Yet another Right-Wing Domestic Terror Plot

Here is a question for the lefties if some men were arrested in a East coast state plotting the same kind of stuff would that automatically make them radical left wingers? Using the logic displayed here that because the men cited in the OP are in Georgia a state that is Southern and usually red they must be radical right wingers then anyone arrested for similar crimes in an East coast usually blue state would have to be radical left wingers if were going by which party the state votes for.
You forgot their grievances and that rhey were militia members
You forgot to answer the question asked.
The only place the words right wing were mentioned were the in the article title and Op title.
you're really going to read that story and pretend that those georgia militia men, wanting to 'remove' members of the government for 'extra-Constitutional' activities, weren't right wing?
Here is a question for the lefties if some men were arrested in a East coast state plotting the same kind of stuff would that automatically make them radical left wingers? Using the logic displayed here that because the men cited in the OP are in Georgia a state that is Southern and usually red they must be radical right wingers then anyone arrested for similar crimes in an East coast usually blue state would have to be radical left wingers if were going by which party the state votes for.
You forgot their grievances and that rhey were militia members
You forgot to answer the question asked.
And you left out some very important criteria.
but tell you what, you find a New Hampshire drum circle planning attacks on oil pipelines and other corporate polluters and I'll be first in line to say "yep, those were probably left wing weirdos"
The left has to find something to say since a crazy black man assassinated two police officers.

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