Yo Barack...can You Spell Kobani?

Most Americans have no idea what or where a Kobani is. And they don't care about the Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, or whatever either. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did.
Not sure how many Americans know where Kobani is, but polls show over 70% are in favor of the air strikes. If you want the US out of the Middle East you are going to have to convince a whole lot more people. It appears that at the present time the vast majority of US citizens want the US involved in the Middle East.

Sadly, Americans have been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know now. Most just expect it and accept it. But the reality is, they gain nothing from all these Wars/Interventions. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites do. They hand over their Tax Dollars and send their children to die so Globalist Elites can get richer.

Just look at Ukraine for example. The U.S. Government is pouring American Tax Dollars in there while VP Joe Biden and his brat son are getting richer. Average Americans won't benefit from Intervention in Ukraine. only Ruling-Class Elites like Joe Biden will. We don't belong there or in the Middle East. Those lands belong to the Peoples of those lands. We should respect that and come home.
Boy, I'm sure glad we got smart people like you to look out for us idiots!!!

Your bias is blinding ... you wouldn't recognize reality if it fell on you ... and it will. It always does.

You personally, will gain nothing from all these Wars/Interventions. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. You'll pay dearly for them. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites will benefit. The sooner Americans figure that out, the better off we'll all be.

Elitism at its finest, and as usual, without foundation ... you know something nobody else knows, and you're not telling because then you wouldn't be elite, would you?
Most Americans have no idea what or where a Kobani is. And they don't care about the Sunnis, Shiites, Kurds, or whatever either. It's time to withdraw from the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did.
Not sure how many Americans know where Kobani is, but polls show over 70% are in favor of the air strikes. If you want the US out of the Middle East you are going to have to convince a whole lot more people. It appears that at the present time the vast majority of US citizens want the US involved in the Middle East.

Sadly, Americans have been conditioned on Permanent War. It's all they know now. Most just expect it and accept it. But the reality is, they gain nothing from all these Wars/Interventions. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites do. They hand over their Tax Dollars and send their children to die so Globalist Elites can get richer.

Just look at Ukraine for example. The U.S. Government is pouring American Tax Dollars in there while VP Joe Biden and his brat son are getting richer. Average Americans won't benefit from Intervention in Ukraine. only Ruling-Class Elites like Joe Biden will. We don't belong there or in the Middle East. Those lands belong to the Peoples of those lands. We should respect that and come home.
Boy, I'm sure glad we got smart people like you to look out for us idiots!!!

Your bias is blinding ... you wouldn't recognize reality if it fell on you ... and it will. It always does.

You personally, will gain nothing from all these Wars/Interventions. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. You'll pay dearly for them. Only the Ruling-Class Globalist Elites will benefit. The sooner Americans figure that out, the better off we'll all be.

Elitism at its finest, and as usual, without foundation ... you know something nobody else knows, and you're not telling because then you wouldn't be elite, would you?

VP Joe Biden and his little brat son are getting rich in Ukraine. That's just fact. And you're paying to make that happen. American Tax Dollars and weapons are pouring in. But like i said, you personally will never see any benefit from that Intervention, or any other. Only Ruling-Class Globalist Elite assholes like Biden will.
SC 10134904
Of course, he, and you, conveniently ignore the fact that thousands are dying while he is dithering.

Dithering? Which world leader was the first to launch air strikes against Daesh in Iraq and in Syria? Haven't heard the 'dithering' crap for quite some time. I doubt you bothered to complain that Bush 'dithered' for a year before deciding to deploy the 'SURGE' in Iraq in 2007. That was dithering of major consequence if you are an American. You do recall that hundreds of Americans died in Iraq while that Right-Wing Republican dithering was going on.
Yeah Obama is jut right there giving them hell. ROFL!!!!
This guy is supposed to be personally directing the air strikes. I guess he does it between toasts at the fundraisers.

do not forget the golf outings, that takes a lot of time and skill.., skill is something he seriously lacks :up:
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
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The USA has always been rather anti-Kurd, in an attempt to appease ally Turkey. That's only changing slowly. US policy had been to try to buy off the Sunnis to get a stable Iraq, a policy that just got us ... ISIS.

Hopefully, the US has learned from that total failure. The Kurds are the only group in the area that possess what we'd call western values of liberty. They're the ones we should be backing, despite whether it pisses of Turkey.
Time to exit the Middle East completely. ISIS is a Western and Sunni creation. All to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a real mess. We need to extricate ourselves from the permanent Middle East quagmire.
New title for this thread: Yo, Republican Dipshits! Can you spell: Iraq under the Maliki government was Iran's best buddy and favorite ally, working directly against US interests. Isis victories in Iraq are the direct results.
Translatuion: It's Bush's fault.
Hey shitface. Bush has been out of office for 6 years. Obama is in charge. Obama has fucked up US foreign policy so badly even our allies are laughing at him.

