"You are a bad witness": Why Darrell (The Criminal) Issa helps the Obama's reelection

Issa comes off as ignorant to the law, procedure, and precedent.

Likely because he is ignorant of the law, procedure, and precedent.

The ghost of McCarthy still stalks the halls of congress.


Issa is a partisan hack, at least McCarthy believed in his crusade, however perverted, illegal, and un-Constitutional.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the Executive Privilege was asserted when documents related to this investigation where asked for? This was the most extreme measure of blocking the investigation that could have been used by the president no less!

Ignore what fact?

Executive Privilege was exerted in this case because it was a show of support of Holder..who's been at these hearings no less then 9 times.

This is the first time in Obama's term that he's used it. Using Bush as a precedent..he's got 5 more in the bag.

In any case..most of the documents Issa is asking for cannot be turned over because the law prohibits it.
Yea, they're desperate. Issa knows what Holder is holding back, he's known all along. Unlike the Chosen One, he is protecting his whistle blowers instead of throwing them under the bus.

Funny thing is Issa isn't looking for political gain, he's looking for the truth. If lefties expect anything less, they are truly lost souls.

Americans, all of them, deserve the truth, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.

He isn't looking for any truth, he clearly wants to answer his own questions with what he wants to see.
Yea, they're desperate. Issa knows what Holder is holding back, he's known all along. Unlike the Chosen One, he is protecting his whistle blowers instead of throwing them under the bus.

Funny thing is Issa isn't looking for political gain, he's looking for the truth. If lefties expect anything less, they are truly lost souls.

Americans, all of them, deserve the truth, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT the truth.

He isn't looking for any truth, he clearly wants to answer his own questions with what he wants to see.

Anyone ever tell you that you are a stupid son of a bitch? Yes I believe I have reminded you of that a time or two.
so sans evidence you claim Obama has done something criminal here.


Guilty of continuing a terrible Bush program (though renamed) and ramping up the War on Drugs because he doesn't know how to stand up to the right. It looks like he let the agency run wild because it would have been politically dangerous to dismantle the massive federal infrastructure initiated by Reagan (loosely called the "War on Drugs") - which uses strategically fueled hysteria over drugs to beef up law enforcement for the purpose of adding power to federal agencies. This is what happens when you unwind any welfare state, i.e., managing the "have nots" requires more laws and surveillance. The more you concentrate wealth, the greater the need for a repressive state apparatus to protect the status quo.

Obama, of all presidents, should have moved against this structure, but he made the disastrous, failed, unaffordable War on Drugs stronger - and even increased the raids in California on medicinal marijuana. Like Nixon and the EPA, he felt hedged in politically. None the less, he is completing the Reagan vision of giving Washington total power to intervene in the destiny of the states under the guise of "protecting citizens from the evil of drugs". But it's really just a politically viable context to increase law enforcement so that it becomes easier to manage a population whose jobs have been sent to Asia and the 3rd world.

[FYI: the Left uses poverty to grow government; the Right uses Drugs and Terrorism. Problem is: the defenders of small government are controlled by the Right, so they don't see how the Wars on Drugs and Terrorism have resulted not in a safer world, but a more powerful and unaccountable Washington. The problem with government power has always rested with the useful idiots on the Right who can't control their own party]

Reagan replaced LBJ's "War on Poverty" (designed to lift African Americans and the poor up) with the "War on Drugs" (designed to put them in cages - which makes sense if you are unwinding their programs & jobs on behalf of tax cuts). Wherever you see concentrated wealth, you also see stronger federal law enforcement. Nobody on the Right will criticize Reagan for putting all these powerful federal agencies in place. Why? Because they get all their information from heavily controlled sources like Rush Limbaugh and FOX News. They have no idea how much power the Right has concentrated in Washington. It's tens times worse than anything imagined by LBJ. And the Left has just remained silent.
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Look at this:

Six topics in a row at the top of the Politics section, all having to do with Fast and Furious.

And that isn't even ALL the F&F topics.

This seems to happen when someone gets their butt hurt in one topic and decides to repeat their point which was destroyed by starting a new topic.
Look at this:

Six topics in a row at the top of the Politics section, all having to do with Fast and Furious.

