Yo, Lets Backdoor The Businesses?


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, I can see many unemployed idiots in the future!!! The Socialist will try everything, but it will not work!

Ruling could ease way for unionizing at fast-food chains

Aug. 27, 2015 5:42 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) — It could be easier for unions to bargain for better pay and working conditions on behalf of millions of workers at McDonald's, Burger King and other fast-food chains after a National Labor Relations Board ruling on Thursday.

The ruling, which came from a case involving a waste management company and its staffing company, refines the board's standard for determining when parties can be identified as employers.

The ruling could have broader implications for unions that have struggled to organize workers at many fast-food restaurants, which often are owned by big companies but run by small franchisees.

The companies have said their franchisees — not the companies themselves — have control over decisions about hiring, firing or pay at locations that are run by franchisees. That has made it difficult for unions to organize workers across an entire restaurant chain, since that means they would have to deal with a patchwork of hundreds or thousands of franchisees.

The labor relations board's ruling could make it easier for unions to bargain with corporations like McDonald's on behalf of workers, instead of dealing with individual franchisees. In its decision, the National Labor Relations Board said Browning-Ferris Industries is a joint employer along with Leadpoint Business Services, a staffing agency that supplied Leadpoint with workers.

Ruling could ease way for unionizing at fast-food chains

YoYo the excuses are wearing thin. Every time minimum wage has been raised, we've heard that the businesses will go belly up. It never happens. People should be paid a livable wage and the tax payers should not to subsidize poverty wages.
YoYo the excuses are wearing thin. Every time minimum wage has been raised, we've heard that the businesses will go belly up. It never happens. People should be paid a livable wage and the tax payers should not to subsidize poverty wages.

Yo, they are jobs you don`t work at all your life? If you do? Than you deserve what you get, for not using that little brain GOD gave you FOOL!

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