Invading Iraq on flawed and cherry-picked intelligence opened the door for ISIS. If the invasion would have never happened, the ISIS would not be in existence.
Can you prove that to be a false statement?
And I happen to think that Obama's incompetence also played into the emergence of the ISIS, along with Maliki's incompetence.
Some of us use objectivity, unlike you.
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New title for this thread: Yo, Republican Dipshits! Can you spell: Iraq under the Maliki government was Iran's best buddy and favorite ally, working directly against US interests. Isis victories in Iraq are the direct results.
Translatuion: It's Bush's fault.
Hey shitface. Bush has been out of office for 6 years. Obama is in charge. Obama has fucked up US foreign policy so badly even our allies are laughing at him.

Invading Iraq on flawed and cherry-picked intelligence opened the door for ISIS. If the invasion would have never happened, the ISIS would not be in existence.
Can you prove that to be a false statement?
And I happen to think that Obama's incompetence also played into the emergence of the ISIS, along with Maliki's incompetence.
Some of us use objectivity, unlike you.

I'd really, really, really like to see the logic tree you used to arrive at THAT conclusion!!
Time to exit the Middle East completely. ISIS is a Western and Sunni creation. All to 'Regime Change' Assad. It's a real mess. We need to extricate ourselves from the permanent Middle East quagmire.

Sounds nice in theory; but simply not practical.

The solution is easy; the implementation is what is difficult.
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?

Ok ... look back there, see that line behind you??? That is where we crossed from dumb to stupid.

There ain't no going back.
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?

Ok ... look back there, see that line behind you??? That is where we crossed from dumb to stupid.

There ain't no going back.
I can see you at the head of the line...past moron...into retard.
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?

Ok ... look back there, see that line behind you??? That is where we crossed from dumb to stupid.

There ain't no going back.
I can see you at the head of the line...past moron...into retard.
What an excellent response ... so succinct, on point, mature, and well phrased .... your 4th grade teacher must be proud.
DT 9905010
OBABBLE read my post...major air response underway...somewhere near four bombs dropped on eastern portion of city....goats seen fleeing westward...naked muzzies in pursuit.

To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

On Friday, activists said IS militants withdrew from large parts of the so-called Kurdish security quarter, an eastern district where Kurdish militiamen maintain security buildings and offices. Militants had seized the area last month.

Zardasht Kobani, a 26-year-old YPG unit commander, has been fighting day and night for weeks. Often he and his fellow fighters were short on ammunition and sleep, he said. Now he feels an important victory at is at hand. The battle of Kobani has had a crucial symbolism for both sides.

He said the militants have failed in Kobani and are looking for a way out.

"But IS knows that escaping from Kobani will spell their downfall," he said.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?

Ok ... look back there, see that line behind you??? That is where we crossed from dumb to stupid.

There ain't no going back.
I can see you at the head of the line...past moron...into retard.
What an excellent response ... so succinct, on point, mature, and well phrased .... your 4th grade teacher must be proud.
Au contraire mon fille....she was a nun...always said to be kind to retards...lest I burn in hell.
DT 9905010 To, Delbert. Can you spell Obama. He saved Kobani. Its safe in Texas. You can come out of hiding now. No IS terrorists are even remotely likely to stom across the Rio and behead you. Obama is protecting you.

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani
AP 11/28/14 10:03 AM ET

Inside The Fight Against ISIS In Kobani

Or maybe all the IS murdering, raping Daesh terrorists that you believe so strongly in have been too busy capturing Route Irish from the Iraqi government but the liberal media just wont report it. EconChick has been on that Route Irish you know. That makes her Queen of Itaq or something.
Obabble could not protect Mike Brown from terrorists...right there in the hood...how he gonna protect me?

Ok ... look back there, see that line behind you??? That is where we crossed from dumb to stupid.

There ain't no going back.
I can see you at the head of the line...past moron...into retard.
What an excellent response ... so succinct, on point, mature, and well phrased .... your 4th grade teacher must be proud.
Au contraire mon fille....she was a nun...always said to be kind to retards...lest I burn in hell.

Had her.
kiwi 10252578
kiwiman127 said:
And I happen to think that Obama's incompetence also played into the emergence of the ISIS, along with Maliki's incompetence.
Some of us use objectivity, unlike you.

I'm not sure that saying that 'everyone is incompetent' is all that objective. And the problem is when everyone on our side is judged to be incompetant, then actually no one on our side is held accountable for true incompetence.

Could you explain what 'incompetence" from Obama helped lead to the emergence of ISIS?

