"You are a bad witness": Why Darrell (The Criminal) Issa helps the Obama's reelection

CaféAuLait;5503009 said:
Please guys..keep pushing this.

Tobi With an I - YouTube


Is that so you can imply racism and or highly suggest such given your OP?

Why is it you think that a Lebanese-American is wanting to whip Holder? Why even suggest such?

I've heard Congressional questioning before from the left and it has been just a direct and not all nicey, nicey if you will.

You do know who we are talking about here, right? Darrell Issa, lowlife scumbag criminal. He's been indicted on stealing a car..and not just any car..a maserati. He skated on that one by the skin of his teeth. He was also arrested with an unlicensed handgun. Another time he dodged a "bullet". Business partners have accused him of arson. And that's when his business, a car alarm company, no less, went bust. Ever hear a car yell "Get away from the car" at 3am in the morning? That's Issa's invention.

Issa was talking up alot of crap before starting these investigations. He had no idea what he was going to investigate..but sure enough..he was going to have 40 investigations a week. He called Obama's administration the most corrupt in history. He cited TARP and the Auto bailouts. You see him hauling in any reciepents of TARP? Or the Auto bailouts?

In any case..the lowlife scumbag may have a thing against law enforcement. He's such a fucking lowlife he blamed his brother for his crimes. So that may be coming out now.

Or he may be a racist prick.

Not sure..help me out here.

I thought it was obama sitting 20 years in Rev "I hate whitie" Wright church's
Obama and Holder will deny the American family of the slain agent from finding out how their son was killed. How dispicable and cowardly.

He got into a gun battle with Mexican drug runners.

Those guns may or may not have come from a badly run ATF investigation.

What's your point here?

Border Patrol is not a safe job. There are risks involved.
CaféAuLait;5503009 said:
Is that so you can imply racism and or highly suggest such given your OP?

Why is it you think that a Lebanese-American is wanting to whip Holder? Why even suggest such?

I've heard Congressional questioning before from the left and it has been just a direct and not all nicey, nicey if you will.

You do know who we are talking about here, right? Darrell Issa, lowlife scumbag criminal. He's been indicted on stealing a car..and not just any car..a maserati. He skated on that one by the skin of his teeth. He was also arrested with an unlicensed handgun. Another time he dodged a "bullet". Business partners have accused him of arson. And that's when his business, a car alarm company, no less, went bust. Ever hear a car yell "Get away from the car" at 3am in the morning? That's Issa's invention.

Issa was talking up alot of crap before starting these investigations. He had no idea what he was going to investigate..but sure enough..he was going to have 40 investigations a week. He called Obama's administration the most corrupt in history. He cited TARP and the Auto bailouts. You see him hauling in any reciepents of TARP? Or the Auto bailouts?

In any case..the lowlife scumbag may have a thing against law enforcement. He's such a fucking lowlife he blamed his brother for his crimes. So that may be coming out now.

Or he may be a racist prick.

Not sure..help me out here.

I thought it was obama sitting 20 years in Rev "I hate whitie" Wright church's

Aside from the non-sequitur..

And the fact..Wright never said he hated white people.

What's your point?
You do know who we are talking about here, right? Darrell Issa, lowlife scumbag criminal. He's been indicted on stealing a car..and not just any car..a maserati. He skated on that one by the skin of his teeth. He was also arrested with an unlicensed handgun. Another time he dodged a "bullet". Business partners have accused him of arson. And that's when his business, a car alarm company, no less, went bust. Ever hear a car yell "Get away from the car" at 3am in the morning? That's Issa's invention.

Issa was talking up alot of crap before starting these investigations. He had no idea what he was going to investigate..but sure enough..he was going to have 40 investigations a week. He called Obama's administration the most corrupt in history. He cited TARP and the Auto bailouts. You see him hauling in any reciepents of TARP? Or the Auto bailouts?

In any case..the lowlife scumbag may have a thing against law enforcement. He's such a fucking lowlife he blamed his brother for his crimes. So that may be coming out now.

Or he may be a racist prick.

Not sure..help me out here.

I thought it was obama sitting 20 years in Rev "I hate whitie" Wright church's

Aside from the non-sequitur..

And the fact..Wright never said he hated white people.

What's your point?

OH God damn that's a fucking lie from hell.
I thought it was obama sitting 20 years in Rev "I hate whitie" Wright church's

Aside from the non-sequitur..

And the fact..Wright never said he hated white people.

