According to my organization’s analysis, working-class Americans’ wages, adjusted for inflation, have just edged higher than they were on Election Day, 2020. The average working-class American can now answer “Yes” to the question, “Are you better off now than you were under Trump?”

The class of experts here telling you you're not experiencing your own life correctly

Screw that
The class of experts here telling you you're not experiencing your own life correctly

Screw that

What they are saying is wrong.

You are not better off before Trump.

You just started on the path to getting better.....if things keep up (if they are to be believed). But with four years of the Biden/Harris FUps, you are way way way behind.

That is the lie.

schmidlap is trying to figure out a way around this and as you can tell from his lack of posts....he's failing.

It's the same thing with inflation.

You were screwed. You still are. For many, the damage was done early on and their wages were not keeping up. Many using cards to stay afloat.

Now, they say.....oh great the rate is down. THE DAMAGE IS DONE.

If wages are catching up great. But you still have all that debt you accumulated.

But...but....but the RATE is down. BFD.

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