Oh really?
Did you bother to even look at the scriptures I pointed to you?

I'm about sure you did not...
Otherwise you would be ashamed at what you said. The Messianic Jews are much much more reverent with God's name than you.

Just saying.

The Israelite religion has been cut off-Matthew 23:38--Jesus told them off in Matthew 23-- obviously they take that name in vain. In verse 39 God left the door open to them--Bless the one whom Godsent to them= Jesus. They outright refuse. Its only been over 1950 years.
what do you mean by 'both sides' ?
Trinity god and the God of Israel. They are not the same. God does not change, he was never a trinity. The religion that came out Rome changed him by the will of satan.
The Israelite religion has been cut off-Matthew 23:38--Jesus told them off in Matthew 23-- obviously they take that name in vain. In verse 39 God left the door open to them--Bless the one whom Godsent to them= Jesus. They outright refuse. Its only been over 1950 years.
So apparently you know everything...
And that's a very small god you worship. Mines much bigger than yours.
So apparently you know everything...
And that's a very small god you worship. Mines much bigger than yours.
There is only 1 true God-YHWH(Jehovah) -- it is satan posing as all the rest of them in existence.
There is only 1 true God-YHWH(Jehovah) -- it is satan posing as all the rest of them in existence.
If only you would actually worship the true God and not the one you currently are.
Its Gods personal name minus vowels. The Hebrews did not write vowels down. The name translates-Jehovah. He is the only true God.
Actually, we don't know what the name translates to. We do not know how to pronounce it.
If only you would actually worship the true God and not the one you currently are.
i have the real one. The one Israel served all along. They never served a trinity because it does not exist.
Okay so is this the Holy Name church or what? Something like that.

Why in the world did Penelope the backslid Catholic like this? Does she even know what she's doing
Yud-Hay-Vuv-Hay is the forgiving attribute of the Creator (Notice I don;t use the word God)
Actually, we don't know what the name translates to. We do not know how to pronounce it.
Sure you do; we simply don't pronounce it because, unlike Elohim, which can describe a human judge, the attribute of non-ego oriented forgiveness is solely possessed by the Creator.
Actually, we don't know what the name translates to. We do not know how to pronounce it.
Jesus promised to keep on making his name known-John 17:26--And God himself has made his name known. We do know it-Jehovah.
Trinity god and the God of Israel. They are not the same. God does not change, he was never a trinity. The religion that came out Rome changed him by the will of satan.

alrighty - i'll agree that the RC church is nothing but a political entity & has very little to do with christianity.
alrighty - i'll agree that the RC church is nothing but a political entity & has very little to do with christianity.
They as well translated errors in to mislead, to fit false council teachings. They didnt allow anyone to read the bible until the 1500,s. then those ran because their translations still exposed them as false. But they had no clue and couldnt fix it.
i have the real one. The one Israel served all along. They never served a trinity because it does not exist.
No you don't...
You don't have a clue. You obviously believe that you know everything.....

Where my God is so huge you can never back up far enough to get a view. Even on board a rocketship.

However you think that yours is persuaded and manipulated by the "correct" pronunciation.

Yeah...that's pretty pathetic IMHO.
No you don't...
You don't have a clue. You obviously believe that you know everything.....

Where my God is so huge you can never back up far enough to get a view. Even on board a rocketship.

However you think that yours is persuaded and manipulated by the "correct" pronunciation.

Yeah...that's pretty pathetic IMHO.
Well who is your God? I dont everything. I do know what i share is truth.
They as well translated errors in to mislead, to fit false council teachings. They didnt allow anyone to read the bible until the 1500,s. then those ran because their translations still exposed them as false. But they had no clue and couldnt fix it.

Well who is your God? I dont everything. I do know what i share is truth.
It's what you have been brainwashed into believing is the truth.
There's no corroborating sources in your information. Just one sole arbiter of the "truth" meaning that likely it isn't the truth at all.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of professional scholars, colleges, universities and academic courses all over the entire world that disagree with your select few leaders...they can explain the exact why that NWO translation is NOT accurate and is a deliberate mistranslation.

Where I don't doubt your sincerity or intent...your means leave a lot to be desired. Try again...do better. A LOT of men deliberately faced death just so we could have accurate scholarship regarding the manuscripts that have been translated to English accurately. Despite the wishes of some of the most powerful people. Wycliffe and Tyndale following Erasmus to name a few. Westcott and Hort provided a wealth of understanding that really upset the Calvinists and Catholics alike.

There's a wealth of knowledge out there but you have to be selective and careful...more than you have been in where you gamble with your immortal soul with.

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