I know that the removal of the Baathist (Sunni) Regime from power in Iraq has directly led to the rise of ISIS and the insurgency agsinst the Shiite majority government in Iraq. But it is not clear to me what role Obama had in the rise of ISIS. Or what Obaba could have done to prevent. Having no good options is not incompetence in my book.
ISIL/ISIS overrunning most of Syria and Iraq.....yet dumbfuck liberals are defending their brainless pussy leader.
kiwi 10252578
kiwiman127 said:
And I happen to think that Obama's incompetence also played into the emergence of the ISIS, along with Maliki's incompetence.
Some of us use objectivity, unlike you.

I'm not sure that saying that 'everyone is incompetent' is all that objective. And the problem is when everyone on our side is judged to be incompetant, then actually no one on our side is held accountable for true incompetence.

Could you explain what 'incompetence" from Obama helped lead to the emergence of ISIS?

I know that the removal of the Baathist (Sunni) Regime from power in Iraq has directly led to the rise of ISIS and the insurgency agsinst the Shiite majority government in Iraq. But it is not clear to me what role Obama had in the rise of ISIS. Or what Obaba could have done to prevent. Having no good options is not incompetence in my book.

1) It was Obama's willingness to sabotage the SOFA discussions that would have kept US troops in Iraq, giving them time to stabilize their government and their military. His slavish conviction to removing troops from Iraq directly contributed to Maliki's need to realign his government, and retrench his power base.

2) It was Obama's infamous 'red line' in Syria, and his subsequent inability to back it up, that virtually destroyed the Syrian rebel movement to establish a new government in Syria, forcing the rebels to pick new allies.

3) It was Obama's refusal to adequately arm the Kurds that, when combined with his other policy failures, gave ISIS the opinion that they could take over the whole area ...

4) It is Obama's demonstrated antipathy toward Israel that has driven a wedge in the Middle East.

Other than that, Obama didn't have a damn thing to do with it.
kiwi 10252578
kiwiman127 said:
And I happen to think that Obama's incompetence also played into the emergence of the ISIS, along with Maliki's incompetence.

NF 10254483 regarding kiwi 10252578
Could you explain what 'incompetence" from Obama helped lead to the emergence of ISIS?

SC 10258963 regarding NF 10254483
1) It was Obama's willingness to sabotage the SOFA discussions that would have kept US troops in Iraq, giving them time to stabilize their government and their military. His slavish conviction to removing troops from Iraq directly contributed to Maliki's need to realign his government, and retrench his power base.

(A) When you bring up the SOFA negotiations you are bringing up Bush 43's incompetence at negotiating a long term deal back in 2008. If Bush knew Iraq would not be ready for all troops to be gone by the end of 2011, then Bush should have signed a deal that gave the Iraqis that Bush and I guess you think they needed.

(B) When you say Obama willingness to sabotage the SOFA discussions you must be able to explain just how he sabotaged them. Can you explain how Obama sabotaged the SOFA discussions?

(C) When you claim that Obama;s "slavish conviction to removing troops from Iraq directly contributed to Maliki's need to realign his government, and retrench his power base " you need to explain what is incompetent about 'removing troops' specifically in accordance with Bush's negotiated date for US troop withdrawal from the country. There is no incompetence there. And you also need to explain what you mean by Maliki realigning his government and retrenching his power Base? That makes no sense since it was Maliki that initiated the process against Bush where Bush had no choice but to sign the 2008 SOFA deal wherein Iraqis demanded that all US troops be removed from Iraq before January 1, 2012. I must remind you that Obama contrary to Bush succeeded in getting a ten year SOFA with Afghanistan. There was nothing stopping Bush from getting a ten year deal was there? If there was what was it?

(D) I would like to know how you "know" that keeping troops in Iraq after 2011 would have prevented the rise of the IS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. I prefer to accept Petraeus' judgment that there is no way to know that. “Petraeus was asked: Would it have happened if we had had 25,000 troops still on the ground? Petraeus answered: "No one knows whether forces there would have given us an influence."

No one knows whether forces there would have given us an influence. That’s the question for the ages. They were out of combat, out of the cities and out of the advising. <> So you have to ask what the mission would have been. And again, without knowing what mission Prime Minister Maliki would have allowed them to do, it’s hard to say how much influence they might have achieved, again noting that there was a quite a robust security assistance force and that did not seem to translate. <> As I said, I would have loved to have seen a force remain on the ground. I would have loved it even more if I knew that they were going to have a mission that would allow them to continue to contribute to the sustainment of the progress that was so hard fought and for which so many sacrificed so much during the surge and beyond

I don't think you have defined one lick of incompetence on Obama's part. In fact the situation could have been worse if the US military was seen by the Sunni street as defending Maliki's partisan Shiite government.
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