And that isn't even ALL the F&F topics.

This seems to happen when someone gets their butt hurt in one topic and decides to repeat their point which was destroyed by starting a new topic.
Or it could mean something new was released from the news and deserves a thread of it's own.
Whats Murdoch... errr... Fox Teevee saying about it now?

Without fox no one would have heard about fast and the furious now the media has been forced to report it. Thank God for fox news.
Obama and Holder will deny the American family of the slain agent from finding out how their son was killed. How dispicable and cowardly.
Change the channel, dupes- you live in fantasyland- end of story.

That's right change the channel ignore the fact that holder lied and obama has a cover up to answer for. This isn't your country anyway.
Likely because he is ignorant of the law, procedure, and precedent.


Issa is a partisan hack, at least McCarthy believed in his crusade, however perverted, illegal, and un-Constitutional.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the Executive Privilege was asserted when documents related to this investigation where asked for? This was the most extreme measure of blocking the investigation that could have been used by the president no less!

Ignore what fact?

Executive Privilege was exerted in this case because it was a show of support of Holder..who's been at these hearings no less then 9 times.

If you lie it doesnt count....oops I mean misled, recant, ect

This is the first time in Obama's term that he's used it. Using Bush as a precedent..he's got 5 more in the bag.

Yeah Bush had to use one on firing political appointees(US Attourneys).....uhhh, that MIGHT have been just a little partisan

In any case..most of the documents Issa is asking for cannot be turned over because the law prohibits it.

What law? And what are in these documents, the secrets to Area 51? Or the Assissination of JFK?
Likely because he is ignorant of the law, procedure, and precedent.


Issa is a partisan hack, at least McCarthy believed in his crusade, however perverted, illegal, and un-Constitutional.

Why do you keep ignoring the fact that the Executive Privilege was asserted when documents related to this investigation where asked for? This was the most extreme measure of blocking the investigation that could have been used by the president no less!

Ignore what fact?

Executive Privilege was exerted in this case because it was a show of support of Holder..who's been at these hearings no less then 9 times.

This is the first time in Obama's term that he's used it. Using Bush as a precedent..he's got 5 more in the bag.

In any case..most of the documents Issa is asking for cannot be turned over because the law prohibits it.

Do you know what Executive Privilege is and when it can be used? Hint Nixon tried using it when he did not have the authority to use it, and see what happen to him
"You are a bad witness": Why Darrell (The Criminal) Issa helps the Obama's reelection

If you think this scandal is going to help Obama you are out of your flippin mind. An American border agent is dead because of this. This will be Obama's undoing.
Please guys..keep pushing this.

Tobi With an I - YouTube


Is that so you can imply racism and or highly suggest such given your OP?

Why is it you think that a Lebanese-American is wanting to whip Holder? Why even suggest such?

I've heard Congressional questioning before from the left and it has been just a direct and not all nicey, nicey if you will.
CaféAuLait;5503009 said:
Please guys..keep pushing this.

Tobi With an I - YouTube


Is that so you can imply racism and or highly suggest such given your OP?

Why is it you think that a Lebanese-American is wanting to whip Holder? Why even suggest such?

I've heard Congressional questioning before from the left and it has been just a direct and not all nicey, nicey if you will.

You do know who we are talking about here, right? Darrell Issa, lowlife scumbag criminal. He's been indicted on stealing a car..and not just any car..a maserati. He skated on that one by the skin of his teeth. He was also arrested with an unlicensed handgun. Another time he dodged a "bullet". Business partners have accused him of arson. And that's when his business, a car alarm company, no less, went bust. Ever hear a car yell "Get away from the car" at 3am in the morning? That's Issa's invention.

Issa was talking up alot of crap before starting these investigations. He had no idea what he was going to investigate..but sure enough..he was going to have 40 investigations a week. He called Obama's administration the most corrupt in history. He cited TARP and the Auto bailouts. You see him hauling in any reciepients of TARP? Or the Auto bailouts?

In any case..the lowlife scumbag may have a thing against law enforcement. He's such a fucking lowlife he blamed his brother for his crimes. So that may be coming out now.

Or he may be a racist prick.

Not sure..help me out here.

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