What's your point?

OH God damn that's a fucking lie from hell.

Feel free.

Sure FOX has something around that you can link.

What Wright got in trouble for was saying "God damn America".

And he was talking about the illegal invasion into Iraq.

He's also pissed about slavery and Jim Crow.

Some folks think that people like Wright should be passed that.

And generally they are the same folks that condemn other countries like Turkey about the Armenian Genocide..during the Ottoman empire.

Yea, they're desperate. Issa knows what Holder is holding back, he's known all along. Unlike the Chosen One, he is protecting his whistle blowers instead of throwing them under the bus.

Funny thing is Issa isn't looking for political gain, he's looking for the truth. If lefties expect anything less, they are truly lost souls.

Americans, all of them, deserve the truth, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.

:lol: :lmao: :rofl:

i will agree with Bo on this.....Issa is an asshole.....most people in SoCal know this....or should know.....
Aside from the non-sequitur..

And the fact..Wright never said he hated white people.

What's your point?

OH God damn that's a fucking lie from hell.

Feel free.

Sure FOX has something around that you can link.

What Wright got in trouble for was saying "God damn America".

And he was talking about the illegal invasion into Iraq.

He's also pissed about slavery and Jim Crow.

Some folks think that people like Wright should be passed that.

And generally they are the same folks that condemn other countries like Turkey about the Armenian Genocide..during the Ottoman empire.


Just keep thinking that, you wouldn't know a black racist if he was in your skin.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwQWuQVE6sw]BARACK OBAMA Pastor ANTI-AMERICAN Rev Jeremiah Wright Racism - YouTube[/ame]
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Change the channel, dupes- you live in fantasyland- end of story.

Frankie you live in a little bit of a fantasy world yourself fella....your channel is the Disney Channel......try Lifetime......it might be more your speed........
It's like Reagan fighting the Soviets when the real nuclear bomb was our growing dependence on a dead-end energy future. It's like Bush focusing on bearded sand monkeys when the real nuclear bomb was the housing bubble.

Wrong, dick-weed. The REAL threat nuclear threat was the Soviet Union with ACTUAL (and many) nuclear missiles. Damn, you're stupid. You let your mindless partisan hack hyperbole get in the way of reality.

These distractions only work because the public is stupid.

Wrong again, asshole. They weren't distractions. The fact that you try to label them as distractions is because YOU are stupid. True story.

It IS true that some politicians enjoy engaging in diversion and deflection. It is ALSO true that the FOCUS of some politicians is on more peripheral issues rather than on the more pressing and important or urgent issues.

But to claim (as assholes like you do, because it's easy to say) that all politicians do this is quite simply absurd. It is explained by the fact that you dick weed assholes are too timid to think and too lazy to bother with honesty.
Oh...geez ...I keep forgetting, only Democratic politicians play political games.......and only the "lamestream" media uses hyperbole.....

The guy is right....your so called "trickle down" bullshit is killing us, and you'd rather argue about gays, condemn women for having abortions and think however the little corporate spokesperson on the radio tells to.
Pffft ................

My God... the desperation coming from the left to try ANYTHING to prop up their little falling messiah is just getting HILARIOUS.
Jesus, another real racist. How 50's!!! A target with the president of the US on it. You must be a tea party tool. In my book, anyone who uses that sort of imagery against any president, dem or repub, is anti american.
Pffft ................

My God... the desperation coming from the left to try ANYTHING to prop up their little falling messiah is just getting HILARIOUS.
Jesus, another real racist. How 50's!!! A target with the president of the US on it. You must be a tea party tool. In my book, anyone who uses that sort of imagery against any president, dem or repub, is anti american.

Racist, eh? When the same was done to Bush by any other ethnicity did you call them racists too? BTW it’s a urinal cake, it even says so.

Probably a little better than hanging Bush in effigy and all the other horrendous things done to him, Palin and many other right wing candidates. Some of the same has happened to Obama but suddenly its become "racist". The left has so overused that word in the past 5 years ( 2 that Obama was campaigning) it has lost its meaning.
Pffft ................

My God... the desperation coming from the left to try ANYTHING to prop up their little falling messiah is just getting HILARIOUS.
Jesus, another real racist. How 50's!!! A target with the president of the US on it. You must be a tea party tool. In my book, anyone who uses that sort of imagery against any president, dem or repub, is anti american.

Its not anti American to criticize
OH God damn that's a fucking lie from hell.

