Yet Another Reason to Boycott Facebook: Mind F*cks

"...sells to corporations..." you are right , the ones that you allow to buy your politicians and then own the USA.

I still don't get it why people trust FB. Would you buy a car from a chop shop and the owner is a car thief? Would you bank at a place where the manager of that bank is a felon and a known criminal in identity theft? Would you take your kids to a school where the principle is a known pedophile?

So why the hell would you post your most personal information in a hackers website? It's mind boggling, the answers most give: "Well, it's where I keep up with friends and family". Um ok. WTF?

It's important to remember that Facebook users are not customers, they are the product Facebook sells to corporations and politicians.
Facebook is the repository of all of America's ignorance, who cares if they fuck with the losers who still use it? Besides if facebook is a liberal plot then it must be to allow conservative morons to embarrass themselves to as wide an audience as possible because that's mainly who's left.

Repository for America's ignorance.......look no further than this forum.
Facebook is the repository of all of America's ignorance, who cares if they fuck with the losers who still use it? Besides if facebook is a liberal plot then it must be to allow conservative morons to embarrass themselves to as wide an audience as possible because that's mainly who's left.

Repository for America's ignorance.......look no further than this forum.

Your self-awareness is so refreshing!

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