Feel free.

Sure FOX has something around that you can link.

What Wright got in trouble for was saying "God damn America".

And he was talking about the illegal invasion into Iraq.

He's also pissed about slavery and Jim Crow.

Some folks think that people like Wright should be passed that.

And generally they are the same folks that condemn other countries like Turkey about the Armenian Genocide..during the Ottoman empire.


Just keep thinking that, you wouldn't know a black racist if he was in your skin.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwQWuQVE6sw]BARACK OBAMA Pastor ANTI-AMERICAN Rev Jeremiah Wright Racism - YouTube[/ame]

Lets be clear about the term "Racist"...

  [rey-sist] Show IPA

a person who believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

of or like racists or racism: racist policies; racist attitudes.

Racism is the notion that one particular race is superior to others.

Bearing that in mind, please find the section of tape that shows Rev. Wright engaging in racism. I watched the whole thing and I could not find it.
CaféAuLait;5503659 said:
Pffft ................

My God... the desperation coming from the left to try ANYTHING to prop up their little falling messiah is just getting HILARIOUS.
Jesus, another real racist. How 50's!!! A target with the president of the US on it. You must be a tea party tool. In my book, anyone who uses that sort of imagery against any president, dem or repub, is anti american.

Racist, eh? When the same was done to Bush by any other ethnicity did you call them racists too? BTW it’s a urinal cake, it even says so.

Probably a little better than hanging Bush in effigy and all the other horrendous things done to him, Palin and many other right wing candidates. Some of the same has happened to Obama but suddenly its become "racist". The left has so overused that word in the past 5 years ( 2 that Obama was campaigning) it has lost its meaning.

No one ever made fun of Bush's race.

Obama's been portrayed as a witch doctor, liking fried chicken and watermelon, a street thug, a monkey and a pimp. Those are common associations that are used by people engaging in racism against black people.
LOl, how many threads each week do we see about someone of something helps Obama's re-election..

Last week it was his favoritism over Illegal immigrants was going to sew up his re-election

Yet still a majority of the people Disapprove of him..

Desperate is the right name for it all
LOl, how many threads each week do we see about someone of something helps Obama's re-election..

Last week it was his favoritism over Illegal immigrants was going to sew up his re-election

Yet still a majority of the people Disapprove of him..

Desperate is the right name for it all

Basically..it hardened Obama's support with hispanics. Just as Obama's comments on same sex marriage hardened his support with gay people.

This is while Mitt Romney's been softening his comments on many things and in effect softening his support with his base.

Etch a sketch it is!
CaféAuLait;5503659 said:
Jesus, another real racist. How 50's!!! A target with the president of the US on it. You must be a tea party tool. In my book, anyone who uses that sort of imagery against any president, dem or repub, is anti american.

Racist, eh? When the same was done to Bush by any other ethnicity did you call them racists too? BTW it’s a urinal cake, it even says so.

Probably a little better than hanging Bush in effigy and all the other horrendous things done to him, Palin and many other right wing candidates. Some of the same has happened to Obama but suddenly its become "racist". The left has so overused that word in the past 5 years ( 2 that Obama was campaigning) it has lost its meaning.

No one ever made fun of Bush's race.

Obama's been portrayed as a witch doctor, liking fried chicken and watermelon, a street thug, a monkey and a pimp. Those are common associations that are used by people engaging in racism against black people.

REALLY? who says it's racism, YOU
LOl, how many threads each week do we see about someone of something helps Obama's re-election..

Last week it was his favoritism over Illegal immigrants was going to sew up his re-election

Yet still a majority of the people Disapprove of him..

Desperate is the right name for it all

Basically..it hardened Obama's support with hispanics. Just as Obama's comments on same sex marriage hardened his support with gay people.

This is while Mitt Romney's been softening his comments on many things and in effect softening his support with his base.

Etch a sketch it is!

lol, whatever...it might of "hardened" his support with certain segments of the population, but it hasn't HARDENED his approval with the American people and that is what counts in a re-election..

and Mr. etch a sketch is Obama, or as you all like to call it, he's the EVOLVER for when he needs VOTES..:badgrin:
Yeah it's very sad our evolver in chief has helped reduce the office. At least Clinton and Carter didn't try and change the constitution through crimes/murders. Race may save Obama prison time, I can hear the next administration thinking aloud "OK pardon him" . The left is so full of shit they cant ever be trusted to govern their very nature is anti American.

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